14 (Vylad)

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Vylad is right. I can't not choose someone. I know who it is. He is so sweet and kind and just amazing!

"Vylad! Can you come here for a second?!?" I yelled. "Yeah, be right there."

Vylad looked kind of sad, and depressed. Probably because I told him, but I have a feeling that's going to change. "Hey...um...you are right." I blurted out. How am I supposed to tell him? Hey, look, IM IN LOVE WITH YOU AND I WANT YOU TO HAVE MY BABIES! No, that's a little to forward...I don't know. "I said, you are right, I need to choose someone, and I can't be playing with your guys emotions. So I choose, you." I hid my face in my hands to avoid showing him my blush.

I felt hands around my wrists and they pulled my wrists down. I look up to see a very happy Vylad. "Oh, y/n. Do you know how much I wanted to here you say that?!?!" He kissed me. I was shocked at first, but then I kissed him back.

We kissed for a good 13 minutes, then we decided to finish the Ramen.

I walk out into the room with a huge smile on my face. "Here is your Ramen." I handed Duce his bowl. (I eat Ramen in a bowl) "and here is yours" I then handed Cruz his bowl. "And yours" I smiled and gave Vylad his bowl. "Made with extra love, I'm guessing?" He said with a smirk. "Shut up" I hit his arm and ate my food.

"Y/n I'm gonna miss you." Cruz blurted out. I saw in the corner of my eye, Vylad clench his jaw. "I am too, Cruz." "You know I love you, right?" He asked me. "Yes but Cruz I-I...." I looked over to Vylad and he looked at me with a face that said 'TELL HIM!' "I love Vylad."

I could see the hurt in his eyes. "I'm sorry Cruz I-" "No, y/n, it's okay." Cruz chuckled. "Huh?" Vylad and I both said. "I know you do, it was stupid of me to think a girl as great as you, would love someone as stupid as me." "Dang right!" I heard Vylad mumble. I threw my crumbled up napkin at him. "I'm going to go now, see you next time, y/n."

That was it. Cruz left.

At least I have Vylad.

"So um.....y/n? When did all of this oh drama happen?" Duce asked, smirking and wiggling his eyebrows. "Well, it happened when I moved here. FYI."

"Y/n, your going to have to tell the other boys that you love me and not them." Vylad said. "TO LATE!" All of the sudden we hear a ton of feet coming downstairs. "HOW DID YOU GET IN MY HOUSE?!?!" I yelled. "Uh...you left your window open so we got in. You should really close your windows." Travis said. "My window is on the second floor." I bluntly said. "Well, we can fly so, you should honk about that." Garroth snorted.

"SHE IS MINE NOW!" Vylad ran up and grabbed my waist. "NOT YOURS!!!!" He smiled. "Yes, you have a good one brother." Zane ruffled Vylads hair. "Did you just...show me brotherly love?" Vylad said, fake tearing up. "COME HERE BROTHER!" Vylad engulfed Zane into a hug.

"Guys I-" I got cut off by Dante. "It's okay y/n, you can't love all of us." "But I do, just not in that way." "AWWWW GROUP HUG!" Garroth said and brought us into a hug.

This isn't so bad after all.

~~~~~~~~your lives in 10 years~~~~~~~~~
You got married.
Had 3 girls.
Valerie )
Grew old together, and died together.

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