Chapter 24

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"Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them."

I had Sinister Velkov thrust upon me.

I woke up wrapped in fluffy white sheets, in a bright fancy looking room, without a clue on how, or when I got into this situation.

I threw the blankets off myself and groaned as I felt sinister velkovs thousand dollar suit jacket wrapped around me.


Realization dawned on me as I walked into the room of the Devil.

His icy eyes looked at me as I walked in.

I bit down on my lips awkwardly as he stood in the center of the room.

His face was stone and unreadable. I felt myself hesitating, I mean, he was a big ass guy, he was fucking scary.

"You're going to finally be useful." He stated, he hiked up the collar of his shirt, hiding the black ink that snaked around his neck.

This guy is such a prick.

"I need you to be for a trade conference"

Wow, a trade conference actually sounds so norma-

"For drugs."

Of course. I mean he was a mob boss, it's not like this guy can actually live a normal, halfway mediocre life.

I cocked an eyebrow for him to further explain.

"My weaponry partners in Russia have decided to expand their horizons, and further trade in types of...paraphernalia, they're expecting a trade in exchange for drugs we will receive weaponry. Suka, I'm not telling you this because I care enough for you to know, I'm telling you this because you have to know. You can't be standing by my side, smiling like a little whore. You need to take this seriously. Everyone in this conference is a trained killer."

I bit down on my lips and took a step back. I had no other choice, I was purchased, I'm property, and I have no say in my future.

"When do we leave?"

His brows furrowed together, a small smile formed at the tip of his lips.

"You're certainly not going out looking like you do now."

I frowned as I caught my reflection, makeup was smeared under my eyes, and I looked like shit.

He continued, "we leave at five o'clock, suitcases have been placed in your closet, your evening attire has already been set out."

I looked at a digital clock hanging on the wall, "it's eight o'clock, what the hell am I supposed to do for the next nine hours?"

I glanced back at him and he seemed distracted, his thumbs were tapping rapidly on his phone.


He looked up, and glared at me.

"What?" He seethed.

I ignored his raging temper, "what am I supposed to do for the next nine hours?"

He went back to his phone, "I don't give a fuck, Suka. Now give me my jacket back, you probably ruined it with your whore stench."

He ripped the soft fabric from my shoulders and left the hotel room, slamming the door behind him.

Moody bastard.

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