Chapter 41

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The slimy fucking bastard held me to him, and I watched with complete horror as two men sat on the other side of the room, holding a fucking video camera.

"Shh, stop crying. Now. It's bothering me."

I let out another sob as he pressed his lips to my neck, I pushed against him, but he was too strong, I had lost the fight inside of me that begged for me to push back.

He threw me on the bed, and I felt the agony and dread flow through me like the ocean. And I drowned.

"W-What about Brie?" I tried

He scoffed, "she encouraged this, actually. She'll support anything to get back at those Russian scum, and anyways..." He grinned "she knows I like a good fuck."

That cruel, snake-like smile that will forever stain my memory.

I let out a scream as he began undressing me, hot tears burned down my face as I struggled against him, but it was no use, I was not strong enough.

He pulled back my fail, and his lips smashed against my face. I bit back at him, pressing my hands flush against his chest as I struggled to throw him off me.

He just pressed harder. His hands tugging at my clothes, pulling the dress off me.

"I'm going to fuck you calla." He growled into my ear, he raised his voice "and I'm going to make Sinister Velkov watch."

I let out another shrill scream as he took off his pants, and I prayed for God to take me now. To kill me so I don't have to endure this anymore.

I wanted to die.

Just as I felt him about to enter me, just as he was about to rape me, there was a hail of gunfire.



We traced the vans plates back to the Italian compound, with the southern Mafia with us, we were fucking indescribable. It had taken us so long, because these fucks covered their tracks well, we had gone on a total of 13 false leads until we finally tracked down these fuck heads to their puny compound.

It was about midnight, we had thrown grenades into the guard towers, and our snipers had taken out the men that were at the front of the building.

We broke into the main building of the compound, Afanas, and I weren't holding back, killing every fucking living thing that stood in our way.

An armed man came out from behind me, but I was faster, taking my knife I lodged it into his skull, retracted it, and shoved it right through the bastards heart.

Afanas opened his mouth to say something to me when we heard a familiar scream.


I bolted up the stairs, knocking down the door I heard the scream come from.

I saw the bastard immediately. He lay on top of calla, on top of my little flower.

Without hesitation, I raised my gun and shot him in the head.

Antonios men retaliated almost immediately, firing rapid rounds as I dove behind a desk.

Peices of wood and debris flew across the room as I glanced up, watching as Calla fell back on the bed, unconscious.

I heard Afanas yell from behind me as I raised my AR-15 and released a thousand rounds on these worthless humans.

Blood spattered across the room, and they were all dead.

I cursed under my breath as I ran over to the bed, taking calla into my arms, and sobbing into her skin.

My flower, my beautiful little flower....

I held her tightly to me, shaking as I cradled her into my arms.

Her eyes suddenly flew open, and I froze as I saw her holding a gun, I quickly moved away from her only to see that she had pointed it not at me, but at someone behind me.


The blonde stood, holding a hand gun, pointing it at Calla.

"You fucking cunt!" Brie screamed as the gun shook in her hands "do you know what I've done for you?? What I've fucking DONE FOR YOU?! YOU'RE A WORTHLESS SLUT!!!" She screamed "I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YO-"


the gunfire erupted from callas pistol as she collapsed in my arms, completely unconscious.

I cradled the only good thing left in this world in my arms, sobbing into her skin, holding her like at any moment she would disappear.

I had my flower back.

and I would never let her go.

Not edited ~

YO OKAY 3 UPDATES IN ONE NIGHT (4 including the authors note) I'm pretty great. I love you all so super much :)

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