Chapter 14

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Get horny bitchez

Afanas POV

I walked into her room grimly.

I do not like being on fucking babysitting duty. There are hundreds of men that could do this, but Sinister insists that its me that should fucking do this.

she sat on the bed, her eyes bloodshot, her face unmoving.

Did that asshole get her stoned?

She didn't even flinch when I walked over to her.

She looked...baked.

Her eyes were red and unmoving. Her body was stiff.

She had an hour before Sinister was coming, she needed to fucking sober up.

Shit takes twice as long when you're high.

This little bitch has probably never gotten stoned before.

I stepped in front of her vision and I saw she was holding a finished joint.

I pulled it out of her grasp and threw it out.

Her eyes frowned at me.

"Calla, you need to shower, teper'" (now)

She looked up at me lazily, and held up her hands.

Like she wanted me to fucking carry her.

"Suka, I'm not going to fucking carry you. Get the fuck up."

She frowned and tried to get up, but of course she fucking couldn't.

This girl is so small that she would be stoned in two hits.

Sinister would be pissed the fuck off if she wasn't ready.

Fuck it.

I grabbed her by the hips and hoisted her into my arms like a child.

Her chin rested on my shoulder and her legs wrapped around my waist as she clung to me.

Fuck this.

I carried her into the bathroom, and turned on the shower.

I sat her down on the closed lid of the toilet seat.

"Calla you need to get in the shower. It's going to be cold, but it'll help you sober up."

she bit down on her lips and gave me a look that would make any man take her right then and there.

I cursed under my breath and turned to leave when I heard her whine.

I turned back to her and frowned.

Her head nodded back and she began to fall of the seat.

I ran to her side and held the bitch upright.

Whatever Sinister gave her was stronger than weed.

He was so fucked up.

And so was she.

Of course she wouldn't know that whatever he gave her wasn't weed, this kid has probably never even smoked weed before.

"Help me." she whispered.

What the actual hell.

She tried to take off her halter top, and almost fell flat on her face with effort.

She fucking wanted me to fucking undress her.

If I undress her, then I'm not sure if I can not fuck her.

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