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Chapter 17 : Why?

- Xander-

The dim light shook side to side in the dark basement they had thrown is into, looking over at Nate as I pulled myself off the floor I noticed he too was getting up.

"Nate you okay?" I asked in a whisper, A grunt of pain leaving my lips.

"Yea man we have to get out of here, their going to go after Kitten -" Nate was cut off by the sound of metal scraping against the ground.

"Oh Kitten is just fine, I just left there in fact." Came the sing song voice of my brother, I felt a growl leave my lips as I tried to pull the silver bars apart. With a hiss I realased the bars and growled once more at my brother.

"Oh what my dear brother, did you really think you could keep me away?" zain let out a booming laugh as he pulled out a few pieces of paper. "Your mate was very welcoming, hoping we could search together."

My throat went dry as I looked down at the pictures of him hugging my mate, "You're using her emotions against her, leave her alone!" I spat as I threw the pictures down on the ground.

"No xander, you always got what you wanted, then at her barbeque you thought you could banish me from pack lands!" Zain paced the floor as he yelled, his eyes meeting mine as he stopped and took deep breaths. "None of that matters, no it doesnt matter because soon, oh yes dear brother soon Kitten will be mine."

Snarling I ran at the cage hitting it with my body weight, letting out a cry of pain as the silver burned into my skin I fell to the ground on my knees "Please leave her alone.."

Kain came closer to the cage, kneeling down so he was eye level with me "Xander the perfect doesnt get everything he wants this time, go pout to your daddy Xander, maybe he will give you what you want like he gave you the Alpha posistion!"

"He gave me the Alpha posistion because you were too busy running around the world!" I spat back angrily, I wanted to end him for doing this, for putting my mate in danger.

"Well, Im off to see my future mate, maybe ill get a kiss after your pup is born, when I deliver the news of your death." My stomach knotted as I watched him walk back towards the door, Nate was still running at his cage the sounds of his screams , and the smell of his burning flesh werent even enough to make me look up.

I was going to lose my mate, i failed her...


The phone ringing on xanders desk made me jump slightly, I looked to my father and he nodded so I quickly answered the phone. "Alpha Xanders office Luna Kitten speaking."

"Yes Luna this is guardsman Dan, we have Dean the Pride leader of the Feline pack here, and we werent sure if we should let him through or not." A gruff voice replied on the other end.

"Oh yes of course I invited him please let him pass, tell him to come straight in to the office when he reaches the house." Dan grunted in return before he hung up the phone, I looked up at my father and smiled.

"We are going to find out whats going on, and Dean is our best bet he has a great nose, and studies everything new with intensity." I promised my father, he laughed at me and nodded his head before we both turned back to the stacks of papers we had before us.

The office looked like it had been hit by a small tornado, papers were taped to every wall and thrown about in piles on the floor. Loose bits of paper skidded across the ground.

"It doesnt make sense, hes never had a mate but he seems to be after me, other than power im not sure why..." I groaned placing my forehead on the table , suddenly there was a knock and my father yelled a quick 'come in.'

"Doing a little remodeling Luna?" Came Deans teasing voice, Lifting my head quickly I looked over at him "Oh that look does suit you!" Dean bent over to his knees laughing.

I looked at my father and he was laughing too , reaching up I just now realized that a paper had stuck to my forehead perfectly so it stood straight up. Pulling the paper off my head I stuck my tongue out before sitting back on my seat with a huff.

"So what did you need me for?" Dean looked like a kid in the candy store , the excitement radiated off of him. Nodding my head I stood up and motioned for him to follow.

"Were looking for a medical product or genetic combination that can make it so wolfsbane doesnt kill a wolf but puts it to sleep." Dean stopped and turned to me as his brows scrunched together.

"You guys are out of the loop, youve never heard of the wolf version of rufees?" I watched as Dean threw his hands up in the air like we were under educated children.

I looked up to my dad he shrugged and I looked to Dean once more "Nope." I popped the P and laughed slightly when Dean lowered his head with a sigh.

"Well humans have a pill they call rufees, it will put the other to sleep or make them groggy so they cant refuse sexual acts. " Dean started both me and my father nodded our heads waiting for him to continue.

"The wolf version of the drug is a low concentration of wolfsbane with the same sleeping agent of rufees, this puts the wolf to sleep for a long period of time depending on the amount you used. " Dean explained as he pulled up a medical dictionary showing us the 'date rape'pill.

"So ... Why are they after me is the question." I turned to Dean and he smiled.

"I would be too if you didnt have a mate, however I have more respect. I must say Kitten you should be careful when you give birth." Dean warned and I nodded my head, it has been weighing heavily on me 'No pun intendeded'

"What time is it?" I asked suddenly , when my father told me how late it was I began to feel worried, panicked even as I took some deep breaths.

"I cant contact Xander or Nate..." Pulling out my cellphone I quickly dialed Xanders cell.

"Hello." came a female voice on the other end, "Hello?" she sounded more annoyed then I heard her intake of breath "Oh you must be his mate, silly little mate didnt you know he wants me, thats why hes here with me I hope you feel it when we fuck." I swallowed hard as the line went dead, I knew my father heard the call as did Dean, both were looking at me with worried eyes as I took an uneven breath.

"I..." What do I say right now? I dont want to believe Xander was with someone else, not without proof. Dialing the phone once more it went straight to voice-mail. "D-dad?" I looked to him for answers, he bit his lip and turned on his heel leaving me standing there with no answers.

"Dean , I .." Dean wrapped his arm around my shoulder leading me towards the kitchen.

"Come now, have faith in your mate, have you felt him with anyone else?" dean raised his brow at me and I shook my head "then dont think like that come on lets get some hot cocoa."

following Dean into the kitchen we sat sipping on our hot chocolate and discussing different things about each other. He loves talking about the many different forms of cat shifter there are.

"You really used to think you were alone out there?" Dean asked with a thoughtful look "Im sorry you had to live like that." he said truthfully.

I smiled at Dean but my mind was still on Xander, why did that woman answer his phone, i hated doubting him but I couldn't help the pain it caused to my heart when I envision him with another woman.

Zain came running in the front door with panic on his face, Dean stood up quickly and pushed me behind him. I rolled my eyes at Dean, it was like an Alpha to protect the pregnant females, but he didnt have to worry about creepy Zain.

"Luna oh god, they found Xanders shorts they were by a river, it looks like it may be where they shifted, but there was also this written to you." Zain held up the shorts and Note.

I went to walk around Dean but he held me back as he went to take the note and shorts from Zain "You can leave now , this is an Alpha meeting." Dean hissed as he watched Zain nod and walk back out of the house.

"What was that?" I asked as I took the items from Dean.

"we have never gotten along, we really put new meaning to the term fighting like cats and dogs" dean chuckled while shaking his head "If Xander let me I would have killed him long ago."

Opening the note I read it over slowly.


 A suggestion if you will. When you birth your pup ,I will be waiting for you on the top of the hill in the meadow, you know which one it is. We can put this all behind us. End this little game once and for all.

 -Kiss kiss
- Hug hug

I growled and wanted to tear up the note but Dean pulled it from me reading it for himself with a growl.

"So wait.." he sniffed the air a few times before taking Xanders shorts "He reeks of pack that pack slut stacey.."

I felt my face as it paled, I looked up at Dean and his eyes held sorrow "Im sorry..." the regret was clear in his eyes, he regretted saying that out loud.

Standing up I took a deep shaky breath before turning towards the office "I have to come up with a plan for my pup, only a few people can know whats happening, she will be transported after she is born and hidden until Kain is dealt with. If hes not dead before she is born."

Dean nodded at me as we set off towards the office together, he phoned Alpha Tom who said he would be here by morning, I couldnt help but wonder where stacey fit in with this whole mess, and why did xander go to her?

Did xander regret mating with me? Did he want that player life style that all of the guys joke about? I didn't understand what was going on but I didn't want to think that my mate was capable of leaving me when I needed him most.

I loved Xander with everything that I am, I still love him with my entire soul. I didn't want to believe it yet because I hadn't heard from Nate, Nate would tell me the truth because he looks at me with so much love its hard to explain. Hes never tried to be sexual with me but always seems to have my best interest at heart, and is just as protective as Xander.

I sniffled as I felt the tears flow down my cheeks now, Dean patted me on the head before leading me away from the office again "You need some sleep first, its going to be okay Luna, we will fix this."

I nodded my head in thanks before allowing Dean to tuck me into bed "Ill send your father up okay?" Dean smiled as I mumbled a yes in response before walking out of my room.

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