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I'm alittle sick today, but I'm still gonna type this story for you guys...OH YEAH! Um...thx for Aphmaucun for the new character!!!! I really like him and I think he will do great in the story!

Your name - y/n
Fav color - f/c
Second fav color - s/f/c
Eye color - e/c
Hair length - h/l
Hair color - h/c
Fav food - f/f

You p.o.v.

Yay! Today I'm going to a sleepover at the guys house! I got up and took a shower and changed into this:

Yay! Today I'm going to a sleepover at the guys house! I got up and took a shower and changed into this:

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When I was just about to leave the house I noticed a limousine outside my house. Then someone that I thought that I would never see after high school came out of the car......I bolted out the door and glomped him (if you don't know what a glomp is, it is a very violent hug, like your throwing yourself on that person) "CRUZ!!!!!!" "Y/N!!!!!!!" It was really hard for me to hug him because he is like 30 feet taller than me.....okay maybe only 1 foot but that is still a lot!

"Y/n I missed you so much!" Cruz said. "I missed you too!!!!! AHHHH! I'm so happy! Hehehe" "okay okay, calm down shorty.." "HEY! What did I say about callin me shorty, giganticus!"

Garroth p.o.v.

Me and the guys were cleaning up the house when we heard....."AHHHHHHHH! I'm so happy! Hehehe" that sounded like y/n.... "Hey guys, did you hear that?" "Yeah.." we look outside when we see.....Y/N WITH A VERY TALL HANDSOME GUY, AND THEY ARE HUGGING!!!!! NOT THAT IM INTO GUYS BUT HE IS VERY HANDSOME! HANDSOMER THAN AARON! While I was calmly thinking that in my mind I saw Laurence stomp out the door. "Wait, Laurence! He is like you times 10!"

Cruz p.o.v.

While me and y/n were talking a guy came up to y/n and put his arm around her waist...."What are you doing to my little neko princess?!?" I said. He looked really scared. Hahaha. Oh....I can already tell I hate him...Then y/n pushed his arm of her waist. I'm very glad that she did that. "So y/n, why are you in this neighborhood, you could be living in Okasis" I asked. (pretend that, Okasis is a rich people neighborhood) "Well, I wanted to just see what this kind of neighborhood was like, and it's really nice." She answered. "Hmmm maybe I should move in.." "YEAH! I would love it if you moved in...since I haven't seen you for like 6 years!" "Wait, it's been only 6 years since we feels like 26." Then a lot of people came over.

You p.o.v.

While we were talking about Cruz moving in, everyone in the neighborhood walked towards us. "Hey y/n, who's the guy~" Aphmau teased. I honestly have had a crush on him since forever, but I haven't had the guts to tell him. "S-Shut up Aphmau, but anyway this is my best-friend Cruz Brown!" I presented him. He did a weird bow and I giggled. All the guys growled at Cruz, and when I looked at Cruz's face I could tell he was about to hit them. At our old school he was known as a bully, but he never was mean to me....but of course the only reason why he was mean because people called him orphan kid. They were the real bullies. Me and Cruz have been best friends for 18 years! I know I can't believe it either, but any ways back to the story! I noticed that Cruz was furious.

"Hey y/n, I'm gonna go for a walk *wink*" Cruz said. When we were kids we made up this thing when we just wanted to be alone and we would tell each other that we wanted to go for a walk and wink, but meet up at this really big tree. "Okay" I said. Then he left.

"Um guys I'll be right back okay....okay!"

Zane p.o.v.

That Cruz guy was really scary but I had to play it cool because I didn't want y/n to think I was weak. "Hey y/n, I'm going for a walk" Cruz said. "Okay"

We talked for a little while then y/n said that she would be back.

After she left all of the guys went to Aaron's house.

"Who was that rich kid?!?!" Zenix said. "I know right!" Travis agreed. "We need to find a way to get him to stay away from my y/n.." Dante said, which made all the guys angry. "Your y/n???" I said. "She is  our y/n guys." Garroth said. "Well, either way we need to keep him away from our little kitty!" Laurence said. "Kitty?" Aaron asked. (Okay this is sounding weird but I'm just trying to get all the guys to talk..😹) "Well, at the sleepover tonight we could make up a plan to get them apart." "Yeah!"

All girls p.o.v.


Cruz p.o.v.

Me and y/n were sitting at the big tree. Then I felt really tired and fell asleep in her lap. Before I fell asleep I saw y/n kiss my cheek and say, "goodnight, Cruz"

"Momma?" "Daddy?" "Please wake up..." I was only five......

"Mister.....are you okay?" I look up to see a pretty girl....."u-Uh no, my parents died and no one came to find me.." "oh, I'm can stay with me and my mommy!" "U-Uh okay.."

"Cruz.....I don't want to leave you....." "it's okay y/n, just remember all the fun times we had together." "B-But Cruz..." "'s okay...just go to college and make new friends" "o-okay" I love you y/n

-------Dream end-------

I hope you enjoyed....and thanks again Aphmaucun! I honestly couldn't have made this without Cruz and I think he is perfect for the story! BAI!!!!! Oh yeah, 1031 words... again, BAI!!!!!

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