Chapter 31

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Calla POV:

I walked down the back stairs of this massive compound, my heart raced in fear of being discovered by a mobster.

I remembered when I had first been brought to the compound, there were warehouses in the garage.

My brief self defense lesson with Afanas probably wouldn't pay off, considering we barley even practiced. So if I was to come across a Russian goon, I'd better Usain Bolt the fuck outta my legs.

I reached the end of the side stairs, and made a left down that long ass hallway. The one that Afanas had dragged me down on that first day, which was literally like a week ago.

I heard muffled voices, and I quickly hid behind a door. Two massive men emerged from a doorway. They spoke heavy Russian and I quickly translated it.

They were talking about "some poor bastard" that Sinister would "teach a lesson".

I frowned, my heart rate slowly picked up and I held my breath as the men passed me.

I waited a few moments before sprinting down the hall, until I came across the massive steel doors that the men had just emerged from.

I sucked in a breathe as I creaked open the door, the massive "garage" set out before me.

Storage units lined the walls, a group of men gathered in the center.

I slipped behind a storage self, giving myself plenty of view of the commotion.

There was a man and a woman in the middle of the group, they looked to be tied to chairs.

I crept forward to get a better view, making sure that I was well out of sight.

The woman was young, her short brown hair was wild. Her face was bloodied and bruised, her lip was busted, black smeared under her eyes, and mascara tear marks stained her cheeks. She wore a skimpy outfit, a green laced bra, and tiny high waisted mint green skirt. Her bruised feet were strapped in a pair of stilettos, one of the heels was broken.

The man next to her had to be in his thirties or so, facial hair grazed his upper lip. His face was much worse off than the girl, his teeth looked to be knocked out, his right eye was swollen shut. I cringed at what looked to be a broken nose, blood poured out of his nostrils.

I glanced at the men around the room, most of them I didn't recognize, until I came across a familiar face.

He was greasy looking, with a cruel smile and I immediately recognized him as Vince's friend, the one who attacked me when I first got here. Sinister had killed Vince, and left his friend go with a very persuasive warning,

I watched as he approached the girl, she trembled as he came close to her, tears poured down her face as he pulled a gun from his waistband.

I glanced once more around the room, my attention drew to Sinister and Afanas who stood at the head of the group, watching as Vince's creepy friend approached the girl.

"Cindy..." Vince's friend said slowly, he ran the barrel of the gun along her cheeks.

She let out a yelp as Vince's friend gripped a handful of her hair, tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Homey, would you care to tell me how Mr. Moretti, and twelve of his men gained access to our compound?"

She shook her head, tears poured down her face as she sobbed.

Vince's friend threw her head back, and smashed the barrel of the gun into her face.

she let out a shrill scream as blood flowed from her nose, which was no doubt broken.

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