Chapter 8

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Alia's POV:
I walked into my house and went up the stairs right to my bedroom. I looked in the mirror and fluffed my hair deciding what colors I wanted to do. When i decied that i was going to keep my colors, but add alittle pit of blue to the very ends. I grabbed my pastel dyes and Began dying going from the top to bottum. The top: pastel pink, middle: Pastel purple and ends:pastel blue. i added foils and then put my hair up in a hair cap. I waited 2 hours before jumping in the shower. Once I finished. i blow dried and left it to its natrual wavy state which is how i loved my hair. I threw on a sweatshirt and leggings and texted Rydel letting her know i was on my way. But...

{Rydel (1:36 pm) :: Change of plans.. we have alot of stuff to do tonight.. sorry !}

I sighed as i placed my phone down on the bed. and began talking to myself.

"Guess im alone tonight."

I walked down the stairs and turned on the tv. Austin & Ally was on. It was an episode i never seen before. I watched as Austin told Ally he likes her..That's nice.. Ross is a really good acto- wait.. WHAT?!?!?!? i felt a sudden rush of jealousy come over me and my chest tighten up really hard. I watched as they both leaned in. and before their lips touched i truned off the TV falling back into the couch. I grabbed my phone and decided to go on twitter something i haven't done in so long. my mentions were filled.. pictures of me and Ross at the party were leaked and all over twitter.

/~ @RossLynchLova :: #TeamRolia or #TeamRolaura? hmm..~/
/~ @R5DaBomb :: @Aliagator and @rossR5 are soooo cute! #OTP ~/
/~ @iLuvR5 :: @rossR5 why didn't you tell us about @Aliagator? Keeping your girlfriend from us is not okay. ~/
/~ @Rolaura4Lyfe :: ew.. are you serious ross?! @LauraMarano is WAY prettier then @Aliagator. even her twitter name is ugly. Aliagator. ew.. sounds like alligator~/

since i had nothing better to do i decided to reply to a few people.

/~ @Aliagator :: @RossLynchLova Ross and I are just friends. no need for ship names. haha. ~/
/~ @Aliagator :: @R5DaBomb Thank you ! But Ross and I are just friends. if anyone is cute here it's you c; hehe. ~/
/~ @Aliagator :: @iLuvR5 no no no. you have the wrong idea. we're just friends. he's not keeping secrets from you guys i promise. :D ~/
/~ @Aliagator :: @Rolaura4Lyfe Well.. yes.. that was the joke. Alia-gator and Alli-gator. ha. ~/

before i knew it there were tons of fans with the #TeamRolia as there twitter names and begging me for a tweet back. i gained at least 20,000 followers. I tried to Reply to as many people as i could. before i knew it. it was already 10 pm. and i slowly fell asleep on the couch slightly enjoying my few hours of fame.

I woke up the next morning with a loud pounding on the door.

"ALIA OPEN UP!!!" I walked over to the door and Rydel had jumped on me. "HAPPY 17TH!"

"Hahaha thank you!" i smiled and hugged her close.

She walked into the house and made her way to the couch. "Did you check your twitter?"


she handed me my phone. and i unlocked it seeing i had 10 messages and 204 twitter notifactions. i checked twitter 1st. A bunch of R5 fans with "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALIA" as there twitter names.

/~ @RoliaMyOTP :: Happy birthday @Aliagator! Have a good say!!! ~/

And so many more. i replied to a few people saying thank you then went into my settings and shutt off notifications from twitter cause my phone would be blowing up. Then i checked my Phone.

{Ross (12:00 am) :: Happy birthday pretty lady. Rydel has a special day planned for you. sorry for all the fans on twitter last night. haha i read the tweets. xx}
{Rocky (12:01 am) :: HAHA , now it's your birthday ! im dumb. happy birthday ! :D}
{Riker (8:05 am) :: Happy birthday Alia ! i have to think of a nick-name for you.. hmm.. Alia bear.. Aliamister... Aliakinz... i'll work on it hahah ! }
{Ryland (9:20 am) :: Happy birthday beautiful c; ! }
{Ratcliff (9:30 am) :: i think i forgot something.. whats today? ... OH YEAH.. Your birthday!}

and more from family c:

Rydel had ran upstairs and grabbed my hoodie from zumiez, a pair of my skinny jeans and my black and white vans.


"For what?!" i said running to the bathroom to change.

"To find you a dress for tonight!"
"What''s tonight?"


I ran out the door with Rydel and hopped into her car. Within 15 minuets we were at a big place filled with beautiful dresses.. i had my eye set on this purple one when Rydel said..

"You need a blue dress!"

"What?.. why?"

"Because.. Blue looks best on you!" she said with a smile. "and i need a red and white one!"

as confused as i was, I ignored the statement and tried on so many blue dresses. I didn't like any of them.. none of them made me feel "wow." when suddenly the clerk came over and told me she had the purple dress in blue. and it was just my size. she she handed it to me and i slipped it on. I walked out of the dressing room and Rydel started tearing up. I felt like a princess and i started tearing up. Then the lady who gave me the dress started tearing up.. and then everyone in the place started crying and had a giant hug.. it was kind of awkward.

"How much is it" i asked

"405.98" the clerk said with a smile. before i could say anything i heard Rydel speak up.

"We'll take it!"


"Consider it a birthday present" she said as she handed the clerk her credit card and i went into the dressing room and changed back into my jeans and hoodie. I walked out with the dress in my hand smiling. I was one happy girl.

*Time Lasp.*

After Dinner Rydel and i went back to my house where she told me it was time to put on the dress and get ready for my surprise. I sat down and waited paitently as Rydel went and put on this gorgeous red dress with silver sequins all around it. Then, she began doing my make up. She used some sort of silver eyeshadpw and put on a bunch of eyeliner. she didn't wing it out though.then she aplied some false lashes and used mascara to blend my lashes in with the falsies. after that she bleneded my beachy waves with some curls and did a half up-do. she twisted the sided of the up-do leaveing my bangs to frame by face. then added an adorable silver bow to clip the two sides together. i went into the bathroom and put on my gorgeous blue dress that puffed up at the bottum a bit with a sweatheart neckline and the whole top was sequined. the dress was short so it didn't go past the middle of my thighs. she then painted my nails silver and when they were dry, i put on my silver glittery pumps and paired them with this gorgeous sliver clutch. because there was so much sequin, for jewlery i just added a cute small infinity ring on my right ring finger.
(out fit on side ---->)

Rydel then blind foleded me and started walking me down the stairs and out of the house.. I heard a door open and i had to climb what felt like a porch. then It felt like i was walking to the back of a room when i heard a screen door open and close behind me. i felt Rydel let go of my shoulders and her heels clicking away.

"Rydel this isn't funny"

i heard her laugh and say "You can take off the blind fold!"
I removed the blind fold and saw many many people. some people i didn't even know. even some of my favorite celebrities were there.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALIA!" I heard a bunch of people clapping and cheering. I felt tears in my eyes as music started to play.

Quick POV Ross' ::

Alia looked absoluetly gorgeous. I felt my heart sink when i saw her in that dress.. Her face lit up in the lights. and my cheeks got so red and hot i had to dab them with water to cool down. I was the last one to go out and sing to her so i had to stay behind a curtian. I then heard ratcliff Shaking his maracca and Rocky started singing. I swalloed hard hoping i didn't mess up. I've never felt this nevous before.

Alia's POV:
When all the clapping had stopped i saw everyone move to the sides. Rydel was in the middle standing with her keyboard as Ratcliff walked out with Rocky from the crowd shaking a marraca Rocky was playing acoustic as he started singing.

"You like mismatched socks with polka dots
You like your pizza cold; I think that's hot
You like to swim at night when the moon is full
You think that makes you strange; I think that's cool"

Riker also walked out from the crowd with a Bass and began playing. Rydel also started playing and started singing back up as Riker began to sing.

"And you say you're scared
That I won't be there
Baby, I swear"

Suddenly I saw a curtian open and Ross ran out with a microphone in his hand. i felt butterflies fly rapidly through my stumach.. he looked absloutely adorable in his dress shirt, tie, suit jacket and black skinnys.

"I'm not going anywhere"
Then they all joined together to sing.
You can change your hair
Five times a week
You can change your name
Get a little bit crazy
You can dance in the rain
Rockin' secondhand chic
But I live for the day
That I'm calling you baby"

Ross ran over to me and grabbed my hand. Walking me over to a stool in the midle of the circle thr crowd had made and sat me down.

"'Cause I'm falling for you
For everything that you do
Baby, I'm falling for you
You might be crazy
But baby,
I'm falling for you"

Rocky walked up to me and began walking around me and singing while Rydel smiled at me from her keyboard.

"I seem predictable, vanilla plain.
And all the mannequins - they look the same.
There's no one else like you - one of a kind.
And I'm a lucky guy 'cause you're all mine."

Riker then walked up to me and put his head on my shoulder while Rocky walked away.

"And you say, you're scared
That I won't be there
Baby, I swear"

He walked away as Ross walked over giving me a big bear hug."I'm not going anywhere"

And then he grabbed a stool, sat next to me and held my hand, saranading me through the rest of the song.

"You can change your hair
Five times a week
You can change your name
Get a little bit crazy
You can dance in the rain
Rockin' secondhand chic
But I live for the day
That I'm calling you baby

'Cause I'm falling for you
For everything that you do
Baby, I'm falling for you
You might be crazy
But baby,
I'm falling for you"

When the song was over everyone was clapping and screaming happy birthday. I haven't felt this happy in so long. I cannot believe what is happening. I looked around the yard and saw "Alice in Wonderland" decorations all over the place. Every one was dressed in black, white, and red just like the cards. And i was alice the only one in a blue dress. Ross had walked over and Pulled me aside and screamed a bit to be heard over the loud Music.

"So.. Alia, There's something i need to ask you...



will he ask her out? or chicken out? find out in the next chapter O:

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