Chapter 1

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Ross' POV:

"But why does she have to stay here?! SHE LIVES RIGHT NEXT DOOR."

I argued with my parents about my sisters best friend who happened to be my neighbor, staying at our house for the entire summer.

"It's not all the time Ross. Sometimes she'll stay at her place if she wants too, and others she'll be here. It's simple." My mother explained.


"You don't hate her" my dad butted in to the conversion bringing up something I regret. "In fact. When she was 6 and you were 7 you two kissed."


My mom laughed "feels like yesterday you were all hanging out in the back yard making mud pies and playing house.. Oh the memories."

"Okay, back then we were cool, but she turned into a complete bitch." I screamed as I slammed my hands down into the table.

"Actually, I'm as sweet as can be. You turned into an asshole with a big ego when you guys became famous." I turned around to see Alia and her pink and purple pastel wavy hair leaning on the wall in the door way. I'll admit, as much as I hated her. She had cool hair.

"Shut the fuck up."

"ROSS SHOR LYNCH, WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!" My mother screamed at me from across the table.

My dad looked so annoyed. He left the room to get away from all the yelling.

"You're just jealous cause I have talent and you don't!" I screamed over at Alia.

She walked over to me, and although she was only 5'3 she was as strong as can be. She grabbed me by the shirt and pushed me into the wall.

"Oh shut up Ross, you wouldn't know talent if it hit you in the face with a brick." I looked into her baby blue eyes and I swear I could see fire. "Do you think I want to be here ?! I'm staying here with Rydel. My best friend, we won't have any trouble if you stay out of my way and I stay out of yours"

She then let go of my shirt and Rydel walked in the room. Alia was walking out but before she did..

"Fucking bitch."

I saw Rydel's eyes open as Alia stopped walking out and turned to me.

"Excuse me?" I gave her an evil smirk and before I knew it I was on the ground.

"ENOUGH YOU TWO!" My mom came over and gently pulled Alia off of me. "ROSS GO TO YOUR ROOM"

I bolted up the stairs stomping my feel like a little kid throwing a hissy fit. I walked into my room, slammed the door and punched the wall.

Fuck her.. Fuck this. I can't stand her. I don't know what the fuck kid Ross was thinking 10 years ago when I liked her. She's the biggest bitch I've ever fucking met. I can't wait for this summer to end.
Short chapter. New and longer one tomorrow. Night loves (:

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