Part 2 - Party!!!

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Today is thanksgiving!!!! I hope you enjoy!!

Your name - y/n
Fav color - f/c
Second fav color - s/f/c
Fav food - f/f
Eye color - e/c
Hair length - h/l
Hair color - h/c

You p.o.v.

I woke up and noticed that I had 19 missed calls. "Who could that be?"
19 missed calls from mom...
"Well, I've lived a good life" I call my mom back and apologize for missing her calls.
M - it's okay honey, but I wanted to know how moving in went?
Y - oh, it went really well. Kawii-chan called some of her friends to come help, and they are really nice.
M - are there any boys that you have took a liking for???
M - I'm sorry, I just want some grand-babies, and we both know that Kawii-chan probably won't be getting a man anytime soon with those "ships"
I shiver at the thoughts of the ships that she did with me and our middle school friends...
Y - mom....don't bring up the ships
M - okay, well I need to be going, muffin, love ya!
Y - love you too! And don't call me muffin!
M - hehehe...bye!
Y- bai!

Aphmau p.o.v.

Today, I've been planning a welcome party for y/n. All of the neighborhood is invited!!! I told Kawii-chan to make y/n's cake, Laurence and Garroth went to go get decorations, and Travis and Dante made some burgers.

"Okay! So, we got the cake ready! The decorations, and the food, but now we need to invite peoples!!!!!" I screamed.

We invited everyone and told them to bring a swimsuit. After we all got ready we saw y/n walk out her house, going to get the mail. She looked over at our house and saw that the door was slightly open and came to check it out...

You p.o.v.

After the talk with mom I got changed into this:

After the talk with mom I got changed into this:

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(You don't need the phone case really)

Then I ate some waffles, toast, and eggs, while watching my favorite YouTube Markiplier! (Sorry if you don't like Markiplier...but honestly...Markimoo is life)

Then I went to go get the mail. When I walked out I looked over at KC's house and saw that the door was open...

I went to go check on it. When I walked into their house the lights turned on and everyone screamed,"SUPRISE!!!" "Awe guys, you didn't have to do this..." "but we wanted to, y/n!" Aphmau said. "Kawii-chan hopes that sister-sama likes her cake!" "I bet I will, KC!"

"Hey y/n!" Aphmau yelled. "I want you to meet some people!" Aphmau showed me to this one guy with a mask covering his mouth, a guy that had brown hair and brown eyes, and that other no shirt guy from yesterday....hehehe time to play the flirt...

"Y/n this is Zane, Zenix, and Aaron" Aphmau introduced them. "Hi" I said. Then I looked over at Aaron and winked at him. He looked as red as a tomatoe, Heehehehe.

After Aphmau left I talked to Zenix and Zane. "So...y/n, got a boyfriend?" Zenix asked. "No sir, I am as single as a Pringle!" "Well then.." zenix grabbed my waist and I put my hands on his chest. Then Laurence came over and said, "Hey Zenix, I don't think you should be doing that." Laurence and the others were growling at Zenix, I just kinda stood still and watched it all happen. "What, you jealous, Casanova?" Zenix snared back. "N-No I just don't think you s-should be doing that to her, since y-you just met her, and all..." "Well, mind your own business" "Whatever, Zenix"

I slowly and sneakily got out of Zenix's grasp. I went over and talked to Katelyn. She introduced me to three girls named, Nichole, Lucinda, and Cadenza. They seemed really nice to me.

I went to go get a burger, but I tripped on something. I closed my eyes and waited for me to fall on the ground, but I never did....I opened my eyes and saw....

MWAHAHAAH!!!! You will never know..until the next chapter. Lol. 709 words, I hope you guys enjoyed! Happy thanksgiving!

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