Chapter 11 - I can't

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Your name - y/n
Fav color - f/c
Second fav color - s/f/c
Eye color - e/c
Hair length - h/l
Hair color - h/c
Fav food - f/f

You p.o.v.

"O-Oh...I was    m-mad bec-cause I kinda s-sorta, love you." Cruz said.

He loves me? I love him too! I also love all the other guys. I don't know who to pick though. Should I tell him how I feel about the other guys too? Should I tell him that I don't love him? Ugh, this is confusing. "Cruz I-

"Cruz I-I can't..." I said, looking down at my feet not showing my sadness. "What? Wait, no. I understand, (y/n)." "You do?" I look up and I see sadness in his eyes. I feel terrible. "Yeah. I know you like the others. I know that you need sometime to think about your life." " don't know how much that means to me!" I hug him, smiling a little. He hugs me back, hesitantly. I pull back from the hug, feeling colder from the lack of his body heat on me.

"So.....why are you here exactly?" I asked. "Oh yeah! I'm moving in!" Oh no.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I hear happy squeals, angry screams, and......a broken chair?

I see kawii~chan and Aphmau run out of their house towards me and Cruz. "Cruz! I heard you're moving in!" Aphmau said. "Wait, were you listening to-" I got cut off by putting her finger to my mouth. " one has to know." "Um....okay then...." Then I saw Garroth, Laurence, Dante, Aaron, Travis, Zenix, Vylad, and Zane come out of their houses. "HE'S MOVING IN?!?!" They all shout at the exact same time. "Yep! I already moved into the house down the street!" Cruz said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

All the guys looked furious.

"(Y/n), can I talk to you for a moment?" Aaron asked me. "Uh, sure!" Aaron and I went over to his house. "So what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" I couldn't see a thing. All of his lights were off..."Aaron?" I called out. Trying to find a light switch. I hear a lock, then footsteps. "A-Aaron???" I feel something pushing me against the wall. Then I feel something warm and soft against my lips...


I kiss him back, and we made out for a little, but then we pulled apart. "(Y/n) I really like you, and I know you like me too, but I also know you like the other guys. Just, let me have that date with you, please?" Aaron whispered in my ear. "Uh, yeah, yeah, of course." I blushed. Thankfully he couldn't see that because it's so dark. He leaned in again, kissing me. On instinct, my tail rapped around his leg. Then we heard a bang.

We looked behind us and Garroth busted down the doors. "GĘT ÅWŸ FRØM HÊR!!!" Garroth said, in his jury of nine form. "Well, then....I'm gonna just leave.......bye!" I ran back to my house, with everyone still outside.

"Okay. I need to get my life straight so. Aphmau, KC, I love ya, but go home." I said. "Okay, (y/n)~sama, kawaii~chan understands sister~samas needs space." They both left back to their house. "Now, you guys." I took in a deep breath, then let everything out. "I think you guys are really sweet, but I love all of you, I don't know who I would choose. I just need some time away from everyone, well besides Vylad, I live with him so it's kinda hard. But I hope you understand guys." They just look at me and nod then go back to their houses.

That wasn't really the reaction I was hoping for, but it will do. I went inside. I drew myself a bubble bath. I got some wine. I got my laptop, and I put on a movie on Netflix. I got in and just relaxed, for 4 hours straight. To think about my life, who I truly love. I wish feelings weren't ask complicated. Who would I picture marrying? Ugh, I don't know.

Then I got a text.

I reached over for my phone and picked it up. My brother! Duce!!!!

Y=you D=Duce

D - hey sis!
Y - DUCE!!!! I haven't talked to you in forever!
D - lol, I know. See the thing is...
Y - let me need money?
D - no no no....I need some place to stay for a little while and I was thinking if I could live with you?
Y - would have to be sleeping on the ground in my room.
D - sounds good c ya tomorrow, bye!
Y - wait, Duce!

Ugh, I guess my brother is staying at my house too. Isn't this just fun.

Hey guys! I know it's been forever since I published a chapter, and I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry about that, plz forgive meh. I will still be posting this, but it won't be often. I will try though. So, uh yeah, this chapter has been almost 890 words. Okay, uh..... BAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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