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Kitten- Chapter 13 : Possession

They've promosed that dreams can come true- but forget to mention that nightmares are dreams , too. -Oscar Wilde

The black wolf sat there on the edge of the woods, watching his pregnant beauty as she played in the water. Her slight belly bump making him growl 'should be my pup' he thought to himself.

Her red hair was like a wildfire, everywhere the light touched her seemed to glow with perfection. The wolf licked his lips, his eyes scanning over her legs, he loved the smell of strawberries in the morning.

It had been one month of watching his Kitten during her pregnancy, all the touching and kissing from Xander making him feel ill inside. She was too perfect for Xander.

Standing up the wolf shook himself off, keeping to the shadows he slowly got closer to hear kittens conversation on the phone.

"No its a girl, were only pregnant with one thank the moon goddess i don't think I could handle two kids and Xander.." her giggle was like music , her scent like a drug, his wolf moved forward on its own until he  heard the twig snap beneath his paw.

She looked up at him clicking her phone closed, her emerald eyes meeting his yellow ones. She knew who he was, she knew he was the one who attacked her before.

He waited for her to scream for help, but she sat there arms protectively around her stomach, 'she cant shift probably too weak to mind link with all that extra weight' the mans  wolf chided, he  snapped at his wolf with a growl before turning his full attention to the creature before him.

Taking one last long hard look at his beloved, the wolf dashed off into the trees to inform his Alpha of the bouncing baby girl.


After seeing the rogue today I was shaking , literally. No one was with me by the pond , he could have attacked me , killed my pups, but he simply looked at me and then my belly with a longing.

I wonder if he lost his mate and baby, maybe that's what made him leave me alone, or perhaps he just attacked me because he didn't think I was a wolf before.

I shivered as I pulled my sweater in closer, walking back towards the pack house as I cradled my belly in my hands.

"Kitten.." A voice whispered , and I stopped looking left and right but there was no one there.

"Don't go kitten, don't you want to see me?" the voice whispered directly in my ear, i felt the hot breath brush against me and I spun around only to find there was once again no one there.

"Im going crazy.." I mumbled before starting to walk towards the pack house again, "Five more minutes , five more minutes.." I kept repeating over and over again.

"Such a pretty little thing, getting lost in the woods." The voice laughed and I spun around again, I couldn't find any scents in the air.

"Oh you're daughter is going to be such a fun mate for my son.." the voice hissed and my hands went around my belly.

"W-who are you, w-why are you doing this to me?!" I spun around to run when I smashed directly into a brick wall of a chest.

"I am the shiver that settles in your spine during horror movies, I am the one thing that drives fear into peoples hearts... and one day I will be your death." I shouldn't have looked but I had to , my mind was foggy and I could feel myself getting dizzy.

I looked up into his eyes, burning red. A deep pulsing blood red.

He leaned in closer, his face inches from mine and I swayed on my feet "Do you feel it Kitten, or is it Kaylee now, I cant remember this is your third name."

I wanted to speak but it felt like something had hold on my throat, an intoxicating smell filled my nostrils and I pressed myself against the dark man pressing my nose to his shirt inhaling deeply.

"I take that as a yes .." the man muttered as he gently rubbed my back, i felt comforted and safe, he pulled my closer and leaned down his lips near my ear.

"Tell Xander that Kain said hello.." he whispered , I swayed again and his strong arms held me tightly to his chest.

I felt a sharp pain in my neck, and everything began to disappear around me "Sleep now , dont forget to tell Xander.." the voice spoke, before the darkness surrounded me.


I had spent the entire morning on the phone with Kittens father, we had been talking over the last month of kittens pregnancy, planning out the training of our child.

A smile graced my face, five more months and I would be a father, wolves were pregnant six months , we had already learned that we were having a girl.

I flicked my pen across my desk, when suddenly my wolf was going absolutely insane. I started to stumble around the office as he tore at the surface , it had been a long time since hes acted like this, he hasn't done this since Kitten got attacked by that rogue...

"Nate!" I yelled and he came running into my office, he looked at me with a raised brow. "Wheres kitten?!" I shouted and he pursed his lips in thought.

"At the pond, why?" I growled and ran past him, I shifted as soon as my feet hit the back porch. Running towards the pond I was shocked to her laying on the ground five minutes from the house.

Her normal radiant glow was gone, she looked pale as she lay there on the ground. Her lips were a shade lighter than normal, my wolf let out a low whimper as we approached.

I licked her mark and she shot up with a scream, my wolf being the idiot that he is jumped over top of her with a growl pinning her to the ground beneath us.

"X-xander c-cant ... b-breath.." I shot up off her instantly before spinning around to look at her, her eyes were zoning in and out like she had been in some sort of trance.

"What happened baby?" reaching up i gently pushed a stray curl out of her face, she blinked three times and swayed a little.

"Kain said to tell you hi.." her voice was almost robotic, as she swayed there her eyes staring into the void.

It clicked, I grabbed her hair and pulled it off her neck, the bite was there clear as day. I shifted back to human not caring about my nudity as I scooped Kitten up into my arms , racing to the pack house.

"Nate call the doctor, shes been bitten by Kain!" running faster I stopped at the kitchen table laying her on it.

Her eyes fluttered as she looked left and right, suddenly she stopped moving and her head snapped to me. "Why did you do this to me!" she screamed, her head fell back on the table.

"Get out ! Get out !" She slammed her head over and over, I threw my hands underneath it to stop her.

"STOP!" she screamed as she flailed in my arms, she stopped moving and breathed heavily, what i seen next made me step away from my mate and swallow hard.

She sat up slowly as tears began to drip from her eyes, not just tears but bright red tears, as she cried the smell of copper filled my nose.

"Don't you love me?" she asked tilting her head to the side, her crying stopped but the streaks of blood still stained her face. "Don't you love me Xander, or am I just a play thing while your out seeing Stacie.."

This wasn't my kitten there was no way, "Open your eyes!" I used my Alpha command, her eyes faced me and I knew damn well it wasnt her speaking, Kains red eyes stared back at me .

"I know you will break my hold soon, but I wanted to have a little fun with your mate, since you let her wander so clueless to me. Do you want to see what it was like?" I clenched my fists together and shook my head "Awe too bad." Kain said quickly.

With a rush I felt his power hit me, I was standing there in the woods with him and kitten. He was over top of her in the trees, throwing his voice to confuse her, she looked so terrified as she tried to reach home.

I watched as her eyes reached his "NO DONT LOOK!" I screamed at her , but she began to sway on her feet.

"Do you feel it Kitten, or is it Kaylee now, I cant remember this is your third name." Kain looked down at her as he spoke.

I watched as she swayed on her feet and pressed herself against him pressing her nose to his shirt inhaling deeply.

I growled loudly and forced myself out of the vision, "Come on Xander give me a kiss.." Kain taunted from within my mates body, I backed away from him as he added a sway to her step.

"She has the most delicious blood, and look at this body.." he let out a moan and rubbed his hands down my mates sides, his hands stopping at her breast.

"Dont.." I warned , he pouted out his bottom lip at me but let his hands flop down to his side.

"I cant wait to drink her again, this will be so fun, next time dress her up like little red.. I can be the big bad wolf." I watched as he trotted across the kitchen happily in my mates body when the front door opened.

"Awe poo, here's the party poopers, until we meet again Xander." he bowed before snapping his fingers, I dashed forward catching my mate in my arms.

"Get rid of the bite and call Selina, we need her to purify a possession, tell her its one of Kains workings and she should come quickly." I ordered Nate who nodded once, I felt uneasy at the way he looked at Kitten, like he cared too much about if she was okay.

I noticed little things changing with Nate lately, hes always watching my mate or stealing glances at her when he thinks im not looking. I have to mate a note to talk to himn about it man to man at some point, but my mother assured me its natural for the beta to act like that because betas love their lunas more than the pack. Betas are supposed to protect and care for the Luna if anything happens to the Alpha, therefore he has a stronger bond with her.

A nagging feeling in the back of my mind told me there was more to this, but I waved it off as my paranoia with Kain being back around.

One thing I knew for sure is that Kain was going to pay, touching my mate was his biggest mistake.


I was on a dark dirty street, there was no one around but me, i tried to stand up but a pain in my leg had me crawling across the ground.

How did I get here?

My thoughts echoed around the emptiness of the area, A twig snapped behind me and I spun around to see a pair of yellow eyes.

I tried to crawl away, ducking into the alley behind an old dumpster. What once was a wolf now was a man,  taking slowly steps towards the alley he chuckled.

"Come out come out my little Snack.." the voice sang, i tried to fight it but my lips let out a whimper of terror.

Where am i?

I gasped when his eyes met mine, those red eyes , where have I seen them before?

"There you are my pet.."

Shooting up once again I checked myself, I was in a red dress laying on a black couch, I looked around but the only light in the room was the dimly lit fireplace that needed more wood added to it.

"Did you miss me?" the voice whispered from beside me, i turned my head to see the red eyes of the man once more .

"Do i know you?" I asked confused and the man smiled, his hand reached out to touch my cheek and his thumb ran up and down it slowly.

"Well you are having my baby, are you alright?" he tilted his head at me.

I am? I asked myself, and sure as heck i looked down at I had a little bump for a belly.

"What happened to me?" I asked quietly , the man grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. Slowly his lips pressed to mine, it felt ... wrong all wrong...

I pushed him away quickly, scurrying back as far away as I could, he followed me slowly his hands out at his sides.

"who are you?" I asked quietly, he let out a laugh before he closed the distance between us once more.

"I told you , im your worst nightmare." I screamed loudly, throwing my arms and legs trying to force him off me.

When I shot up Xander was standing there looking down at me with a terrified expression, a woman was chanting holding a crystal over my head.

"X-xander?" I asked quietly as my lip began to quiver "D-dont let him get me , p-please.." 

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