Chapter 7

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They say that the eyes are the mirrors to the soul.

His soul was stone and dead.

His eyes were steel and demonic.

What was worse, was that he was terribly good looking, with dark slicked hair, and a towering height. He was built, but not too muscular, his presence screamed power. He looked like death, a dark and beautiful death. What was so scary, was how beautiful his darkness really was.

He had an outline, pure definition, beautiful flawless skin.

He stared at me, those dark murderous eyes. His expression remained still and silent. His jaw was set and he just stood towering above me.

He wore a dark suit, his stance was tall and flawless and I felt myself shrinking away from his stare.

"Get up." He said and took a step back.

My hands shook as I struggled to stand up.

I was scared out of my fucking mind.

I felt the tension in the room as I stood. I felt everyone's eyes on me.

I met Afanas's indifferent eyes. He stood to the side of Satan, his hands folded behind his back.

Satan remained staring at me, his gaze was unforgiving.

I felt myself feeling the need to cower under his gaze. But I wouldn't. I promised myself I would make this mans life a living hell, and he seemed like the kind of guy to take pleasure from another's fear.

His eyes roamed my still body.

I stood straight, trying my hardest not to cower under his stare.

His head turned ever so slightly, as if motioning to something and suddenly the world was in motion.

Afanas grabbed my arm and I was being led away from Satan, his eyes never left me.

I felt the panic rise through me as I tried to pull out of Afanas's grip.

His grip only tightened, his nails dug into my arm.

He dragged me through the warehouse, my heels kept slipping on the cement.

He pulled me down a hallway, I felt dread pooling inside of me. The halls were massive, with locked doors at every corner. Every other minute, gun shots erupted behind the locked doors. I didn't want to know what lay behind those doors.

"W-Where are we going?" I asked.

He glanced at me, "you need to get ready."

I opened my mouth to say something, but I didn't know what.

Get ready for what?

Just as I was about to ask, he spoke.

"You should tell Velkov."

"T-Tell him what?" Just the mention of his name made me tremble.

"That you're Russian. Better tell him now before he finds out. And trust me, he will find out." He pulled me through what looked to be a garage door, and suddenly, we were in a house.

It was massive, and dark looking. There were halls and doors surrounding all of the walls.

Afanas was quick, he quickly pulled me through a side door that led to a confined stair case.

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