Chapter 8 - ex-boyfriend

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So sorryI haven't been uploading, and wow! I actually have over 100 reads! I thought this book would be a total flop, but you guys proved me wrong! Well anyways, ENJOY!

Your name - y/n
Fav color - f/c
Second fav color - s/f/c
Eye color - e/c
Hair length - h/l
Hair color - h/c
Fav food - f/f

You p.o.v.

I woke up, and noticed that I wasn't in my bed, I was on the couch. "Huh?" I smelled bacon, pancakes, eggs, and hash browns. "Yum..." I walk over to the kitchen to see Vylad cooking breakfast. "Y/n! You're awake! I made some breakfast, hope you like pancakes." "I LOVE PANCAKES! I COULD JUST KISS YOU RIGHT NOW!" I said while hugging him. I just noticed what I said, and pink rose to my cheeks. "U-Uh, I d-didn't mean t-that I j-just..." "shhhhhh...I understand" Vylad grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. "V-Vylad?!" "Yes~" "W-What are you d-doing?!?" UGH stupid stuttering. "I just wanted to do this for some time now~"

Then he leaned in and closed the gap between us. I was shocked at first but then kissed back. It was so amazing, I wished that it could go on forever but we had to pull away. "My neko princes~"

I wake up again. "WHAT?!?" Dang it! It was a dream. Wait? I like Vylad? Of course you do y/n. You have liked him since middle school! Oh great now I'm talking to myself.

"I guess Vylad carried me up here." I say, looking at my comfy bed. I get up and stretch, then walk downstairs. There on the couch I see a half naked Vylad sleeping. I blush then try to wake him up. "Vylad~ Vylad wake up!" I push him. "Five more minutes mom!" He says through a pillow. "Wake up Vylad!" I push him harder to wake him up. "No!" He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me next to him. "VYLAD!!!! WAKE UP!" "UGH, fine..."

We get ready and start to move all his stuff down to the basement.

~time skip bc it's a free country and I'm to lazy~

"So, Vylad, you like your new room?" I HAD TO CHANGE MY AWESOME BASEMENT INTO HIS BEDROOM! Ugh why do I have to be so nice? "Yeah! Thanks again, so much y/n!" He said while hugging me. "No problem!" I said hugging back. Then I felt Vylad pet my ears. "Purrrrrr~" I purr and Vylad just chuckles. "You're so cute y/n..." he said. What?!? He thinks I'm cute!!! "U-Um I gotta g-go to the store, b-bye Vylad!" I wave. "Hehe, bye y/n!" He waved back.

~another time skip, deal with it!~

While I was shopping for the essentials, I bumped into..."Dante!" "Y/n! I didn't expect to see you here!" "Me either." I said. "So watcha doing here?" Dante said kinda nervously. "Um....buying stuff. What else am I gonna do and a store?" I said laughing.

Dante p.o.v.

STUPID! Of course she is shopping, it's a store! Ugh. I hope Travis, Garroth, and Laurence don't see me with her. "Y/n?!?" I turn around to see Travis, Garroth, and Laurence. Wow, just wow. "Guys!" Y/n said. "It's nice to see you." Laurence said. "Y-You look n-nice t-today..." Garroth the stutter king says. "Hello gorgeous~" Travis said and winked at y/n. "Can I have another kiss?" He asked y/n. Y/n blushed and rolled her eyes. "Anyway guys, I got to go home to make lunch for me and Vyl-my cat..." y/n said. "You got a cat!" Garroth yelled/asked. "U-Um yeah?" "We can walk you home." I suggested. "Sure, that would be great!" She told us.

~ANOTHER time skip~

"Thank you guys for walking me I really needed the help!" Y/n said as she walked up to her house. "No problem! Anything for you, y/n!" Laurence said. Then we heard the door unlock. ??? Then.....VYLAD OPENED THE DOOR?!?! "Hey y/n back from- Uh oh..." "BABY BROTHER?!?! What are you doing at y/n's house?" Garroth said shocked. "Well, Vylad lives here..." y/n said. "WHAT?!?!?!" We all shouted. "Yep! Y/n was so kind as to let me stay at her place." Vylad said smirking at us.

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