the amusement park

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm, i sit up and cut it off and slugishly get out of bed. I wonder how im supposed to face him today after last night. After i finish getting ready i rush down stairs take a bite of the bagel my mom made for me and a quick sip of orange juice and run out to the bus stop. After i arrive at school its time for P.E. wich i dont really mind because i like sports so i change into my gym clothes and shoes and go inside. Since its the beginning of the school year i have no idea whos in my class....but then i see my unnie chaehyun,"hi areum!" she says. I rush to hug her and tell her i missed her.

After our stretches is time for basketball but first boys play then girls, so the girls sit on the side and watch the boys play. I look out onto the court as i hear my sunbaenim "areum. can you come over and be the water girl?" so i do as im asked and walk over to the jug and start to fill up the cups. A boy approaches the table as i reach out to hand him a cup i look up tp see him smiling at me..."namjoonah!" with this he smiles bigger and tells me to meet him after school and winks at me  once as he trots back onto the court.

After school i grab my bag sling it onto my back and walk out to the front gates towards the bus stop, then i remember what namjoon said. I look around but i dont see him so i walk along "aish, he probably forgot." Then " yah!!!, i jump back to find namjoon holding his stomach laughing at my reaction. "cutah...." i blush a little and ask him why he wanted me to meet him after school.

He looked at me a little shyly and asked said he wanted to take me to the amusement park. I really love amusement parks but i didnt want to seem to eager so i paused before i agreed. He called a taxi and we got in. I pulled out my phone and texted my mom to tell her where i was going. He grabbed my phone."hey!!give that back." he holds it above his head, i reach over him to reach it but hes so tall i cant reach. "pleeeease?" i say with a cute expression. He smiles "ok, but you have to ride the roller coaster.""challenge accepted."

We arrive there and i immediately show how excited i am, i run around to all of the games and sigh at all of the fast rides.I act like a little kid on halloween. He chases after me and links his fingers between mine and looks down at me and smiles."so which one do you want to go on first?" he asks. "How about that one!" i point at a spinning ride a few meters away. I pull him along as we wait in line for the ride. Then we get on we bring down the bar to our waist in the seat the seats are only two passenger at a time. The ride slowly starts upbut then speeds up quickly spinning round and around as we laugh and cheer loudly "yaaaaayyy!" "yeeehaaaa" it tosses us side to side im on the outside so i cant help but to push into him, its gravity's fault.

When the rides over were both giggling and stumbling around because of our dizziness. He asks me if i want to play any of the games, so i run directly to the balloon and darts. But i cant hit four in a row so he pays again and tries and wins so he picked out a big white unicorn stuffed animal. "you won!" i got excited because of the game and he stops in front of me and hands it to me "this is for you Areum." I blushed when he said my name. I starts to get dark out and the lights all come on. "do you want to ride the farris wheel?" he asks me. Ok i exclaim happily.

Ive always liked the farris wheel because it made me feel like i was on top of the world. We get into a car and sit down beside each other, as we get to the top i stand up and sigh"wow" its so pretty, pointing out over the city. He gets up and aproaches me he turns my head towards him as i look up at him. I feel blood rush to my face...he brings his face closer to mine i close my eyes and i feel the warmth of his lips brush against mine he kisses me for a little, then leans back up. I stare at him wide eyed in shock"namjoonah" "what was that for?" he smiles at me sweetly "i l think i like you". .....there was a short silence between us then he broke the silence "how do you feel?"

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