Chapter 10 - Wow

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Your name - y/n
Fav color - f/c
Second fav color - s/f/c
Eye color - e/c
Hair length - h/l
Hair color - h/c
Fav food - f/f

You p.o.v.

During the movie, I kept seeing Laurence and Garroth staring at me, then whisper something to each other....weird. This movie is SOOOOOOO boring, y/n! I kinda jumped in my seat, but then I realized that it was Lucas in my head. LUCAS! Don't scare me like that! Also, yes it is boring. I thought. Whatever, the guys are starting to creep me out. What if we become an item and they just keep stalking you? Lucas tele-told me. (Lol....tele-told) we are not going to be an item, probably not.

~ time skip after le movie ~

Lucas and I went back to my place, with the guys walking far behind us, but not as far so they can't see us. I wanted to make them pay for recking our date.

The guys hid in the bushes around their house. I obviously saw them, but I just played it off.

"I had a really great time, Lucas" I batted my eyes at Lucas, and he was confused, but then remembered the plan. "Me too, babe~" he put his hand on my cheek and brought me closer to him. Wait! Are we about to kiss?!?!?! He looked deeply into my eyes and filled the gap between us. I was shocked at first, but then I melted into the kiss.

His lips tasted like strawberries, and cookies. I couldn't remember a time when me and Lucas ever kissed so, this is our first kiss, well, together. We would've kissed longer but there is a thing called air, that we need to survive.

"Woah" I said. "Yes, woah indeed" Lucas smirked at me.

Then all of a sudden.....Travis came and tackled Lucas. "YOU KISSED HER?!?! SHE IS ONLY MINE TO KISS!!!! YOU WILL PAY!" Travis yelled. "DUDE! GET OFF OF ME! SHE WAS MY GIRLFRIEND FIRST!" Lucas punched Travis in the face and gave me a kiss on the cheek, then ran back to his house. "Travis! Are you okay?!?" I ran to his side to see his bloody forehead. "Y/n, don't worry, I'm okay!" He said clearly not aware of the blood. "No, you're not. Let's come inside and let me fix you up." "Okay."

When we went inside, we saw a shirtless Vylad laying on the couch watching anime. "V-Vylad, I'm b-back!" I tried not to blush. Travis noticed this and said. "And you should put on a shirt!" "Huh?" Vylad looked over and saw Travis with his bloody head and asked what was wrong. I explained everything and told him to get me some stuff to help Travis.

"Travis, you can hear me right?" I asked him. "What did you say!?!?" He laughed. "TRAVIS! No time to play, you could loose a lot of blood and die." "Oh...well then, yes, I can hear you." "Okay, good. Well, I just need you to relax while I put on some stitches and a band-aid." "Y/n?" Travis asked. "Yeah?" "How do you know all of this stuff?" "Well, I went to school to be a doctor, but half way through, I dropped out, because of these girls who got murdered in my dorm. They thought that it would be best for me to leave because, I was next." I told him. "Oh, that makes sense."

~ time skip to tomorrow (Everything is back to normal) ~

Cruz p.o.v.

Today, I'm going to surprise y/n by coming to the neighborhood and I'm going to by the house. I hope she doesn't mind me coming to stay. I just want to see her more....and I also want to keep the guys from flirting with her.

Once I got there, I bought the house and started moving everything. "Yes! I live in the same neighborhood as my neko princess!" I ran to her house after I finished packing and knocked on her door.


But to my surprise, someone that I used to be best friends with, opened the door, with out a shirt, at y/n's house, Vylad, no shirt, with y/n......heh.

Warning....cursing is about to commence

"VYLAD??!?!?! WHAT THE FUCK DUDE?!?! WHY ARE YOU AT Y/N'S HOUSE WITH NO FUCKING SHIRT ON?!?!" I screamed at him. "CHILL DUDE! Y/n just let me stay at her place until I find an apartment." He tried to calm me. "THAT STILL DOESN'T EXPLAIN WHY YOU DON'T HAVE A SHIRT ON! WHERE IS Y/N???" "Relax, I'll get her, and I'll put a shirt on."

You p.o.v.

"Y/n!!!!!!!! Cruz is here!!" I kinda figured since the yelling. I stopped time and ran downstairs and saw that Cruz was really mad. I got changed then unfroze time and went downstairs. "Okay, I got this Vylad." "Are you sure? He is really mad right now, like, he'll eat your family, kind of mad." "Haha, so funny. I got this, you just go upstairs." "Okay."

I opened the door and saw Cruz punching a tree. "Cruz! Don't punch trees! It's not good for your hands!" Cruz looked over at me and he looked really mad. "WHY IS THAT BITCH, VYLAD HERE?!?! ARE YOU AND HIM DATING?!?!" Cruz yelled at me. "Well, first of all, he is here because he didn't have a place to stay, so I told him he could stay at my house, secondly, we are not dating, and lastly, why are you so mad?" I calmly told him. "O-Oh...I was m-mad bec-cause I kinda s-sorta, love you." Cruz said.

He loves me? I love him too! I also love all the other guys. I don't know who to pick though. Should I tell him how I feel about the other guys too? Should I tell him that I don't love him? Ugh, this is confusing. "Cruz I-

And that is where I'm going to end it! MWHAHAHAHAHA! I know, I'm evil, but I'm gonna let you guys decide what you should do. That sounds weird but you get it. 1040 words. Now, BAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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