A date at the fair

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(A/n: Please tell me what you think of the new cover, im going to make a few more and change them now and then if you dont like it. p.s I spent a lot of time on this chapter)

Kitten - Chapter 10 : A date at the fair.

If you treat a first date like an interview, it will feel like one. just be yourself and let your personality shine. - unknown.


It has been four since Xander attacked Nate, although we had heard nothing from Zain or had any kind of threats, I couldn't help but feel this was the calm before the storm.

When I sleep I can feel something deep inside of me, something within my soul that is calling out to me. My Kitten doesn't want to come out and play as much, she just purrs in the back of my mind as she sleeps.

'Lazy cat.' I muttered in my head, she merely let out a breath of air before licking her paws and laying down.

I had been spending some time with Xander and his father, we had my DNA sent to a few shifter hospitals and doctors, but no one matched, not a single person.

I was reading through the results in a new file that arrived today, sitting at the breakfast table I had failed to look up and see we had company. Flopping down on the chair I bit my bottom lip and turned the pages over, I nearly leaped out of my chair when someone cleared their throat in front of me.

"Hello." the man before me spoke, his eyes shifted colors for a moment and my Kitten came forward eager to see who this was. His smell was what made her crazy, not for blood or sex but he just smelled interesting.

"Who are you?" I felt my own eyes shift as I looked at him, at first his expression mirrored shock then a grin broke out across his face.

I studied him for a moment, my Kitten was very interested , she wanted to play pounce run around. His forest green eyes looked almost like hers , but the flecks within his own eyes were blue, his red hair was cut short like a military man and he wore a very expensive suit.

"My name is Dean , Alpha of the Dusk pride." he reached out and shook my hand I smiled and accepted briefly before pulling my hand back to my side.

"You said pride not pack, why?" I tilted my head to the side, he smiled even brighter at me and shook his head.

"Oh Xanders in trouble, I am not a wolf I am a lion, and I am the Alpha of the big cats." Dean explained as he shrugged his shoulders " We will be expecting Tom Alpha of the Osa clan and Luke son of the King, all by next week so Xander can introduce you as his mate, since he has bitten you I assume you are ready to become Luna."

I let out a growl in the back of my throat, it sounded small compared to others , but it was a cats growl none the less. Dean laughed a bit as he watched me, his eyes danced in delight.

"Mind telling me whats so funny?" I grumbled as I looked back down at the file red with embarrassment.

"He didnt tell you about the party, but may I ask are you a feline as well?" Dean had to ask me that , I could see the question in his eyes and my cat wanted to be known.

"Well yes, but im no lioness.." I started.

"Oh tigress?" Dean sat forward a bit interested.

"No im not a big cat im a ..." I tried once more but of course dean smiled once more.

"Are you a lynx?" Shaking my head I watched as the smile disappeared from his face and he scratched his head.

"Im a kitten." I said lowly and he looked up at me instantly.

"A kitten?" He questioned and I nodded my head, "Would you show me?"

"Show you what?" Came Xanders voice as he walked into the kitchen, I smiled up at him as he leaned down and kissed me on the forehead lightly.

"He wants to see my cat." I explained and Xander chuckled nodding.

"Hes the leader of the feline pride, hes always interested in a new species of cat." Xander explained and I scrunched up my brows with a frown.

"New species?" Xander nodded and Dean shrugged.

"I have only heard of one other Kitten shifter, was a long time ago now but now one is here in the flesh! " Dean was ready, leaning forward on the table waiting for me to shift.

I let out a laugh before nodding, I didn't need to go anywhere to shift because I merely shrunk into my clothes. Shifting slowly I mewed at Xander and he gently picked me up in his hands putting me on the table.


I watched closely as Deans cat surfaced and backed off, he wanted to play with my kitten but I have seen his Lion and one swat would kill her.

"Absolutely amazing.." Dean said as he reached out to pet her.

"I wouldnt do that!" I tried to warn but it was too late, Kitten latched onto his wiggling finger with all four of her claws biting down on his finger with her teeth.

I was ready to pounce if his cat felt threatened he would injure my mate, but he merely smiled at her and rolled her around beneath his hands.

"Ive had cubs before you know, they act like this when their young, it is just odd that her beast never accepted its true form, that it stayed just a kitten." Dean tilted his head to the side and looked up at me.

"Can I sniff her?" I growled at the request to sniff my mate, Dean held up his free hand in submission. "I just wanted to see what she really is, she doesn't smell like a full feline.."

I never thought anything was off about her smell , not to me at least she carried my scent, and her vanilla and strawberry natural scent. Nodding I watched as Dean took a short sniff, before setting her back on the table.

"Fascinating... " Dean mumbled to himself and I watched him "Amazing, simply marvelous!" Dean turned to me his eyes were shining and a huge smile on his face.

"She stinks of wolf, not just any wolf, I would never forget that smell. Your dear mate stinks like Ro-" a knock on the door made Dean stop his sentence, my first thought was a rogue, but kitten was a rogue when I found her.

"Ah Luke you're here!" Dean smiled as he walked over and shook the princes hand.

"Hey sorry im early, just dad wanted me to come really bad for some reason, you know him impatient. " Luke rolled his eyes as he walked over to me, it was only now that I had noticed Kitten was gone.

"Hello soon to be Alpha Xander, I am greatful for your invitation into your home and onto your lands." Luke bowed slightly before holding his hand out to me.

I hadnt spent many times near Luke, maybe one or two, he was always polite calm cool and collected, as would be expected of a royal.

"Now i want to see your cat!" Kitten came into the room skipping as she walked over to Dean, it always made me smile how oblivious she was, she hadnt even noticed Luke yet.

"You do?!" Dean said with a large smile, his hand touched his chest and Kitten bounced even higher holding her hands together.

"Please?" I had to laugh at her red face as she begged and she turned to glare at me, thats when she noticed Luke.

Kitten froze as she opened her mouth to say something and blushed as she cleared her throat.

"Sorry Your Highness i was not aware you were here otherwise I would have made a more... Acceptable entrance." I had told her about the royals and showed her pictures, thats how she recognized Luke instantly.

"You must be the Alphas new mate, pleasure to meet you and you shouldnt be so formal in your own home, only in public." Luke did his best to give her a gentle smile, but something about gentle and royal male wolves didnt go together, they couldnt pull it off.

"Oh my names Kitten , but if I dont need to be formal then hold that thought..."  I chuckled as she turned to Dean, I understood her excitement her cat was going crazy to have a play mate of her own species.

"Alright we have to go outside, my cat is not small." Kitten was out the door first she took a seat in the yard and waited eagrly.

I watched her from a short distance, she looked like a small child , her excitement and wonder, up until I found her she had thought she was the only shifter in the world. She felt alone and left out, she thought she was a freak, now she will see there are also others out there, people to trust that understand here. My fear was that we never knew who not to trust, because the life of a shifter is always a game of cat and mouse. Power was the game and some became greedy, they wanted more than they were entitled to just because they could do it.

I looked up again to see Dean walking out of the forest, his golden mane sparkled as he shook it out with a massive yawn. Deans lion was easily six foot tall on all fours, he dwarfed Kitten as she stood a few feet away.

Her eyes sparkled as she took a step forward holding out her hand, I could sense her fear but there was a sense of adoration. I wanted to growl at the emotions but I knew it was all her cat, she had been secluded and alone almost feral in a sort, I knew this was everything she thought didnt exist.

Dean pressed his nose to her hand and took a deep breath, purring once he lifted his head.

"OH we can do a circus!" were the first words out of Kittens mouth, Luke and I laughed out loud as Dean shook his head.

"Yea lets do that, Ill get a hoop and some gas." A voice came from behind us, I turned my head to see Tom walking outside, Alpha of the Osa, or Bear clan.

Kitten reached out and poked one of his teeth, lifting up on Deans lip as she did so, snorting he shook his head at her and she scoffed stomping her foot.

Dean let out a laugh in his lions form it sounded like a lazy growl, I chuckled as Kitten stomped her foot once more and Dean shook his head.

"What are they fighting about?" Luke leaned over and asked.

"Lets go find out, has she seen a bear before?" Tom always loved to show off his bear, I had to admit they were a grand example of the blessing of the moon goddess.

Bears were powerful, massive in size, a normal kodiak was six feet on his hind legs, but a shifter was nine. Nine feet of pure muscle, massive claws and the weight to back them up.

"Kitten , whats going on?" I asked as she had her arms crossed having a staring contest with Dean.

"He wont let me shift and play !" Kitten stomped and growled low in her throat, she didnt like being told what to do, she was an Alpha now that she was wearing my mark.

"Kitten its not safe look at the size of him." I tried to sooth her and reached out to pull her in a hug.

"I thought you would understand, my cat has never met another feline, shes practically digging my brain out of my skull!" Kitten let out another growl as her eyes shifted slightly.

"What if we give her a good scare?" Tom suggested and Kitten looked up at him.

"Scare?" she squeaked and Tom nodded.

"Here hold this." Tom said handing Kitten his drink, I watched her closely , she couldnt run if she tried id have to grab her, predators love to chase.

Tom wasnt as gentle about it as Dean was , he came out of the forest and walked up to Kitten, grunting and snorting at her as he paced around her.

I expected her to scream or run but she stood there, frozen for a moment before she let out a laugh. A full out laugh at Alpha Tom, he was easily the largest Osa out there.

"You're just like the teddy bears they used to sell at the super market, big and fluffy!" I took a deep breath as she put her hand on his head, I had never seen anyone try and touch Tom in his beast form before.

Tom grunted and shook his head lightly nudging her with his paw, "Im not gonna cut it out!" Kitten said and he pawed her once more.

Walking over I pulled Kitten into my arms and pulled her away from them "make yourselves at home, i have to take my mate somewhere special."

I had planned this with Nate, Kitten had seemed to be a little down or maybe home sick so we had devised the perfect date.

"Somewhere special?" Kitten asked suddenly and I grinned at her with a nod.

"Yes and im not saying where, get dressed something casual easy to walk in. " She nodded before walking over to the closet, it wasnt a week of her being here before my mother came home with more and more clothes.

The pitter patter of feet on the floor told me who was coming, the door to the room burst open and Hawk came in with a bright smile.

"Xander , Kitten guess what!" he was so excited he was almost in tears, he was happier than I had ever seen him in his entire life.

"Whats that Hawk?" Kitten came out fully dressed with a smile, she knelled down so she was his height and he hugged her tightly.

"I got into the private royal school for warriors!" Kitten wrapped her arms around him and stood up , spinning him around she laughed before setting him down.

"Dont forget to call me, or write me when you can.. Oh if you can I guess being a royal body guard might mean silence... They wont cut out his tongue will they?" Kitten rambled on and on as Hawk just smiled at her, he hugged her once more and sniffled slightly.

Kitten stilled as hawk whispered "Im gonna be a warrior, and one day ill be the best mate , if im strong she will never get hurt, because Xander and his father are strong you are here safe. Ill become strong so I can protect you and my mate too."


Xander tied a cloth over my eyes about ten minutes ago, we are currently in the car driving to places unknown. He promised me this was going to be worth it, I was so depressed that Dean wouldnt play with me, but he promised to bring by some of the cubs to play with me next time.

Tapping my fingers on the dash board I sighed and shifted in my seat, "Almost there Kitten." Xander chuckled at me as he spoke, I couldnt help that I didnt want to be in this car in the first place.

I felt the car slow down and come to a stop, I was slammed with hundreds of scents instantly , the sound of music and games clamoured in the air. My cat felt panicked and I crawled back into the car slowly, xander gently took my hand and pulled me to him.

"Do you trust me Kitten?" He whispered in my ear, his hot breath tickled my ear, unwillingly I let out a purr and his grip tightened around my waist.

"I trust you.." I spoke in almost a whisper as I tried to steady my breathing, I had never had the feelings I have been having since Xander bit me.

I know I was close to "going in to heat." like Xander said but he never really did give me the rundown of any symptoms or feelings.

"Alright come with me." I smiled and nodded once more, Xanders hands slowly left my hips and worked to my hands, I let him lead me slowly closer to the noise and smells.

"Ready?" xander whispered and I let out a squeek at how close he was without me sensing it.

"Yes." my heart was thumping in my chest as Xander took the blind fold off, I looked around and suddenly it didnt feel so scary, it looked exciting and new.

Lights were flashing all over, there were rides and food , music and shows. I smiled up at Xander and leaned up to kiss him gently, when his lips touched mine it sparked something in me, I pulled him in for a deeper kiss and he gladly allowed it.

I felt my back touch against a tree as Xanders hands began to wonder around my waist, he let out a growl when suddenly a light flashed in out faces.

"Excuse me but this is a family event, get a ticket and get in or leave!" I blushed brightly at the older woman as she scolded me and Xander, mumbling our apologies we scurried into the ticket line.

"Everyones stairing at us.." I theater whispered to Xander, he bit back a chuckle and nodded lightly.

"I think they want to see round two." Xander wagged his eye brows at me and I pinched his arm "sorry sorry!"

After buying our tickets we went inside, Xander led me first to a stall selling friend bread dough, they sprinkled powder sugar on top and it tasted simply divine.

Xander chuckled when I begged for seconds but I had to have just one more! "want to go one a ride?" Xander asked me suddenly , I looked around before my eyes landed on the big circle that went round and round.

"That!" I pointed and Xander nodded taking my hand.

"The ferris wheel it is." His smile was infectious and I couldnt help but smile with him, this carefree loving xander is the one ive come to love.

I Felt my heart swell as I watched him laugh and smile, his emotions were clear in his eyes as he looked at me, I knew I wanted to be with him when I went through my heat, that he would never leave me.

Stepping onto the rocking piece of metal, I had second guessed my opinion on Carnival rides.
"Umm..." I clung to the cold metal bar infront of me as if it were my life line as the ride came to life and we began to move.

"Let me relax you Kitten.." Xander pulled me to him , his lips found mine instantly and I let out a deep purr. Xanders wolf growled in return as his tongue ran across my bottom lip.

I gasped and he took that opportunity to slide his tongue in with mine, I was lost in him, I was drowning in him. Xander was my air, my sun , my life force I needed him. Is hand slowly slid down the loose pants I was wearing, gently his finger rubbed on the swell of my womanhood.

I arched against him I had never felt anything like this, Sparks danced in my eyelids as I pulled away from the kiss for much needed air.

"Let me finish you.." Xander whispered and I cried out as I felt his lips touch my mark, my world began to spin and my eyes rolled back. Xander cupped my mouth to keep me from crying out , but couldnt stop the purr that erupted in my chest.

Xander chuckled as I slumped against him and bit down on his bottom lip "guess the dates over huh?" he asked as my eyes grew heavy. My kitten was begging I sleep, that was too simply amazing, something new and pleasurable to her.

"Im sorry.." I whispered and Xander laughed lightly, once we reached the bottom xander helped me off the ride and scooped me up into his arms.

I snuggled into him as he carried me and he let out a sigh " Its going to happen a lot you know, at first, when you orgasm you will pass out, the same happens to males sometimes but mostly females."

I nodded in acceptance as he kissed my forehead "I love you Xander.." I whispered and I felt his heard thud in his chest before darkness took me away.

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