Questions and answers.

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Kitten - Chapter 12: Questions and answers.

“The important thing is not to stop questioning.” - Albert Einstein


I felt enraged , the new voice within my head egging me on 'Attack him!' she commanded as I paced the floor looking at my "brother". I felt abandoned, I felt torn, my new wolf on the other hand was ready to teach him a lesson.

"Listen I didn't know.." Luke started but I growled at him, I just needed him to shut up and let me think for a minute, my wolf was not like my kitten, it was too hard to control I didn't understand what was happening.

"STOP!" I screamed loudly and everyone backed away, I was yelling at my wolf but I shouted out loud. "You left us!" a voice that wasnt my own left my lips, everyone was stairing at me now, they looked truly terrified of me.

'Whats going on?' I asked my wolf, I tried to move my lips but couldn't, I realized too late my wolf was taking control.

"We spent four years searching for you!" Luke spat , his eyes turning black with rage as the muscles bulged under his shirt.

"You did not look hard enough!" I felt it as my bones began to pop, She was going to attack him, and I couldnt stop her.

'Youre too weak ,  its pathetic.' i thought to myself as my  wolf snarled loudly at my brother, straining my eyes to keep sight of what was happening , it was like a hazy dream.

"We hurt everyday, we cried every night! I still live in your room for Christs sake!" Luke's snout fur began to sprout, his wolf didn't like to be threatened or yelled at but neither did mine.

"Liar!" my wolf lunged, breaking completley out of her human skin she charged, my vision blurred as I tried to stop her.

'Stop don't hurt him!' I cried out as she jumped onto Luke's back biting down on the scruff of his neck, 'this isn't happening, this isn't happening...' I muttered , I couldn't stop her what was wrong with me.

Luke bucked us off him wildly, I felt pain shoot through me as we hit the wall with a thud, 'Great what a nice wolf, take control yet still give me the pain!'

'Silence human, we will speak soon.' I couldn't help but hear the sorrow and care in her voice as she spoke to me, my wolf loved me even if she had a weird way of showing it.

A loud thunderous bang echoed across the room, the air seemed to crackle around us. Frozen on the spot my hairs stood on end as I watched a man walk into the room, he was easily eight foot tall, massive shoulders , long curly black hair that was tied back in a pony tail. Everything around him screamed power, I wanted to hide but my wolf had other plans.

Her tail began to wag and she began to squirm as if unsure what to do, but she was feeling happy.

The massive man stopped before me, placing a hand on the wolfs head "You must work with my daughter pup, if you take control she will never be able to protect you, or herself. " when his hand left my head I felt in control, his eyes looked down at me for a second before he snapped his fingers.

"Bring them some clothes, barely know each other a day and your trying to kill each other, sibling rivalry at its best."  two men came up from behind him handing him two pairs of sweat pants and some t-shirts.

"Quickly get dressed , everyone turn away." my father commanded, it was entirely awkward, I had Xander , Tom and Dean with their backs to me on the left, My "father" and his posse of very large , very scary men to me on my right, and my brother staring at me in the small space between.

Spinning around I listened as Luke did the same, I shifted and hurried to pull on my clothes. "Decent?" Luke asked and I responded with a small 'yea' before creepily enough we all spun around at one time.

"Scary.." I mumbled earning a round of chuckles from all but me and Luke. I glared at him and let out a light growl, he returned the gesture in kind and clenched his jaw.

"Enough, what I want to know is why my daughter reeks of wolfsbane and her mate did not notice!" the walls shook with the anger evident in my fathers tone, no one moved or blinked aside from Luke.

"I didnt smell it either, until after she shifted." there were a few mumbles of agreement, it was true, I noticed a different smell as my wolf surfaced but she was too enraged to let me think about it.

"Well my dear that is why your wolf went insane, you were at some point in your life injected with a large amount of wolfsbane, which put bluntly  means , someone intended to kill your wolf." my father explained gravely, he said "my daughter" so I assume he is my father.

I tried to digest the new information, I paced a bit then stopped , before I paced again feeling confused and a bit distraught.

"Why didnt you look for me?" I found it coming out as a whisper, a fresh warm tear fell down my cheek as I looked up into my fathers intense gaze.

A number of emotions flashed over his features when he did something that made everyone gasp. My father the king of Alphas picked me up in his arms and began to sob, he cried heavy deep breaths as he held me to him.

"Im sorry.." he repeated the words over and over, I buried my face in his neck and my wolf whimpered in happiness. She knew who he was when he came in, that is why she was so happy to see him.

The room was silent around us, my father held me a bit longer before setting me on my feet and pulling me to his side as he addressed the others in the room.

"Xander, we have some things to discuss."


I ran from the pack house as quickly as my feet would carry me, shifting as I hit the trees I smiled as my midnight black fur blended me in with the night. Alpha wasnt going to be happy with today, he was already angry when I didnt get Kitten across the borders before she met Xander.

Now he would be furious, I was probably going to die. Kittens wolf survived, her brother and father are at Xanders pack house and she is pregnant, everyone else is too busy to notice it but her smell is different.

It changes within hours after mating, because she is a royal and xander is an alpha its guaranteed on their first mating they will have children. The moon goddess guaranteed the blood line of the Royal family this way.

Thirty minutes of running I ended up at the pack house, shifting back I ran inside grabbing a pair of shorts off the back of the couch. A few of the boys sat on the couch playing call of duty and arguing with each other happily. 'Enjoy it for your last few minutes guys..' I sneered to myself, Alpha was going to lose it now.

Knocking on the door I waited for him to call me in , once inside I closed the doors and stood before his desk.

"Why are you bothering me now?" his face remained impassive as he watched me with his piercing silver eyes.

"Alpha , Kittens wolf didnt die." I spoke hurriedly "the king and prince are bother at Xanders pack house."

I felt the air swirl with anger around me as the massive form of my Alpha stood before me.

"I dont care what you have to do, if she has a daughter it is mine, if you can not do this tell me now and ill replace you!" I knew what he meant by replace me, he would kill me now and order someone else to take my place.

"Alpha ill get the baby if its a girl, Sam will have his mate I swear it, no one even suspects me yet!" Fighting the urge to run for my life I stood there quivering like a child, I felt ashamed of myself for begging like this but you have never met the Alpha.

"You have one week after she births her pups, to bring me a child, boy or girl I do not care, if it cant be sams mate ill raise it as pack, then do with it as I please later." I nodded my head and backed away towards the door.

"Yes Alpha." I bowed before walking out of his office and taking a deep breath, I just need to get that baby and I would finally be free of this debt.


I was late in the night when I woke up for the third time tonight. My wolf was driving me insane, she kept begging me to get up and go somewhere and I refused, so to get even she let me get to a half sleep before whining loudly in my head.

'Really mature!' I commented mentally rolling my eyes.

'Just go see dad!' she whined once again.

'fine!' i growled as  I stood up, the Alphas , Xander and my father were talking down in the office, i needed some time to process and kept napping in the process it seems.

Without knocking I walked into the office, the conversation grew quiet as I padded in rubbing my eyes.

I saw my reflection and instantly felt like a child, i had pig tails and pink fluffy princess pajamas, big pink slippers that looked like bear claws and my eyes were still puffy from sleep.

"you okay Kitten?" Xander asked and I nodded padding my way across the room, everyone chuckled as I walked over to my dad and fell against him with a sigh.

His hand went around my shoulder and he rubbed it lightly looking down at me questioningly.

"My wolf kept bugging me to come be near you.." I explained, this made him smile and everyone else as well.

"Kaylee theres something we need to discuss." my father said as he looked down at me, I scrunched up my brows at him.

"Whos Kaylee?" he looked to Xander then back down at me and rubbed my head lightly .

"Its your name , would you prefer I call you kitten?" the smile that I felt grace my features when I heard my real name, the butterflies that filled my stomach it was like waking up from a long terrible dream.

"Kaylees fine." I whispered as I hugged my dad tightly, I tried to fight back the tears but I was so happy , I had a family I had a name I was no longer the lost little freak in the meadow.

"Kaylee, there is something you need to know, something that will change your lives and it seems I have no choice but to tell you because you are already pregnant." I stiffened at my fathers words .

"Im w-what?!" I shouted glaring over at Xander.

"Pregnant." my father repeated sending his own glare at Xander as well.

Xander threw his hands up in a surrendering position as he glared at the floor "I uh.."

I turned to my father and took a deep breath "What do you have to tell me?"

"Your first child, boy or girl, will have to inherit the throne, there is no option in this , when that child comes of age I will finally be of age to retire. You must make sure they, boy or girl, train with your warriors in the pack. Start them early they can deal with it. If you have twins, the first child out of the womb takes place as leader of our entire race. There is no choice no room for argument. " I looked to Xander , his eyes were wide as saucers , looking at everyone in the room i tried to take it all in.

"W-what if my child doesnt want to be leader?" I asked quietly almost afraid of the answer.

"Then I Will be forced to kill my own grandchild." with that my father dropped a book on the table, 'Shifters manual & Legal help' I snickered at the name of the book.

"Please dont make me kill my own grandchild.." my fathers eyes were glazed over with worry, a stray tear left his eye and I sighed deeply hugging myself to him.

"Dont worry dad, my kids going to kick your ass." A round of chuckles went around the room and I blushed deeply, Did i just curse?!

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