Chapter 53

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I'm a mothafuckin ninjaaaaaa


Callas's POV:

"No bitch" I muttered, jabbing my thumb towards the backseat "I sit shotgun, you get the backseat."

Afanas shot me a glare that could kill, but I honestly did not care. Sinister had taken a massive risk, his only real game plan was to try and kill an entire police squadron. It was pure luck that he happened to have a weird hold on the FBI agent. He could have fucking died, and he left it all to chance.

I was definitely not in a good mood.

I sat in the passenger seat, listening to the piercing sound of Sinister hot wiring the sleek, black Maserati.

"Who's car is this anyways?" I muttered.

"The FBI agents car." Sinister shrugged as the car roared to life.

He peeled out of the LAX parking lot, the car swerving past pedestrians as we flew down the road.

"How far away is the compound anyways?"

Sinister pulled out a cigar from his jacket pocket, "about a two day drive."

He shifted his position in the drivers seat, lighting up the Cuban cigar, not even bothering to have any hands on the wheel. I hate being in love with someone so reckless, someone who destroys lives.

But I couldn't help myself. I hated him when I first met him, he ruined my life. He took everything from me. But have you ever met a person, that at first glance you weren't attracted to, but then you talk, and with every word, every smile, every laugh, they become more beautiful, until you can't believe there was ever a moment you didn't think they were.

That was Sinister to me. You never know how truly damaged a person is, until you try to love them. His dark hair, tall and lean build, tattoos snaked around his neck. And his eyes, his bright, brilliant, iced eyes. He had beautiful eyes. The kind you could get lost in. And I guess I did.

I shut my eyes tight, hoping to find a time where my life could be normal. When I could go to the mall with my friends, where I could write bad words on hoodies and wear them whenever I wanted, where I didn't have to worry about being shot at, kidnapped, or beaten. 

"We'll drive until we get to Houston, we'll stay at a hotel." Sinister puffed out a cloud from his cigar. 

I sat back into my seat, pressing my head against the glass of the window. 

"Carly said she misses me." Afanas chuckled darkly as he tapped away at his phone. 

"That's cute."  I smiled.

He sighed, "No, its clingy. I'm not a good man for her, relationships never last in the mafia" he glanced between Sinister and I, "well, in most cases."

Afanas pulled out a debit card, and small bottle full of a powdery substance.

"Are you seriously doing cocaine right now?"

"Yes ma'am" he winked "It's how I deal with life's problems." He tapped out a large quantity of the white powder, gathering it in a thin line with the card, and snorting it up his nose.

His phone buzzed with a text message, he sighed, shutting down his phone without even looking at it.

"Was that Carly?" I asked.

He gave me that sad, lopsided smile, "Drugs may kill you, but they'll never break your heart."


Sinister's POV:

I pulled into an old diner, just outside of Houston. It had been a quiet car ride, the only sounds that could be heard, was the soft rhythmic breathing of a sleeping Calla, and the sound of Afanas's lighter working overtime.

It was my job as his best friend to help him through all the girl shit he goes through. But it had never happened with Afanas before. He was just like me, before I met Calla, he never slept with the same girl twice. It was like a massive revolving door of prostitutes for him, but he seemed to genuinely enjoy spending time with Carly, and I knew that scared the shit out of him.

I nudged Callas bare shoulder softly, "Flower, we're stopping for something to eat."

Her blue eyes flashed open, "good" she said softly "I want Taco Bell."

I grinned at her, "it's a late night diner, sweetheart, I don't think they have Tacos."

She huffed as she stepped out of the car, "You don't know everything."

Afanas stumbled out of the car, very high, and very stoned. I chuckled at his blood red eyes as we made our way inside.

At the waitresses table there was a pretty enough woman, she had the whole "I'm a porn star and my name is Kitty" look goin' on.

Her white collard shirt was unbuttoned a little too far, her shorts hiked up, and her makeup was heavy.

"Hi there boys, what can I do for you?" she smiled seductively at us. Sometimes I wish I was ugly, then I wouldn't have to deal with desperate bitches.

I felt Calla press herself into my side, I could tell by how tense she was, that she was trying to hold back from making a snarky comment.

"kusayte svoy yazyk, tsvetok." I whispered quietly. (Bite your tongue, flower).

"My name is Brittany, I'll be taking care of you handsome men." She winked, her southern accent made it hard for me to understand.

"Thanks." I muttered, watching as she gathered the menus together.

Her darkly colored eyes flashed up towards mine, "what's that accent? Are you Russian?"

"Da." I nodded boredly

"That's so hot." Her red lips pursed together.

"YA deystvitel'no pytayus' zdes." Calla said tightley. (I'm really trying here). Calla moved closer to my side, pressing herself into my chest, making it clear we were together.

Brittany's eyes glanced between Calla and I, her eyes darkening, but her smile grew.

"That's cute, but I bet a sweet little girl like that, can't fuck as good as I do." she leaned forward a bit, giving a perfect view of her over sized breasts.

Calla stepped forward, holding up her ring finger, "Hi sweetheart. You see this? It's called a ring, it symbolizes marriage, something you'll never experience." She smiled sweetly.

Brittany's faced turned sour, "Excuse me bitch? What makes you think you can talk to me like that?"

Calla crossed her arms, her blue eyes flaring. "Maybe its the fact that you look like the bottom of my foot? Or maybe. just maybe, its the fact that standing anywhere near you makes me want to drink bleach."

She grabbed my hand, turning around and out of the diner.

"Go fuck yourself!" Brittany screamed.

"At least I can get dick!" Calla shouted back, a small smile forming on her face.

I felt like exploding with laughter, my babygirl can certainly hold her own. Afanas was cracking up too, he was so high he couldn't stop from exploding into laughter.

"Now" Calla huffed "get me some fucking Taco Bell."

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