Zains Venom

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(a/n:I will just be putting the names , instead of POV , but the names will be in bold font so it shouldn't make a difference, but didn't want people to get confused without the pov.)

Kitten- Chapter 9 : Zains Venom


It had been two days since Zain told me that Kitten actually enjoyed his attention, it was like a slow working venom that seeped into my veins as I pictured the scene before me.

I've spent the majority of my time avoiding my tiny little mate, every time I pass her in the halls or in the kitchen she gets this hopeful smile. I should have just spoken to her but no  I was a coward, afraid to know that she could even think of another man romantically.

Kitten was not drawn to me the way I was to her, the power of a werewolves bond is unbearable at times. Being apart from your mate will create a gape in your chest that nothing can fill but them.

I had enough pouting and sitting around, I had to speak to Kitten , I had to know for sure see the truth in her eyes. Standing up from my desk I decided it was just going to have to happen, it was time to stop running from it.

Walking out of the office I saw my mother sitting in the kitchen laughing lightly, Nate stood leaning over the counter between my mom and Kitten.

I dont know why it happened, I don't know why I suddenly snapped, but Nate wrapped his arm around Kitten and I lost it.

A gentle friendly arm around the shoulder, for the briefest of seconds , I had Nate by the throat pinned against the wall.

Faintly in the distance I heard the panicked screams of my mother and my mate, but the one sound I could hear clearly was the blood pumping in my ears.


I wanted his blood for touching her , for being near her, for making her laugh.

I was torn from Nate forcefully by my father, slamming into the wall on the other side of the room I took deep breaths to steady my vision and try to rake in my wolf.

Kitten leaned down beside Nate, as her hand reached out for his I let out a growl, she should be over here checking on me not worried about him.

"Zain was right.." I growled and watched as my father stiffened.

"What do you mean by this Xander?" I wanted to just admit I was being a jerk, but the nagging sting of the vipers bite sent another wave of venom through my veins.

"You enjoyed your time with Zain didn't you?!" I shouted , my anger directed towards my tiny shaking mate.

Her tiny body broke into a fit of tremors, it was only now that I had realized my claws had extended slightly, which meant my eyes were now yellow.

I probably looked like Dr. Jekyll right now, half man half beast, having a complete mental breakdown in the middle of my own home.

I waited for her answer as she stood there shaking , large tears pooled down her face as her little hands clenched and unclenched at her sides.

Looking down at my mother with those big emerald eyes Kitten spoke quietly " I didnt.." I watched as she shifted into her Kitten form, her tiny form flew down the hall way skidding across the wood floor as she went.

"What has gotten into you man?!" Nate shouted as he finally gained use of his lungs.

I didnt know how to respond, I sat there staring down at my hands as my claws slowly retracted. "I dont know..." I said quietly, did I become one of those monsters, the ones you read about in story books?

"Kitten.." I whispered and looked up at my mom, she nodded her head and went off down the hall in search of the tiny ball of orange fluff.

Soon everyone was searching the house, calling out to Kitten, some even went as far to use Cat treats. The idea of her eating animal food kind of disgusted me, but I decided to keep that information to myself.. well In case she actually does enjoy it.

"I really just think shes hiding somewhere and wants to be alone, she will come out when shes ready." My mother assured me once more, I sighed deeply and nodded my head.

"I need to sleep.." I whispered as I got up on my feet, I stopped mid step and turned to my beta with a sad smile.

"Im sorry Nate.." he smiled at me as if it never happened and patted me on the shoulder once.

"Its alright, plus not being mated will make you feel crazy inside too, your brother seems to have just doused the flames in gas is all." Nate took a deep breath before he grabbed my shoulder and looked me dead in the eyes "for what its worth man, I dont think she would ever do that to you, the way she looks at you..." shaking his head at me Nate patted my shoulder once before walking off in the other direction.

I knew it was true, Kitten wouldnt do that to me, yet here I sat wondering how I had let simple words make me that angry.

How did I let it go this far, to the point that I was the object of Kittens fear. With a heavy heart I slowly padded my way up the stairs to my room.

As I turned on the light I felt a smile come to my lips, laying in a ball on my pillow was a very tired orange Kitten.

walking over to the bed I nudged her lightly, startled she rolled off the pillow and nearly went off the bed.

Scooping her up in my hands I sat her on the center of the bed and walked to my closet. Picking out my longest shirt I dropped it in front of her and turned my back to her.

A few moments later she cleared her throat and I spun around, her eyes held so much worry that I had to take a sharp inhale of breath.

"I, i know you dont love me anymore... B-but I couldnt sleep a-and your scent it calms me.." I didnt let her finish that sentence as I pulled her into me, my arms worked their way around her waist and my lips found hers.

It was a deep passionate kiss, Pouring my heart into the kiss I felt her tremble as my hands rubbed against her sides.

Heat of the moment, we were caught up in each other, nothing but the sounds of our breath could be heard as the sheets tangled in and out of our bodies.

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