Your name?

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thank you SP0KEN for the wonderful image on the side

The best feelings are those that
Have no words to describe them....
-- Michelle Hammersley

Kitten- Chapter 4 : Your name?

Kittens P.o.v

Slowly I sat up peeking out the window of my cabin, as I thought the brown wolf from the night before was still laying there. I felt worried as to the increasing number of wolves around my house, peeking out once more I let out a squeak when the wolf was sitting directly in front of the window.

A wolvish chuckle could be heard through the thin walls , it was just like the first time I met the silver wolf.

With a small sigh I knew if I waited much longer I would never make it to the human village on time, this wolf didn't seem to be leaving any time soon.

Openeing the front door I carefully stepped out one foot at a time, my eyes trained on the wolf that sat on my porch. Watching me curiously the wolf let out a small yawn before tilting its head at me, "What do the wildlife eat here?" I questioned more to myself than anything, the wolf let out a low whine.

"No im saying... all you wolves are so massive..." for some reason It seemed like these wolves understood me, I wasn't going to test my luck like I would with my silver wolf so I just turned on my heel and began to walk towards the human village.

Mr. Brown wolf followed behind me at a slow pace until I reached the forests edge, I kept my eyes on him as I walked into the human village until he disappeared into the brush.

Sighing once I looked both ways before crossing the street to the supermarket that I work at, I had left so quickly the other day I have forgotten to pick up my groceries.

The ding of the bell alerted Mr.S of my arrival, his cheerful eyes looked up at me and he grinned from ear to ear "Ah kit! I was wondering when you would show, I have your groceries in the back fridge!"

I couldn't help but smile at Mr.S , even now as his business faces foreclosure, he wears a large smile on his face and bounces about. On the outside he was just a happy old man, but on the inside.. I knew just by looking at him sometimes, on the inside he was slowly falling apart.

"Sorry about forgetting them the other day." I started before I remembered something else "OH! can I use the washer and dryer in the back once a week?" folding my hands together before me i puckered out my bottom lip. Mr.S smiled even more brightly at me.

"Who could say no to such a beautiful woman, and with that face!" reaching out he pinched my cheek lightly, the sounds of our laughter carried throughout the supermarket. I was glad to had met Mr.S back when his wife was alive, they acted more like my parents than anything else.

Mr.S spent a great deal of time sad after Mrs.S passed away, I had helped him keep the store open while he tended to her burial. Everything felt like distant memories now as we stood here smiling and laughing, but even then I felt something was missing.

"Oh did you print off those flyers I asked for?" picking up my groceries in one hand I looked up at Mr.S.

"Huh? OH! yes I nearly forgot." Mr.S ran around the front desk , thumbing through files inside of the drawer he smiled when he came across a red folder.

As Mr.S handed me the file I smiled at him once more "Okay ill go hand these out now, do not forget to feed mittens!" Mittens was the towns stray cat, each day of the week a different person would feed her, most of the time Mr.S forgot his turn.

As I walked down the road I handed out the little flyers to people that passed , some smiled others merely let out disgruntled noises as they accepted the paper from me.

Nearing the end of my stack I decided to call it a day so I could finally take my groceries home, when I suddenly crashed into someone with force.

"Oh im so sorry!" I cried out instantly as I hurried to gather up  my food and flyers, my hand stopped mid air as my fingers touched the skin of the person I bumped into.

The sudden jolt made me retract my hand, with an audible gulp I lifted my head to see him there, "Blue eyes.." I said quietly and quickly slapped my hand over my mouth .

Blue eyes grinned at me mischief shining in his eyes "Blue eyes?" He questioned as he handed me the stack of papers he held in his hand .

"Uhm.. well.. I didnt .. " I tried so hard to find the right words, blue eyes stared at me for a moment as the corners of his eyes crinkled up. His smile was infectious and I found myself smiling back at him.

"My names is Xander.." Blue eyes said as he reached his hand out to help me up, I wanted to refuse his hand because of the tingles I got when he touched me , but I found it rude to refuse his kind gesture in that way.

Xanders P.o.v

I watched her from across the street for some time, feeling a bit like a stalker as she held her smile handing out flyers to people she passed by .

Her Fiery red hair made her stand out in the dull and lifeless village here in the middle of nowhere, her smile was bright and cheerful making my chest ache, I wanted to make her smile like that.

When her stack of flyers was near gone I finally decided to go over and speak to her, at least I had to know her name. Reaching her side she was staring off into space when she suddenly crashed into me.

Jolts shot through my body where she touched me, my wolf purred in delight from even the moments contact with his mate. I rolled my eyes internally at my wolfs behavior, I really was waiting to see floating hearts and cartoon birds by the way he was acting.

"Im so sorry!" my mate cried out as she hurried to gather her things, I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from chuckling at her flustered posture.

Looking up at me she finally realized who I was "Blue eyes.." she whispered and I found myself laughing out loud, I guess that is an obvious nickname to give me.

"Blue eyes huh?" I teased , her face grew a shade of pink as she tried to explain herself to me , i smiled softly before reaching my hand out to her.

Her reluctance to take my hand told me the one thing i wanted to know for sure, she felt the mates bond every time we touched. Any doubts I had in my mind before were gone as her hand touched mine, this was my mate and I had to win her heart.

"My name is Xander." Introducing myself first seemed to be the best move, my tiny mate smiled shyly at me before turning to walk away.

"Wait I didn't get your name!" I cried out to her retreating figure, my mate giggled and shook her head as she looked back at me.

"Guess you will just have to try harder." with a giggle she disappeared into the woods, I watched her go and sighed to myself.

"Im following her Xander." Nate mind linked me "I let her see me today she seems to be comfortable with me being around now."

"Thanks im glad to hear it." I responded , I was genuinelly relieved that she was accepting the guard wolves, It made it easier for me to sleep at night knowing she was protected.

The ringing of my cellphone brought me out of my thoughts , checking the ID I answered the phone quickly "Father everything alright?"

"Oh yes , Alpha Damien called me today , seems that hes sending over a boy to stay with us, and he caught the rogue you were after." Alpha Damien was the Alpha of the midnight pack, they didn't have the means to take care of parent less pups, so we would take them for him and in return he would help us out whenever we needed extra warriors or patrolmen.

"Whats the boys name?" I asked my father as  I climbed into my truck.

"His name is Hawk." My father told me quietly before he cleared his throat "And the rogue is in the holding cells already, once I told Alpha Damien the Rogue attacked your mate he wasn't taking any chances and brought him straight here."

"Im on my way dad." with that I hung up the phone, first proirity was to question the rogue, Im sure my mother is already pampering and pestering the poor child that was taken to our home.

The drive back to the pack house had never seemed as long as it was today, my mind raced with anger and worry about this rogue. Pulling into the drive way I sped passed the house down to the back of the field where we kept the holding cells. Beeping the horn twice the gates to the compound opened allowing me to pull inside.

A long warehouse stood before me, two large garage doors on the front part of the building , no windows and only one more smaller door that led to the guards office.

Walking into the warehouse I felt my body stiffen as the familiar scent of the rogue hit my nostrils, my wolf let out a low growl that passed by my lips.

"Ah there you are Xander I was wondering when you would get here, it seems I have something you were looking for." Alpha Damien held his hand out to me and I nodded shaking his hand .

"This Rogue attacked my mate, I want to know why." the statement was pointed at the rogue, his face was bloody and hands bound to the chair he was sitting on.

"She just looked like she could use a goo fu-" the rogue started to be cut off my a fist to his face, I stared at Alpha Damien nodding my head in thanks as he growled down at the rogue.

"You have two choices.." I started very slowly, "you tell me why you were after her, or I leave you with my friend here." I pointed to Alpha Damien, interrogation and torture were more along his lines of work than mine.

A wicked smile found its way onto Damiens lips a he looked down at the rogue "It has been a long time since I had a new toy.." running his nail down the rogues face, I couldn't help but chuckle slightly .

"You are sick Damien." the other wolves in the room joined in on my laughter as the rogue looked around at each of us.

"Your mate belongs to my master, he claimed her long ago, she just doesn't know it yet." the rogue licked his lips slightly before he continued " Alpha promised us each one night with her, to do whatever we want..." the rogue closed his eyes as if imagining the sick things they would do to my mate "I think I want to go first."

I snarled at the rogue, my fist slamming into the side of his face "SHUT UP!" I shouted as the images invaded my brain, my poor mate being tortured by worthless rogues.

"Xander... you haven't marked her yet have you?" Damien asked concern laced in his voice, "you cant be in here right now, go meet the kid and talk to your dad alright?"

I wanted to argue , I wanted to know who this rogue worked for, but the bond between me and my mate was not full yet. A wolf who is not fully bound to his mate becomes completely irrational whenever anyone even mentions her name and danger in the same sentence, it is worse for an Alpha because we have the need to protect our pack and families.

Walking into the house I was greeted by the smell of fresh baked bread and fried chicken, I smiled as a little boy sat moodily at the kitchen counter as my mother chatted happily away.

"Hey buddy I hear your going to stay with us for a while." sitting down beside the boy I picked up an apply from the bowl in the center and smiled at him.

"Y-yea for now.. Until I go to warrior training." It warmed my heart to see such a young wolf set such high goals for himself.

"Well, until you leave for warrior training welcome to the pack, my name is Xander." Holding out my hand to the small boy he looked from my hand to my face before reaching out his hand and shaking mine.


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