Chapter 44

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"Sinister, what the fuck is this?"

He smiled innocently, "a proposal ?"

Holy fucking big sack of balls. It's an engagement ring. A beautiful, white gold, diamond engagement ring. The word flower was delicately engraved on the ring in cursive.

I heard everyone around the tree gasp, as they watched me lift the ring from the box.

I glanced at sinister, and I saw he looked nervous, his jaw clenching and unclenching, he bit down on his lip, his eyes wide with apprehension.

I felt all of my emotions mix together, "I-I don't know what to say...Sinister, I-I don't even know how old you are, I just...I don't know."

He chucked nervously, "I'm 27."

Oh, I was trembling, I didn't know what to do, or what to say.

He smiled softly at me, "Calla Levkin, I know I have been the worst kind of person to you in the past, I know that I have put you through hell and back, I know that I am not an easy person to be around, but Jesus Christ , I love you. I choose you. And I'll choose you over, and over again. Without a pause, without a doubt, in heartbreak, in death, for the rest of my fucking life I'll keep loving you. Marry me, because I will never drug you again, marry me because you're the one I want to wake up with every morning, marry me because I want to grow old with the girl who brightens my world with just a smile. Marry me, because I will always protect you, and always hold you close. Marry me, because you will always be my precious, beautiful little flower."

Holy shat. Tears streamed down my face, as Sinister fucking Velkov dropped down to one knee, holding the beautiful ring in front of him like a promise. His iced eyes glittering in front of the tree. His beautiful smile was full, and without hesitation, completely  real.

"Say YES!" I heard Afanas yell, he had a genuine smile on his face as he nodded at me.

I glanced back at sinister, my entire body was shaking to the core, and I nodded.

"Yes, y-yes I'll marry you."

Fresh, hot tears streamed down my face as he slid the ring onto my finger.

I held my hand over my mouth as I sobbed, Sinister jumped up, holding me tight in his arms as he covered my face with a thousand kisses; a thousand promises.

I held him tight, my beautiful Russian Mobster, pure and perfect.


2 weeks later.

"I think I'm going to kill myself."

"No no no no, Calla don't do that." Carly chuckled as she was finishing my makeup.

"I'm going to do it, let's do it, I'll get my pet shark to eat me."

The curvy brunette laughed as she slid a coat of lipstick over my lips.

Her and Afanas have actually stayed together, they might actually even be dating, I'm not sure. Afanas is a complicated man.

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