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Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 

Kitten Prologue - A wolf in the meadow.

© 2013 Katie

Kittens p.o.v

The suns light warmed the tiny meadow that had become my sanctuary, the dandelions and lavenders created a soft array of colors and smells that lingered in the calm breeze.

Stretching out my tiny paws i let out a light yawn, being a Kitten shifter was great, i found myself growing fond of the gleeful feelings I gained while laying in the sun.

A small plot of land in the middle of the woods, there sat a small cabin, my cabin. The cabin held nothing more than one room, a kitchen and a bathroom, I'm not sure how the electricity was still turned on but I did not question it because it gave me warmth.

The cabin itself was a tiny red building , with yellow shutters and a green door, the color pattern itself was not something I would have chosen for myself.

A breeze blew across the meadow , the dandelion seeds blew around in circles as if dancing along with the calm summers song. I found myself chasing after the dandelion fluff feeling elated and carefree.

Suddenly a butterfly flew into my vision, the monarch fluttered there for a moment as if taunting me with its beautiful wings.

With a hiss I pounced at the butterfly who easily evaded my attack, crouching down in the grass I squared off my shoulders , taking slow steps forward my eyes never left my prey.

'Im so ninja!' I mused to myself , as the butterfly remained on the flower before me 'hell never know what hit 'em' I giggled slightly before pouncing at the butterfly once more.

Xanders p.o.v

Today was my day to patrol the borders, recent reports of increasing rogue attacks had forced us to raise the amount of security we had around our pack.

I am next in line to become Alpha and as such my pack expects me to keep the women and children safe, the warriors expect me to lead their battles and return them safely to their mates.

It felt as though I was gaining the weight of the world along with a new title, the only issued I still had was meeting my mate, a werewolf can not officially take his place as Alpha until he had his Alpha Female.

Lately my parents have been pressing the issue, wanting me to go out and find my mate or at least consider allowing them to arrange a marriage for me.

The thought of an arranged marriage makes me skin crawl, rich snobby Alphas daughters, that think you owe them the world.

'I need to retire some day son, I cant stay Alpha forever..' the words my father spoke echoed in my mind as I looked out over the forest.

Lush green trees shadowed the forest floor, tiny lights peered through the leaves of the canopy making it seem like they were streams of light . The pollen and dirt in the forest seemed to twinkle and shine in the rays as the wind kicked up a small tornado of sand.

I watched the small tornado for a while before the wind carried along a scent I was not sure I would ever smell. My heart raced as I slowly followed the scent, vanilla and strawberries invaded my senses as my wolf tried to urge me along faster.

My paws pounded on the dirt as I raced through the trees, it dawned one me as I ran that we had not been patrolling this part of our border, I made a mental note to speak to my soon to be beta about this when I returned to the pack house.

Kittens P.o.V

Sitting on a rock sulking I gave a small growl at the butterfly who still seemed to be taunting me as it fluttered around in my meadow. My tail flicked side to side as I licked my lips, ' Stupid butterfly..' I grumbled inside of my head as I glared at it.

Steeling myself I decided to take one last dive at the butterfly, I crouched down and readied myself once more.

My paws left the ground and I let out a small growl as I landed on the butterfly with a triumphant purr. Just as I was about to bite down on my prize a low growl in the grass caught my attention. Slowly I backed away as a pair of yellow eyes looked back at me from the bush.

My heard hammered in my chest, as the eyes watched my every move, I arched my back to make myself look bigger as I backed away.

The animal seemed to find this humorous as it stepped out of the bushes to reveal a massive wolf. His fur was a bright silver, and his eyes were a bright yellow in the suns rays.

Growling at me the wolf lowered its head, I let out a hiss and arched my back once more. To the wolf I probably looked like a tasty snack, to a human I probably looked like a cute angry kitten.

Try as I might I couldn't intimidate the wolf who sat there tilting his head to the side as I mewed and hissed at him.

The wolf approached me fast thing time, causing me to panic, I tried to run away but tripped over my own paws.

Spinning around onto my back I looked up at the face of the wolf , who at this point was sniffing me and blowing air out of his nose as if huffing in annoyance.

With a loud mew I hissed and scratched his nose before darting off towards the Cottage, but I am sure I wasn't the only one who felt it, a jolt of electricity as my paw came in contact with his nose.

Xanders p.o.v

I watched as the tiny kitten darted off into the tall grass, my wolf growled and wanted nothing more than to chase after the tiny creature.

"She smells like our mate." my wolf spoke suddenly.

"Always pointing out the obvious." I retorted with a small snicker, causing my wolf to growl within my mind.

Following the scent trail of the tiny kitten I finally noticed a cottage in the distance, no lights were on, but the faint smell of my mate lingered in the air.

"I should ask father about this place.." I spoke to my wolf as I sniffed the air, my wolf simply grumbled in agreement before we decided to make our way back home.

If only I had known then, I might have went into the house that day, but how was I to know what she was.

Kittens p.o.v

Late that evening I sat down on my bed gazing out the window at the moon. Shadows cast down upon the meadow from the trees, the wind making it appear as though the shadows were dancing in the moons gaze.

It was a calming feeling for me to be able to look out on the moon like this, to be able to feel so happy as I gazed upon it.

" I wish you were here... I wish i remembered you better.." I whispered to the only thing I had left of my parents, a heart locket with a photo of each of them in each side.

I do not remember much about my life, or my parents, the only thing I remember was waking up here in this cottage, with a note.

My name or my age was not written on the note, but a credit card and a phone number with instructions on how to get a job and survive. The note itself was not even signed it was just simple instructions that still seemed odd to me.

Pain filled my chest as I thought about my parents, as I thought about why they left me here on my own, and why they never came back for me.

Why could I not remember their names, or even their faces?

Was I being punished? Did I do something wrong?

The more the questions fluttered around in my mind, the more I felt the tightness in my chest. My brain wanted to remember but my heart wanted to forget.

Laying myself down on my bed I forced my eyes to close, I began to drift to sleep only to have my dreams haunted by the wolf in the meadow.

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