Never look at another man like that.

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The intention to live as long as possible isn't
one of the mind's best  intentions, because
quantity isn't the same as quality.

-Deepak Chopra


Kitten- Chapter 7 : Never look at another man like that.

Xanders p.o.v

It had been a week now since Kitten has met  my family, every time she is here Hawk follows
her around giving my father a much needed  break. Kitten has taken to Hawk spending great
deals of time with him out in my yard, watching her out the window I let out a soft sigh.

"You sound like your day dreaming.." My mothers soft voice broke into my thoughts,
turning to face her for a moment I smiled and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

"I want to tell her, but I'm afraid, what if she tells me no?" I felt like such a coward, asking my
mothers advice on a woman who was meant to be with me from the start.

"If she says no, then you just try again, annoy her til she caves, that's what your father did." My
fathers booming laughter came from the living room before he stepped into the kitchen.

"Ah yes I will never forget the thrashing your brothers gave me too." They smiled at each
other lovingly and I sighed once more.

"Alright im going to tell her." Walking out the door she was laying on the ground with with
Hawk, she was teaching him how to make daisy chains when he looked up at me.

Throwing the flowers to the ground Hawk looked embarrassed "I was only doing it to make her
happy!" I watched as he ran away shaking my head, kids are so funny.

"Daisy chains huh?" Kitten smiled up as she held one out to me, I placed it on my head and
gave her a little bow. "Does it match my eyes?"

Batting my eyelashes at her as I put my hand on my chin.
The sounds of our laughter carried out across the yard, as we calmed down Kittens eyes
studied my face. Her eyes held such love and adoration as she gazed at me .

"I never want to see you look at another man like that.." I spoke without thinking and winced
at myself , almost painful to speak those words out loud so suddenly.

"W-what do  you mean?" Kittens innocent voice carried over to me, I looked up at her as those
Emerald eyes stared back at me. Reaching out I placed my hand on Kittens cheek slowly leaning in towards her, I watched as her breath hitched and she closed her eyes. Gently my lips touched hers, a soft quick kiss , but one I would never forget. Pulling away from her slowly I was graced with the sight of her bright pink cheeks and soft shy smile.

"Kitten, would you be my girlfriend?" I wanted to tell her that we were mates, I wanted her to know what that was, but most of all I wanted my mate to love me for me , not because she felt like she had to.

"S-stop messing with me Xander.." Kitten whispered as if she didnt believe me , so i took
her face in my hands and kissed her once more, with a bit more passion this time.

"Please don't make me beg you.." I whispered as I pressed my forehead against hers, Kittens
raspy intake of breath told me I had gotten what I wanted , but I still wanted to hear the words.

"Of course Xander.. Yes.." at that moment I didn't care if she whispered or yelled, she said

Picking kitten up in the air I spun her around "She said yes!" I shouted, the sounds of
clapping could be heard from the pack house.
Looking over my shoulder Nate, my mother , my father, little Hawk and a few other pack
members stood clapping their hands.

Kitten looked down at me and tilte her head

slightly "Whats going on?"

Kittens P.o.v

Ever since I had agreed to be Xanders girlfriend he has been non stop smiles, other
than that not much has changed. We still joke around, but sometimes he kisses me, today he
is taking me to work at Mr.S supermarket.

"So you only work here once a week right?" Xander asked for the fifteenth time and I let out
a small laugh.

"You're not going to die without me , im only working until six." i looked to Xander who had a
completely defeated look on his face, after all that smiling.

"Come on Xander dont do that.." I whined as i looked over at him, he made me feel so guilty about leaving.

"Alright but ill be right here when you get out, ill come early if you want me to .." Smiling brightly
at Xander I nodded my head.

"If it makes you feel better, ill see you after work then." leaning over I kissed him on the
cheek lightly making my way out of the truck.

"wait a minute.." Xander grabbed my face in both of his hands , gently he pressed his lips
against mine "Ill see you later.."

Reaching out I patted his head lightly , "Ill be back before you know im gone." I tried to be
reassuring as I climbed out of the truck and ran into the supermarket to work for Mr.S.

"Oh-ho I saw that!" Mr.S chirped as I entered the store, my face flushed red as  I spun
around to face him.

"Its not what you think?" sounding more like a question that a statement I silently cursed
myself for saying it.

"Uh huh, bring him in next time I want to meet him." Mr.S had the serious face for a moment
as he lost himself in thought.

"Okay.." I agreed , there was no use arguing with him, he is the only person who has cared
for me all these years, him and his wife.

"That's a good girl, We had a new shipment come in this morning, canned goods , could
you set to work on that." Nodding my head I walked to the back of the store.

I was in the middle of my shift when Mr.S told me he had to run down to the bank, just to listen
for the bell and continue my work. The chime went off and I stood up making my
way to the front of the store, "Welcome to Majors Market." I looked up into a pair of deep
brown eyes.

The man stood at least six foot tall, his aura radiated danger and power as he walked
towards the counter.

"What isle is the milk in?" he asked in a gruff voice, I gulped slightly and watched as his
nostrils flared.

"F-far left coolers.." I watched as he sniffed the air, a dark sinister smile appeared on his face
as he made his way across the store towards the milk.

Something about the man was off, to the way he looked at me to the way he sniffed the  air
around me. My senses told me that something was wrong, but I didnt know what.

The man didnt say much more to me as he paid for his milk, as I handed him his change he
grabbed hold of my hand. Staring down into my eyes he pulled my hand close to his face, I
shuddered in disgust as he licked my hand and let out a groan.

"Kitten.." he said in a deadly quiet voice, before releasing my hand and walking out of the store,
My heart hammered in my chest as I ran to wash my hand.

"Disgusting!" I muttered as I scrubbed my hand red, "So gross.." I whined as It felt like my skin
was raw now.

Mr.S returned not five minutes after the weird confrontation, his usual bubbly happy self, I
made sure to make a note to tell Xander about this.

Xanders p.o.v

Signing off on pack papers gets to be annoying day after day, but some things just needed to
be done even though you didnt like doing them. "Xander!" My mother yelled from downstairs , I
groaned internally before opening the door to the office.

"Yes ma!?" I hollared back down to her.

"Someones here to see you!" raising a brow curiously I walked down the stairs to see
someone standing there I hadnt seen in years.

"Zain why are you here?" Were the first words to come out of my mouth, my mother sighed
and slapped my arm lightly.

"Is that any way to greet  your brother.." my mother scolded as she took Zain by the arm
"come on lets say hi to your father.." as she started to walk away mother turned around to face me "Were having a barbeque for your mate tonight, so be sure to come straight home."

Zains eyes took on an evil glint as he smiled at me "I heard my brother had found his mate."

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