The waiting game

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Kitten - Chapter 11: The waiting game

A long tall dark figure stood in a phone booth on the edge of town, dialing the number he had been told so many times before he waited for the two rings and hung the phone back up on the reciever.

Instantly the phone rang again and he answered it "Alpha."

"How is it coming?" The cold dark voice on the other end of the line sent shivers down the mans spine, no one disobeyed him no one dared.

"Everything is going according to plan, we are actually ahead of schedule by four months, it seems that Xander was a little too eager and shes days away from her heat." the man spoke quickly, he knew the Alpha didn't like to be tested.

"Good, you can have a prize from the eastern wearhouse today, top shelf ill call it in now." The phone clicked and the sound of the dial tone rang in the mans ears.

Elated with himself there was a hop in his step as he raced to his truck, wasting no time he drove his way down to the east side warehouse , once the men outside verified him he drove down to the last building on the left.

Excitement coursed through his veins as he stepped out of the car, the guard at the door had to verify him for clearence into the top shelf bunker before he could let him pass.

"Very well sir, but you may only choose one." the man grinned ear to ear, he only needed one. Rubbing his hands together he walked into the building, his eyes scanning every cage he passed.

Beauties from around the world, the purest of the pure, untouched virgins that were specially given to the Alpha so he would protect their lands in kind. Each woman was collared and  tied to the wall, the collar prevented any kind of shifting or magic of any kind, she was there to serve she had no need for anything else.

His eyes landed on a blonde haired beauty, she seemed fit and supple, her skin was soft and golden. "Look at me!" he commanded and she opened her eyes, "Good girl." he growled as he looked into the deep green eyes , it reminded him of Kitten , if only she had red hair she would be perfect.

"You are mine, you are my property, do not expect to be treated any better than such." a sly smirk spread across the mans face was the woman trembled and nodded.

"Y-yes master.." her voice seemed to be as lovely as her skin, none the less he gave her a month before she died, but maybe he could keep her alive a bit longer.

"If you're a good girl I wont take you in wolf form everyday." the woman whimpered as her leash was handed to the man, she liked it better in the cage it seemed.

Walking to his car with his prize he smiled brightly, all he had to do was keep up his job, then he may be awarded what he really wants, Xanders pack.


Xander seemed to have forgotten about my heat all together, that it was coming as he ran around setting up for the party he was having in my honor.

I burned inside , I tried to fight it but it was an intense need , I wanted him to touch me i wanted to rub myself against him.

Pacing the floor I tried to compose myself, what is wrong with me?! I bit down on my bottom lip and paced some more, I haven't left my bedroom in over an hour, too many urges and wants .

A knock sounded at the door and I paused in my steps, a male scent washed over me and I felt my inner feline purr. I knew it wasn't Xander but something was very wrong with me.

Nate stepped into the room and smiled at me before he stopped dead in his tracks, his nostrils flared and he watched Kitten as he took slow steps back.

I wasn't sure why he was stepping back until I felt my inner feline trying to control me, Nate held his hands up in a defensive position "Kitten... be a good girl, you don't want this.."

My feline began to purr as she stalked towards him, my human mind was becoming hazy as she was talking control, Nate looked left to right as he got closer to the door.

"Xander!" Nate yelled loudly , the sound of foot steps on the floor could be heard until Xander appeared behind Nate.

"Whats up?" Xander asked a very scared looking Nate.

"here catch!" Suddenly Nate thrust Xander forward, before he could realize what happened my feline pounced on him , i rubbed my face against him as I purred.

"Oh no.." Xander said as Nate slammed the door shut.

"Kitten baby, stop I dont know if you're ready.." xander started and I growled as he tried to pull my hands off of him, I felt my claws come out slightly as I clung to him.

"Kitten im warning you." Xander said in a deeper more husky voice, I growled again sinking my claws further into him.

With a quick flip and a growl Xander had me up and against the wall, pressing himself against me through our clothes he growled deep in his chest.

"Kitten.." his lips found mine as he said my name, I didn't even know we were moving until my back hit the bed.

I let out a growl when his lips werent on mine, when his hands were away from me I felt bare, naked, I needed him like I needed air.

"Patience baby.." xander started and I let out another growl, with one last chuckle Xander pulled his shirt and pants off, slowly his massive manhood broke free of his pants.

I let out a purr of apreciation for my mates body, perfectly toned from all the running, sun licked golden skin that I wanted to taste, his man hood .. Scared me a little to be honest, but I wanted him, I wanted us to be whole .

Climbing over top of me Xander smiled "Its going to hurt a little, but I promise I will make it enjoyable."

For the remainder of that night Xander had shown me many ways of making love, when my feline was finally sated, he had bathed me and set me into bed.


After laying Kitten down to sleep I smiled, I had completed the mating process with my mate , she was beautiful and pure... well no longer pure. I couldn't help but break out into yet another smile, everything felt perfect now, and after this party I will be announced Alpha and my father will finally be able to retire.

As suddenly as my happiness came it dissapeared almost instantly as Nate came in looking frantic "Alpha rogues , their headed right for the nursery wards!"

I jumped out of bed running past Nate out the door, I felt my beta hot on my heels as we ran outside. Wolves were everywhere, the snarling and snapping could be heard everywhere, I watched as the rogues bashed on the doors to the nursery ward, the mothers inside were screaming.

Most of the women in the nursery ward were still pregnant if not just gave birth, none of them would be able to fight because all of their nutrients were in their pups.

A blur to my right made me stand ready as a rogue leaped into the air, he thought he had caught me off guard so I waited until he was an inch away from landing on me before I ducked out of the way and snatched him by the tail.

With one hard swing I sent the rogue flying into a nearby tree, I felt my muscles ripple in waves as my wolf began to surface. The screams of his pack sending him over the edge, that was when I saw her, my mate ran towards the nursery ward.

"Kitten no!" I yelled, Luke , Nate , Dean and Tom all came to my side, watching my mate as she turned to look at me for a moment.

The screams seemed to drown out as I watched her , the fury in her eyes told me I wasnt going to be able to stop her.


I felt it within my body, I had to protect the women I was now their Alpha female, it was my job as much as Xanders to protect my pack.

Turning my gaze from Xanders as I heard a bang my vision grew red when I noticed them tearing off the door to the nursery.

"STOP!" I Roared louder than I had ever yelled before, I felt my breathing become raspy as my body began to bulge and ripple.

"Get away from them!" I snarled and I didn't recognize my own voice, the world was spinning as dots danced in my vision, I could hear the sound of breaking bones but didn't know where it was coming from.

My feet were still moving inch by inch as the pain swollowed me, when the pain stopped and my vision returned everyone , rogue and pack alike had stopped to stare at me.

I snarled deep in my chest and let out a loud growl , baring my fangs at the rogues near the nursery door. It wasn't until I looked down did I realize that I had shifted into a pure white wolf.

Everyone stood still, the smell of fear surrounded me , my wolf loved the smell of their fear, she wanted to feed on it and bath in it. I took a threatening step forward , the rogue standing in front of the door looked torn between trying to break in or run away.

Thats when I smelled a childs fear, my mothers maternal instincts kicked in and I followed the smell with my eyes. Standing at the edge of the woods was a man, with one of the packs children on his shoulders.

I roared loudly, sounding like a disgruntled Lion more than a wolf as I charged the man, his eyes widened and he tossed the little girl to the ground carelessly. With a bounce the little girl slammed into the grass below her, looking behind me the other Alphas had finally gotten it together, my wolf smiled as Alpha tom blocked the door to the nursery with his massive body.

Pressing my nose to the small girls cheek she let out a small whimper, i whined loudly in her ear, slowly her tiny eyes opened to look at me.

"Luna?" she asked quietly, i pressed my nose to her side sniffing lightly over her, "Im not hurt Luna thank you." the little girl was too sweet, I licked her cheek and she let out a giggle.

"Anna! Anna!" came the frantic voice of one of the packs mothers, she ran child to child tears running down her face.

Leaning down I allowed Anna to climb onto my back, heading back towards the house the frantic mother saw me and fell to her knees in relief "Anna! Oh thank you Luna thank you!" The woman sobbed as I laid flat on my belly so little Anna could climb down.

"Im sorry momma!" anna cried as she hugged her mother, I knew she was alright now so  I walked my way over towards Xander when I froze.

Standing beside Xander was Luke, not just Luke but his wolf, a massive pure white wolf with green eyes.

I eyed Luke as I walked closer to him, my wolf growled at him lightly testing him, Luke tilted his head at me and I growled once more. Now I was mad, this was too much of a coincidence, too many similarities and white wolves were too rare. No one aside from me and Luke were white on xanders lands, I snarled at him and pounced.

Luke yelped but allowed my attack, he lay there as I snarled in his face , I wanted answers and I wanted them now.

"Baby .." xander whispered as he held his hands out to me.

I whined, my wolf loved the smell of her mate, but wanted answers the same as me. "Come here baby, I want to meet your wolf." Xander coaxed as he took a few steps away from me.

My wolf being the hoe that she is, purred deeply as she followed his scent, licking her lips my wolf growled playfully as Xander kept walking back.

Once Xander stopped walked I instantly pressed my nose to his chest, rubbing my head around on him as if marking him with my scent.

"Easy easy!" Xander laughed as my nose tickled his sides, "I need you to shift back now baby, can you do that for me? "

Taking a deep breath I concentrated on being human, Xander smiled at me as I opened my eyes and took me into his arms, "Your wolf is beautiful... But how do you have a wolf? "

I opened my mouth to respond but was instantly interrupted by Luke "She is my sister."

(A/n : this one is really short sorry about that, ive been a little under the weather lately, but still trying to keep up with this, im doing my best and promise to make up for the shortness of this with a longer chapter next time. )

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