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The air rang with battle shouts and the clash of steel on steel. flashes of light lit the sky, giving glimpses of the battle. the two armies clashed, bodies falling on each side. the small group crouched in a ditch, staring up at the walls confronting them

Deara glanced at the sky, where the moon was reaching it's height. "Let's go" She said, leading the way along a series of trenches towards the wall. They met not a shred of resistance. all of his forces focused on the assault on his gates. at the base of the wall John stepped forward. he muttered a spell, and a shimmering ladder appeared. 

"Hurry up." He muttered. "I don't know how long this will hold."

They all scrambled up the ladder. Deara and Mitch sprang up as soon as they reached the top, holding off the Pigman guards that swarmed the spot. They pushed them back, buying the rest of the group time to make it up the ladder. 

They fought their way off the wall, making their way into the inner fortress. They could still hear the battle going on outside, but it was muffled by the fortress walls. 

They reached the throne room with almost no contest. with a mighty shove Mitch opened the doors,. Herobrine sat on the throne, a smug look on his face. Tim stood next to him, his face blank. 

As they stepped through the doors, they slammed shut, and a squad of pigman stepped in front of the, cutting off any hopes of escape. 

"As cliche as it sounds, I've been expecting you." Herobrine laughed, a sound that sent a chill down their spines.

Mitch drew his sword with a rasp, pointing it at the figure on the throne. "And as cliche as this sounds, your reign of terror ends now."

Herobrine stood, a sword forming in his hand. "You have made a mistake. You won't live long enough to regret it. "

Without another word his sword was swinging at Mitch. Jojo ran to help, but found his way barred by Tim. his face was sad, but determined. 

"I'm sorry Jojo, but I can't let you do that."

Jojo shook his head, drawing his sword. The katana glinted in the torchlight. "don't make me fight you Tim."

Tim hesitated, before pulling a knife out with his free hand.

"I'm sorry." He said, before throwing the knife.

Jojo closed his eyes, expecting to feel the jarring impact of the knife any second. Instead, he heard a sharp cry of pain. Tim's arm was extended, not at him, but at Herobrine. 

Herobrine growl, but did nothing more than glare at Tim for a second. "I'll deal with you later." he said, before returning to his fight with Mitch.

But his momentary distraction was long enough for Mitch to gulp down the potion, tossing the empty bottle aside. He met Herobrine's strike without so much as a stagger, instantly striking back, driving Herobrine before him. They battled for several minutes, Herobrine falling back under Mitch's onslaught. It was clear that he was not used to battling someone with his own strength.

Mitch struck out one last time, driving his sword home. Herobrine hissed, growling out one last sentience. "You will pay for this Traveler."

Mitch grinned. "Bring it."

With that Herobrine shrank into a single spot of shadow, before disappearing. The mobs gave an ear piercing shriek and disappeared as well, their summoner gone. The rest of the group lowered their swords, peering out of the room. they carefully made their way to the wall, where the troops were celebrating.

They had won.

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