Part 3 - Party (Continue)

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I just woke up, so this might be a bit lazy....enjoy!

Your name - y/n
Fav color - f/c
Second fav color - s/f/c
Eye color - e/c
Hair length - h/l
Hair color - h/c
Fav food - f/f

You p.o.v.

I closed my eyes and waited for me to fall on the ground, but I never did....I opened my eyes and saw....

"T-Travis?" "You should really watch where you are going babe" you felt something warm rose to your I'm blushing! I tried to hide my blush but Travis still saw. "Ohhhh~ your blushing" Travis purrs in my ear. He just ruined the moment. I punched him so hard that he ends up in the swimming pool.

"LAST ONE IN THE POOL IS A ROTTEN EGG!!!" Aphmau yelled. Everyone jumped in but I forgot my swimming suit. I know I guys are wondering....YES I LOVE TO GO SWIMMING EVEN THOUGH IM A NEKO! Anyways back to what I was doing...

I ran home and got my swim suit:

I ran home and got my swim suit:

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And went back to the house.

Once I got back all the guys were staring at me. It was really awkward. "U-Um, g-guys?? Stop s-staring at m-me!" "Oohhh~ look Zane is staring at you.." Cadenza said. "C-Cadenza!" Zane shouted. "I'm sorry I want my ship to sail!"

(Everyone's ship)
Aphmau = you + Garroth
Katelyn = you + Travis
Kawii-chan = you + Aaron
Nichole = you + Zenix
Cadenza = you + Zane

I jumped into the pool and splashed everyone. "Y/N!!" "Sorry, you guys were in the way... Hahahha!" I laughed. Then someone went under me and lifted me up.."D-Dante! Put me down!" "Nuh-Uh......CHICKEN FIGHT!!!" Oh no. Kawii-chan came over on Brendon's shoulders. (Yes I just added Brendon to the party, deal with it)

"So I guess it came to this, sister-sama" "Yes KC......I am the favorite child, so you will fall" "Let's see y/n-sama" "LET THE FIGHT BEGIN!!!" Laurence shouted.

KC tried to push me off of Dante's shoulders, but I dodged her. Then I kicked Brendon making him stumble then I pushed KC, making her fall.

"YES! I am the favorite child!" "No fair y/n-sama! You pushed Brendan-kun!" "Well, you never told me that I couldn't kick him.."

~Time skip after pool party~

Aaron p.o.v.

Y/n looks pretty cute....she is the only girl that can make me confusing!!!

I was walking home when I heard.. "Hey Aaron!" Y/n shouted. I turned around and asked, "what do you want?" wait that came out mean, dang it. "Woah, mister grumpy pants, I was just gonna say sorry for making you all blushy~" "O-oh it's okay.." stupid, stupid, stupid! Don't stutter! She'll think your week! "Um well, I'm gonna go home. Bai!" She said as she ran to her house.

I'll ask her to hang out sometime...

You p.o.v.

I ran back home and got changed into my pj's :

I ran back home and got changed into my pj's :

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I know I know.....ITS AWESOME!

After I read a couple fan fics on Wattpad, I got a text.
Aph - hey guys
Zane - why did you put me is in a group chat?
Kate - yeah?
Aph - so we can all talk to each other!
KC - I like that idea!
Aaron - I was just about to take a shower.
Zenix - to bad pretty boy
Aaron - whatever, I'm going to take a shower, bye guys
Aph - bye!
Laur - where is y/n?
Gar - ooohh wondering about y/n I see
(Y/n has been added to chat)
Dante - Garroth, we all know you like her too
Y/n - who?
Gar - no one...
Y/n - okay..
(Travis has been added to chat)
Travis - HEY GUYS!!!
Kate - ugh, why did you put Travis in the chat!
Aph - bc I'm not mean like u!
Zenix -ooohhhh
Zane - ohhhh!!!!
Dante - OHHH
Travis - she got you!
Kate - whatever.
Laur - btw, guys, me Garroth Travis and Dante, are gonna have a sleep over at our house.
KC - me too!
Aph - me three
Kate - I guess I will
Zenix - yeah!
Zane - ........ maybe
Y/n - Zane you gotta come to the sleep over, or else
Zane - or else what?
Y/n - I'll come over to your house and make you come to the sleep over!
Zane - you wouldn't


Zane - ummm
Aph - is she really...
Travis - she wouldn't...
Zane - someone is furiously knocking on my door...
Kate - HAHAH she really did!


Zane - okay I'm coming to the sleep over..
Y/n - good! Nite peoples
Everyone - NIGHT!!!

I turned off my phone and went to sleep...

I hope you guys enjoyed! Pls tell me what you want to see...788 words.....BAI!!!!!!!

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