13 - I choose...

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You p.o.v.

Cruz and I went to my house, after he got changed. I opened the door to see Vylad and Duce playing FIFA17. "GOAAAAAAAAAAAAL!!!!!!" My brother ran around screaming, while Vylad just put his head in his hands.

"Um, guys?" I laughed. "Oh hey Y/n." Duce ran over to me and hugged me. "YOUVE BEEN GONE FOR 4 HOURS!!!!" He faked cried in my shoulder. "I think you can live with that." "No, I caaaan't" "stop acting like a baby, you big baby!" I slapped his head. "Ow, gesh y/n..."

"Cruz is staying for dinner, so I'm going to get ready and then I'll make Ramen." I said, then ran upstairs.

I changed into:

I ran downstairs and began making Ramen

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I ran downstairs and began making Ramen. While I was cooking, I was singing 'Like That by Jack and Jack' and all of the sudden I felt an arm around my waist, and breath hit my neck. I froze in place, not knowing who it was. "Relax y/n, it's just me." I heard Vylad say in my ear. "Jesus, I thought I was going to die!" "I would never let that happen." Vylad pulled me closer to him. "Vylad, you know that I am not choosing anyone right now." I pulled his arm off of my waist. "But good try." I smiled, turning back and started cooking. "Y/n, you can't just not choose anyone. Or else you won't have your happily ever after." Vylad left and I just stood there, shocked.

He's right. I can't just love all of them. That's not fair to them. Of course it's going to be a hard decision, but I have to make it quick. Cruz is leaving. How am I going to pick though? They are all great. Vylad is charming. Cruz had been with me since forever. Garroth is sweet. Laurence is kind. Travis is such a flirt. Zane is so mysterious it just makes me want to want him. Zenix is...off the table. Aaron is loving. Who am I going to choose!

I choose...

OH NOOOO! HOW IS IT GOING TO END?!?! IS THIS THE LAST CHAPTER?!?! WILL Y/N DIE AND NEVER RETURN?!?! Well, I guess you'll just have to wait. Unless you read this after I publish the next chapter. Or chapters. Well anyway, this chapter has only been 394 words. Sorry.....BAI!!!!!!

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