Worst fears

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Chapter 19 : Worst fears


I shot up from my slumber to see my father holding my baby girl, I didnt understand what was happening right now but I couldn't use my voice.

I tried moving but my body felt still it was as though everything was moving in slow motion. My father looked over and saw my wandering eyes , jumping up he came over and showed me my daughter.

"Hey are you okay?" he asked leaning down, I coughed trying to make my voice work, I felt tears roll down my cheeks as I strained my body to move.

"Its okay, let me get the doctor okay?" My dad rushed from the room, my baby still tucked safely in his arms, I felt fear engulf me as if I were stuck here against my will.

"Alright lets have a look here." A nurse spoke as she walked into the room , pulling out her clip board she checked over all my last given medicines before flashing a light in my eye.

"Shes almost catatonic Ive never seen anything like this before, I have some medicine its the equivalent to the humans version of adrenaline, it will help her wake up from the birthing process." I watched my dad nod as he walked towards me again.

Reaching down my father wrapped his larger hand around mine, slowly her picked it up and put it on my baby girls cheek, I felt myself smile softly I wanted to say hello , i wanted to kiss her.

As if sensing my worries my father sighed and leaned down using his free arm to drag me to his chest, setting us together in the middle of his massive arms I felt so happy. Looking into the eyes of my baby girl, it was almost enough to make me forget about all of my troubles. Almost.

Twenty minutes later I was able to move again, the first thing I did was signal to my dad "What do you need?" He came over and leaned over me, I pointed to the necklace on my neck.

"well lets see how we get this off." my father grunted as he fiddled with the necklace a bit, even tried to snap it off. He succeeded in giving my a minor case of whiplash and a fair bit of nausea, but the necklace remains.

"Is this why you cant talk and feel weak?" my dad asked, I nodded my head quickly and pointed to a pad of paper. Quickly my father ran over and handed me the paper with a pen and looked down as  I wrote out.

"xander came to me in a dream warning me, but it was too late, keep the baby away from zain and get Dean." My dad read the letter and nodded his head, walking out of the room he kept my baby close to his side. My wolf wanted the baby with us but right now we are too much of a danger to our own daughter.

I heard the hurried footsteps of Dean and my father long before they came into my room, Dean nibbled on his bottom lip before reaching out stroking one of the gems.

I felt limp suddenly and Dean cursed under his breath storming out of the room. I looked to my father who just shrugged as I let myself collapse to my knees feeling drained.

I let out a silent scream when Dean busted through the door with a grunt throwing a now bleeding Zain to the floor. "Give me the key boy!" Dean punched Zain once in the jaw and I watched as a tiny Emerald rolled out of his pocket.

Dean snarled I could his his feline stalking behind his eyes, before he reached down picking up the stone, walking over to the wall he smashed the rock and it was like a sudden vice released my neck.

Gasping like a fish out of water I felt as the chain turned to dust around my neck falling to the ground in ash piles. "T-thank you Dean." I coughed out , he just nodded at me glaring at Zain with disdain.

"Did you think you could get away with it?! " Dean shouted, I felt like my energy was renewing , must be that dang drug the doctor gave me.

Growling I stood up, I felt my wolf and she was more than ready for blood. Using the strength I didnt know I had I lifted Zain off the floor by his neck slamming him to the wall "Wheres our mate!" My wolf snarled, i felt as my bones began to snap.

"I-I dont know!" he cried .

"Liar!" My wolf hissed I felt it as my hands turned to claws "You abduct my mate, endanger my pup!" my snout began to elongate as I let out a snarl in his face.

"W-wow I havent seen someone do a hybrid shift since... well since the alpha king.." Dean whispered, I didnt have time to think of that as I squeezed tightly around Zains neck.

Spit flew from my jaws as I snarled deeply , using my free claw I made his eyes look into mine "I want to watch the life leave you, my mate is worth more than your life." Fear flashed in his eyes , my wolf was pleased.

"H-hes on t-the territory still..."Zain coughed out, i let go of his throat slightly intending to listen. "Theres an old warehouse, Kain figured out how to hide our scents with some weird perfume called Demibloom." I let my mind whirl around where I might have seen that building , with a snarl I threw Zain to the floor "Get a guard up here and get him thrown into the cells, then I want all of your men" I pointed to Dean , "And your men" I spun around to a shocked looking Tom who was standing in the door "To meet me out front , mates and babies stay with my father."

No one questioned me as I felt my skin slowly retract to its human size. Shaking myself off I took a ragged breath "Dont worry Xander , im coming." I whispered to the moon, time to save my mate.


I could barely move when my eyes opened, the room was blurry but I could feel someone gently touching me with something warm and soft. "Come on now baby lets get you cleaned up, so I can have some fun." stacey purred, my head was whirling and I couldnt get a response from my wolf.

"W-what are you doing to me." I croaked out, everything felt off , my body wouldnt work the way I wanted it to.

"cleaning you of course baby, couldnt have you dying on me when I have planned out our lives together." Stacey spoke as if this was perfectly normal, her eyes trailed down my body and I felt myself shudder in disgust.

"Stacey you need to stop this... Kain wont hesitate to kill you and me when he gets what he wants." I decided to try and lure out what he wanted , see if Stacey would tell me the ultimate goal of this sick and twisted plot.

"Hah, hes probably got your pup and halfway to the other side of the world by now." Stacey spat with venom in her tone, my wolf stirred.

"My pup?" I asked in a dangerously low tone, Stacey laughed in my face before poking my nose lightly.

"Yea your pup and that bitch mate, i hear shes going to be the first to die." Stacey let out a cackling laugh, I felt my wolf fighting the drugs slowly trying to wake himself up. He needed to take care of his family.

"Now come on and let me get a taste.." Stacey whispered as she began to kiss my neck, I growled and tried to shake the table but the silver burned my wrists when I pulled. "Be a good boy and maybe youll get a treat.." Stacey smelled of cheap perfume and too much makeup.

"Ill make you real ha-" he was cut off by a loud bang, turning my head I could barely make out the figure in the doorway because of the blinding light, but when I heard her voice I felt my heart sing and my wolf stir even more.

"Get the fuck off my mate!" my beautiful Kitten snarled, I chuckled lightly at her cursing, I knew it was the worst time to chuckle but her cursing was like seeing an angel pee in someones yard.

Stacey began to shake as she backed up away from me, running to a cell she quickly closed herself in with a scream as Kitten paced in front of her .

"Give me the keys and tell me where my Beta is!" Kitten snarled deeply as Stacey threw the keys out and pointed in the opposite direction.

Rushing to my side Kitten unhooked my arms then my ankles , turning she threw the keys to Dean who ran down the path to find Nate.

She turned to face me looking at me with so much love, then she slapped me.

Yup , Slapped me hard across the face , the sound echoed around the entire ware house.

"OW?!" I said loudly, but before I could get mad her lips crashed to mine, lifting her up I felt the sparks between our lips. Anywhere my body touched hers began to tingle with new life.

My wolf was finally awake and more than ready to kill someone, we were broken apart from our heated make out session by the wolf whistles of Dean , Tom and Nate.

Kitten leaped off me and ran over to Nate, i wanted to growl when she jumped into his arms but when I saw the tears I knew me being jealous would only hurt her more.

"Daddy told me your my guardian... why didnt you tell me before?" Nate smiled at her then up at me, everything made sense now, guardians grow a loving bond with their royal charge.

"I wasnt supposed to.." Nate admitted sheepishly, Kitten hugged him one more time before running back over to me.

"What do you say we go get this meeting with Kain over with." Kitten growled, everyone let out small growls of agreement as we stalked out the door.

The small meadow outside of Kittens cottage was filled with wolves from both sides. Kittens army also had feline and Osa, Kain looked hesitant when he saw how many strong and when he noticed his prisoners free.

"I have Stacey, and Zain you have no more pawns left in this game, give up now!" I snarled , Kain laughed a dark sinister chuckle as he shook his head.

"No my dear Alphas, you may have won this round, but the games havent even begun." with that a swirl of black fog engulfed him. The wolves that were with him vanished and I looked down at Kitten.

"Lets get back to the baby, we can work with dad and keep tabs on Kain, we also need to give a trial to Stacey and Zain." She whispered as she let herself mold into my side as we began to walk in the direction of the house.

"No trial , they will die, im sending them over to Alpha Damien hes our torture then kill kind of man, we take his extra kids and he gives us warriors or takes prisoners." I explained and Kitten nodded her head slowly.

"But why no trial?" Kitten asked confused, I loved her kind heart so I smiled leaning down to kiss the top of her head.

"Because they trie to hurt my mate, the alpha of our pack and the future queen of the wolves." I watched as she made an 'o' with her lips.

"well if you put it that way.." she said slowly , letting out a low chuckle I rubbed her shoulder with one hand.

"Of course I put it that way.." Looking up at me Kitten stuck her tongue out, I just leaned down pressing my tongue to hers. Letting out a squeal of happiness Kitten ran into the house with me on her heels.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw my baby girl in the Alpha Kings arms. It really was an odd sight to see. She practically disappeared in his bicep but he held her so gently like a piece of glass.

"Say hello to your daddy little one.." The Alpha king cooed as he handed the baby over to me.

I was shocked and happy, my wolf was purring in content, bringing her to my chest I let out a sigh all of my pain from my torture seemed to disappear.

Nate came over followed by Tom and Dean, we all sat around chatting that night. Soon after my parents came home, everyone passed the baby around. Im sure she was happy with the night.

When we finally layed down to sleep for the night I pulled Kitten close capturing her lips with mine "I love you baby.." I whispered honestly.

"I love you too....." Kitten whispered back, pressing my lips to hers once more I pulled her against my chest and sighed allowing sleep to come easy.

(a:n/) the next chapter will probably be the last one in this story, then we will be going on to number 2.

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