Chapter 52

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Sinister's POV:

"Why the fuck are we landing?"

I sighed, glancing at the very cross looking girl that stood in front of me.

"Because, Calla, the jet is out of fuel, and when that happens, it means we have to refuel."

She looked very pissed off, I don't exactly blame her, but there was nothing I could do. The jet had been fueling up when we hijacked it, but it only had enough to get us to California. We had already contacted LAX airport to notify them we would be landing momentarily. If we didn't contact them, they would no doubt shoot the jet down.

Afanas pulled me aside, he looked concerned as fuck.

"Dude, what're we going to do about the pilot? If we kill him, then we're fucked. If we leave him alive, we're fucked."

I shrugged, "Kill him when we land, when the airport discovers we're flying a French Mafia jet, and search the plane...we'll be long gone."

"When you called the airport, did they suspect anything?"

"Well there lies the problem...the jet is registered under the French Mafia, no matter what mob we are apart of, there will no doubt be law enforcement waiting for us when we land."

He cursed under his breath, "I guess that means there is no time to refuel?"

I shook my head, " definitely not. As soon as we land, there will be cops everywhere. I will do what I can to talk to them, but worse case scenario, it's going to be a shoot out. I will not be arrested, and I will not let them take Calla away."

He raked his hands through his hair, "we have grenades, and plenty of ammo. We're about to land. I'll kill the pilot, you go explain to Calla our little...situation."

I sighed, my hand gripping my .9 mm as I felt the wheels of the jet touch down.

Calla sat, curled into a ball, her blue eyes widening as she saw my serious face.

"Whats going on, Sinister?"

My eyes drifted down to the ring on her finger. I made a promise to protect her, and that is a promise I have every intention of keeping.

"Look, we're landing in California, when we finish landing, there will be cops everywhere. The jet we're in is registered under the French Mafia. I need you to stay hidden in the bathroom until I tell you otherwise, am I clear?"

Her blue eyes flashed with fear, "I don't understand...whats going to happen?"

I held her arms, "Do you trust me?"

"Yes." She said without hesitation.

I pulled her to me, pressing my lips against hers quickly, and feverishly. Savoring the taste of her sweet lips.

I pulled away from her, "I love you, Calla." I said desperately, before ushering her into the bathroom.

I heard the door lock, and I sighed pulling out both of my .9 mm pistols.

The plane halted to a stop, and I walked into the cockpit just as Afanas slit the Pilots throat, and shoved the body into the jets closet.

I heard the sirens from outside the jet, Afanas gave me a small salute, before pulling out his AK-47, and tossed me a grenade.

"Please, exit the jet with your hands up!" came a booming male voice.

I shoved the guns and grenades into my jacket pocket, unfastening the lock on the door as I stepped out into the warm California air.

I held up my hands, almost laughing at the dozen police cars scattered across the runway. Officers were hidden behind their cars, guns raised, awaiting orders from the man who had beckoned us.

He looked important, he wore a bullet proof vest that read FBI, a megaphone in one hand, a pistol in the other.

"What is your name?" He called out, I recognized his face, Michael Mulder, the chief of the FBI. I had to hold myself back from laughing at the irony of the situation. The Russian Mafia owned this man, we sell his unit guns and hand criminals over to him. We had practically purchased his entire jurisdiction 6 years ago.

"My name is Sinister Solvact, Mr. Mulder. I believe a chat is in order. Have your men lower their weapons."


Sinister's POV:

"What do you think you're doing here, Mr. Solvact? You can't just show up here, in a stolen French Mafia plane, and expect me to get you out of this situation."

I chuckled, "well that's where you're wrong Mr. Mulder, because that's exactly what I expect you to do."

It's so cliche. He had his men surround the plane, and bring Afanas and I in for "questioning". It's all a show. I know the hold I have on men like him, but I'm willing to play the puppet, just as long as Callas safety is reassured.

"What do you expect me to do? My boss will fire me for this. I can't just let the Russian mafia boss, and his second in command , go." He was perspiring quite a bit, he knew that this would end badly for him either way.

"Then I suppose you're fired. Either that, or I cease affiliation with your jurisdiction, you will be fired for conspiring and receiving arms from the Mafia, and not to mention, your family will certainly pay the price. You have a daughter don't you? From what I understand, she just got accepted into the university of her dreams. What a shame, to lose a life so young, with so much promise for a great future."

Afanas chuckled next to me. He was just as demented as I was.

He slammed his shaking hands down on the table, "fine. You both may leave, I can say you escaped, or something of that nature."

I cocked my head to the side, "you're forgetting my wife, Mr. Mulder. Have you men retrieve her from the jets bathroom."

He let out a frustrated growl, "you're not making things any easier. A wife Mr. Solvact? Did you have ruin that poor girls life?"

My face hardened, "Do not say anything against my wife, I will kill your entire family if you even mention anything against her again."

His eyes widened, "fuck. Fine." He pulled out a walkie talkie. "Search the jet, look in the bathroom, bring whoever you find to me."

I raised my hand, "Also, Mr. Mulder. I do believe I may have left the body of a pilot somewhere on board. Hope that's not too much trouble for you to take care of."

He shot me a look that would kill any man.

Calla's POV:


Cops had barged into the bathroom, dragging me off the jet and across the runway. I dug my heels into the ground, the concrete ripping away at the flesh of my feet.

The men pulled me into the building and shoved me inside, but not before I landed an excellent blow at one of the men's balls.

They released me as soon as we entered the room, my body flew out of their grip and I landed into a pair of strong, familiar arms. I glanced up at Sinister, his bright eyes glinted humorously at me.

"You mister" I jabbed my finger at his chest "have a lot of explaining to do."


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