Chapter 9

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Ross' POV:

"So.. Alia, There's something i need to ask you..."

I looked down into her beautiful blue eyes that popped from the blue dress. The sequins made it seem like her eyes were sparkling. She looked up at me with a smile.


I opened my mouth to speak.. But nothing came out. I really couldn't speak.

"Do you....... Like the party?"

Damn it Ross !

"Yeah.. It's wonderful. Thank you so much!" She jumped and hugged me as I lifted her up in the air spinning her around. As I slowly brought her down, our eyes met. I slowly brought her to her feet and I began leaning in. I saw her lean up a bit before closing her eyes just then I heard a familiar voice.


Of corse... I opened my eyes to see that Alia had already pulled away.

"hi Ross !! " Laura walked over wrapping her arms around my neck.

I looked at Alia who had started walking a away and grabbed her arm.

"Alia please.."

"No.. No.. Ross it's okay I get it." I saw Riker and Rydel standing a few feet away as Alia walked into Riker's arms and Rydel rubbed her back.

"This party is awesome! So nice of you to help out a friend. The charity you're doing is great!" Laura smirked hugging me again. That's where I lost it.

"Charity? .. What charity am I doing?"

"Well.. You're helping Alia have a great birthday cause she has no one to-"

"Watch what you say Laura. There's absolutely no charity being done. She's not homeless she lives next door. I grew up with her. So shut the fuck up." I felt my fist clench up but then loosen again.

"Ross I didn't mean to upset you... I just don't want her to ruin our relationship. You saw those tweets. Rolia is a ship now."

"WE ARE NOT A COUPLE LAURA. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD!" I screamed at her as she stepped away from me a bit. "I should've known you were going to be like this. I should've never invited you. You said you wanted to come and become friends with her. But you just don't stop." I started walking away but then I turned to her and said "Rolia is a better ship the Rolaura. Just saying."

I walked around the party forever looking for Alia.

Alia's POV:

"Who invited Laura?" I said looking up at Riker with sad eyes.

"Ross did.. She told him she wanted to be friends with you."

"She didn't get the memo either. She's wearing an ugly pink dress." Rydel had a face of disgust."I told her to wear black."

"So.. She's just here to ruin my birthday."

"I'm sorry Alia." Riker said rubbing my back. "What even happened before she interrupted.

"At first he asked me if I liked the party."

"That's all he asked you?"


"That pussy." Riker said under his breath but I could clearly hear him. "At least he has 2 weeks."


"Nothing get back to what you were saying." Rydel slapped Riker's arm. I could tell they were hiding something from me.

"Well.. I swear.. We were about to kiss.. Then.. Laura came and ruined it all."

"Of corse she did" Riker said as he continued rubbing my back.

"Well.. Then I just walked away."

"Did she say anything to you?" Rydel asked.

"No.. She just hugged Ross ignoring I was there."

Riker sighed. "Well. The night is still young, so why don't we go have fun!" I could tell he was trying to get my spirits up. I went along with it and pretended like I was happy.

We were walking to the dance floor when I felt someone gently grab my waist. I turned around to see Ross looking down at me with a sexy smirk on his face.

"I have another surprise for you..."

The next thing I know he had a microphone in his hands and there was a spotlight on us. Music started playing and I looked over at Riker and Rydel looked completely confused. I felt Ross' hand on my cheek as I looked at him and he started singing.

"You got them all hypnotized.
Dragging them round by the eyes."

People had gotten quiet and looked at me and Ross.

"They line up shoulder to shoulder,
Like dominos, you keep knocking them over."

Ross grabbed me by the hand and spun me around pulling me close to him.

"And all them fools got diamond rings just waiting for you.
And I can't fool myself but we both know it's true."

I looked around the room and saw Nick Jonas nod his head. And then Roshawn Feagon wink at me. Then Ross nudged me a little to get my attention again.

"Cause you walk into the room, girl you know you got it.
Baby look around, you got a lot of options.
What do I have to do? What do I have to do?"

He went smiled but he had a look of desire in his eyes like he wanted something.

"Cause you lookin like a queen walking through a palace.
Falling to my knees, baby losing balance.
What do I have to do-oo-oo? ...
To be the lady's choice."

I looked into his eyes then I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him. Laying my head on his chest as he kept singing.

"Your lips got me wondering why."

I looked back up at him again as he lightly touched my bottom lip and I giggled

"I'm tangled in lame pick up lines.
Something is taking over.
You got my heart set on a roller coaster.
I'm chasing you around.
You got a leash on me too,
I wish I could pull myself but we both know it's true."

He spun me around again and hugged me close a little tighter.

"Cause you walk into the room, girl you know you got it.
Baby look around, you got a lot of options.
What do I have to do? What do I have to do?

"Cause you lookin like a queen walking through a palace.
Falling to my knees, baby losing balance.
What do I have to do-oo-oo? ...
See I would fly you to Paris.. I'll even learn the language.
Vous avez de trés beux yeaux.
Ooooo so beautiful! "

I felt my heart melt.

"Climb the Eiffel Tower.
Touch the moon and call it ours yeah.
Cause it never shines as bright as you.
When you walk into the room..
And I never had a chance..
What do I have to do-oo-oo.
To be the lady's choice."

(I know I cut the song short but it's okay)

Everyone clapped as her grabbed my waist.

"Would you.. Maybe want to hang out sometime?"

"Like .. A date?" I smiled at him

"Uhm.. If you don't mind" he looked down shyly.

"Sure Ross. I'd love to." I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck and hugged him close. Can tonight get any better?

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