Chapter 22

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Embarrassment, rage, shame, and confusion.

My mind was clouded and crammed with hundreds of thoughts and worries that I couldn't quite figure out.


I'm a woman, I get "sexually aroused".

I hadn't been touched by a guy in months.

My vagina was lonely.

Afanas is a good looking man who wore the 'I want to fuck you till' you can't walk" eyes 24/7.

Boom. It isn't rocket science.

Sure, getting fingered by the man who had personally destroyed your life isn't the best idea.

But I'm a woman who was very horny.

Instead of filling me with more pleasure like a good boy would do, he told me it was a mistake, a fucking mistake.

Bad boy, meow.

Now here I am, scrambling to my feet, pulling my shorts up, my face hot and red from pure embarrassment.

Afanas paced around the room, cursing his fucking head off in Russian.

His dark predator eyes were wild, crazed, and angry.

He raked his hands through his hair, and he walked over to me.

"This" he motioned between us "never happened."

I nodded slowly. My face went impossibly red. Deep sadness poured into my heart, drowning it.

He breathed, "you have to get marked now. Get up."

He walked past me, hitting into me as he marched away.

Sooo extra.

"bystro." He spat "we don't have all day." (Quickly)

Shut. Up. 

we weaved our way through the halls, walking through a set of doors that led to that massive hallway I had walked though on my first day here.

I faltered, pausing my steps. I hesitated.

Apparently, my hesitation was irking Mr. Bipolar over here, because he suddenly grabbed my arm with such force, I thought he popped my arm out of its socket.

"Fuck!" I yelled as his nails drew blood onto my skin.

"Walk like a normal person, useless Suka."

"I'm sorry I'm not an inhuman fucking terminator like you."

He pulled harder on me, "just shut up."

I opened my mouth to yell something at him, when I stopped myself.

Why be verbal, when I can just do this....

I held up my middle finger.


He scoffed, not even bothering to retaliate as he pulled me into a locked room near the end of the long hall.

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