Chapter 25

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Sinisters POV:

I was down at the yacht Marina, discussing with my business asscociates our plans for this evening when suddenly I got a call from Damien, my head of travel security.

"Sir.." He sounded out of breath, I didn't even need to hear any more to know exactly what the fuck happened.

"She just took off, dlya kroshechnoy veshchitsy, ona uverena, chto mozhet bystro begat."
(For a tiny thing, she sure can run fast)

I shook my head and cursed silently, "do you know her whereabouts?"

"The beach, we're sending out men to drag her off the beach, but I thought to call and inform you first."

"No, no. Don't send your men, don't make a scene. I'll take care of this."

I hung up without waiting for him to respond.


The first thing that hit me as I stepped foot on the beach, was her body.

Her sweet fucking body that could make any man fall to his knees.

Her ink black locks flowed around her shoulders as she jumped around, her tiny bikini leaving almost nothing to the imagination.

The second thing that hit me, was the group of horny fucks that surrounded her.

My rage boiled as I saw her giggling with some blonde bastard.

My temper exploded as I saw him grip her around her waist, his lips were pressed into the crook of her neck.

I let my fury take control and suddenly I pulled out my gun. I heard nearby people scream.

I stalked towards them, my suit jacket stuck to me as I approached the group. My men began arriving and they surrounded the perimeter, ushering nearby people to leave.

"Merde." I heard one of the little pricks curse.

"Get your fucking hands off of her, before I kill you."

Immediately the blonde kid let go of her, and Calla stumbled back, her doe eyes wide as she glanced at my gun.

"Whoa dude...calm down." One of the pubic fuck heads stuttered.

"You do not touch, what isn't yours." I growled as I raised my gun to the dumb shit.

All I saw was red, red flooded my vision as I felt my finger on the trigger.

Just as I was about to pull the trigger, Calla stepped in front of the barrel.

"Sinister!"  Her sweet voice pierced through the red as I focused on her.

"Let's, uh, go back to the hotel room, yes?"

The gun was still raised, I froze when I felt her warm little fingers wrap around my free arm.

She was almost pleading with me.

I felt myself shaking, the urge to shoot this fucker was so strong.

I don't know why he wasn't already dead.

He touched my property, he wanted what was mine.

My finger found the trigger again, but Calla pressed her forehead tighter to the barrel of the gun, her other arm wrapped around mine.

She was trembling, "Sinister...please."

I broke eye contact and looked around, my men secured the area, so if I decided to shoot any of these wimpy shitheads, I would be covered for.

I could, I really could, just let my anger have a release with one pull of the trigger.

I felt her bring me back by giving me one last pleading look, and suddenly I gave in.

I lowered my gun, and the guys all looked relieved, especially that Barbie boy fuck head.

My hands were shaking, I still felt the rage inside of me and all I needed was a release.

"Thank you..." She said softly.

I shook my head gruffly, grabbing her by the thighs I swung her over my shoulder, her body landing roughly over me.

I heard her whimper slightly, her hands grasping onto my shoulders for support.

I gripped her hard and I turned away from the trembling boys, I walked roughly back to the hotel, as I walked past my men I growled to them.

"Make sure none of them talk."

I practically ran to the hotel room, my hands shook with fury.

The second we entered the hotel room I threw Calla on the couch and stalked away.

I held my head in my hands and took deep breaths as I attempted to calm myself down.

Adrenaline pumped through my veins, my knuckles craved something to crush, my fingers ached to pull a trigger.

I reeled my fist back, needing a release of anger. I had every intention of smashing the wall with my fists, when calla called out.


I managed a glance at her, and immediately regretted it

She stood in the doorway, wearing next to nothing.

Her thighs looked so creamy and inviting, and all I wanted to do in that moment, was put myself between her thighs and have my way with her.

She had these high cheekbones, beautiful doe eyes, and ruby lips. I felt myself become shakier just looking at her.

"Fuck off." I growled as I turned away from her.

I expected her to walk away, hell, I needed her to walk away.

Instead she crossed the room, and did the last thing I thought she would do.

She hugged me.

She wrapped her little arms tightly around me, and pressed her face into me.

I felt myself hesitate, but I then realized that this felt good, it felt good having someone to hold.

I returned the gesture, wrapping myself around her, I held her slim, bare waist in my hands.

Her breasts were pressed tightly against me and I rested my chin on top of her head.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed this small, peaceful moment.

This moment of bliss, and there was a beautiful angel in my arms.

~~DON'T HATE ME!!! Short chapter, but a good lead up to a FUCKING AWESOME CHAPTER (coming out tomorrow)

Guys I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened to me. I just didn't have any time to write and I didn't know what to write about and I was just SUPER stressed.


Comment ideas, who you think Calla should end up with, and new characters
that you think should be apart of this story.

I love you all (: thank you for annoying me with comments and spams until I finally got my ass into gear and wrote another chapter.


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