Chapter 7

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Ross' POV:

The next morning I was woken up by a beautful sound.

"Drinking wine and thinking bliss, is on the other side of this
I just need a compass and a willing accomplice
All my doubts that fill my head cascading up and down again
Up and down and round again, down and up and down again."

The song was very reconizable. "Crystal Ball" by P!nk. I got up and followed the beautiful voice.

"Oh, I've had my chances and I've taken them all.
Just to end up right back here on the floor.
To end up right back here in on the floor."

I walked quietly down the stairs and found Rydel and Alia in the living room. Alia had my acousic In her hands while Rydel was playing her her keyboard singing back up.

"Pennies in a well, a million dollars in the fountain of a hotel.
Fortune teller that says maybe you will go to hell.
But I'm not scared at all...hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm

The cracks in the crystal, the cracks in the crystal ball."

I tried to be as quiet as possible.. but.. that didn't work to well.

"Sometimes you think everything is wrapped inside a diamond ring
Love just needs a witness and a little forgiveness
And a halo of patience and a less spor--"

WOW ROSS. YOU'RE SO FUCKING STUPID. I tripped over the goddamn lamp. THE LAMP.

"ROSS!" Alia jumped off the couch and gently placed my guitar on the couch. "I uhh..."

"You were amazing." I smiled at her and she looked back at me puzzled.

"You're not mad about the guitar?"

"No? why would I be?"

"Ross, are you okay? This guitar is your life." Rydel looked at me then back at Alia.

"Well.. Alia's more important then a guitar.. and besides.. she's really talented."

Alia's POV:

I felt my face got hot when Ross had spoke.

"Th-Thank you."

"No problem!" Ross began walking towards the kitchen "what would you like for breakfast?"

"Well, knowing Alia probably cold pizza. Rydel laughed.

"Actually.. I-I have to go.." I was stuttering like a dumb ass for some strange reason. Actually no. No strange reason. I know exactly why. Ross heard me sing.. HE HEARD ME SING. There's only 3 people in this worl that has ever heard me sing. 1) my mom 2) my grandma and 3) Rydel. and now ROSS?! the embarassment is too real. 

Ross looked up at me confused and so did Rydel. "Why?" Ross stopped walking to the kitchen.

"I have to... redye my hair, and then i have to go shopping and pick up some new clothes because alot of my summer clothes from last year don't fit from loseing weight and..." i stopped talking realized that I said to much.. "I'll come by after i dye my hair." 

"YAY! THEN WE CAN GO SHOPPPIINNNGGG !" Rydel started jumping up and down as i laughed. Suddenly, Riker started walking down the stairs with Rocky.


"My birthday's not till tomorrow.." 

"I TOLD YOU." Riker looked at Rocky and slapped his arm.

"I could've sworn it was today.." Rocky looked down at the floor. "HAPPY EARRLLY BIRTHDAY" 

everyone began laughing. Riker fell to the couch and Rocky went to the kitchen.

"So, what's your birthday plans?" Riker asked as he was hoping to hear "big party at my place".

"I don't have any" i chuckled and shook my head slightly.

"WHAT?! , you're not even throwing yourself a party?"

"No. I don't have the money. I always dreamed of a big "Alice in wonderland" Themed sweet 16. But, with my mom being away.. it's not really worth planning." 

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