Chapter 12 - NO!

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Your name - y/n
Fav color - f/c
Second fav color - s/f/c
Eye color - e/c
Hair length - h/l
Hair color - h/c
Fav food - f/f

Cruz p.o.v.

No no no no no!

I just got here I can't leave y/n! "Mom! I can't leave her!" "But honey, your father needs you." My mom kept pestering me. She needs me to come back home, in r/s (random state) but I just moved here for y/n. My dad wants me to run one of his businesses. "But mom-" "YOU ARE COMING BACK HOME AND THAT IS FINAL!" She hung up the phone. I was so furious, I threw my phone against the wall, leaving a hole in it.

I have got to tell y/n...

You p.o.v.

I was brushing my ears, making them softer. When all of the sudden I heard knocking at my door. I opened it and saw my brother. "DUCE!" "Y/N"
We gave each other a hug and I invited him in. "Y/N! What's wrong I heard someone shout your name...are you having se- oh, hi!" Vlyad came out from his room and talked with Duce for a while.

Then I got a text message from Cruz.

Cruz: y/n, can we meet up somewhere?

Y/n: sure, where?

Cruz: come to my house.

Y/n: okay, just don't try anything😂

After that he didn't reply. "Guys, I'm going to Cruz's house." "Ugh, why Cruz, you should just stay here..." Vlyad hugged my waist. "Heh, no. I think it's something serious. I can feel it." My ears twitched. "Okay, hurry back though." Duce told me. "I will!" I closed the door I ran over to Cruz's house.

Before I could even knock the door flew open. Cruz looked like a mess. His cheeks were stained red, like his eyes. It seems like he was crying. His hair was all messed up and he was only wearing his boxers.      "Y/n...." Cruz hugged me and brought me inside. "Cruz what's going on?" He set me on his lap, while he sat on the couch. He played with my hair, with a sad smile. "I-I have to leave to r/s..."

I felt my eyes water. He just got here. My childhood best friend, my first love, he can't go. "Wha-What do you m-mean?" I tried not to cry. "My dad needs me to come back and work for him.." he still played with my hair. I looked at him, and I couldn't hold it in anymore. I broke down into tears. "C-Cruz you c-can't leave me!" I hugged him and cried into his shoulder. "I'm sorry, y/n. I don't want to leave you either." We stayed like that for hours until I eventually fell asleep.


I woke up, on Cruz's lap. Weirdly he was still playing with my hair. "How long have I been asleep?" I asked, knowing that he is awake. "4 hours." He stated causally. "You've been playing with my hair...for 4 hours???" I laughed. "Heh, yeah. I'm really going to miss you y/n." "I'm going to miss you too. When do you have to leave?" "2:00 am in the morning." Wow, that's very early. "How about you come over for dinner, I'm making Ramen, your favorite!" "Okay."

Sorry for the short chapter. It's better than not posting at all though! Dis chapter has been da 585 words long. BAI!!!!!!

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