Part 6 - Date?!?!?

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I'm a little sick today.....and I didn't go to I'm making another part. Oh yeah, if I don't upload a day, I'm sorry, I probably didn't have enough time. ENJOY!

Your name - y/n
Fav color - f/c
Second fav color - s/f/c
Fav food - f/f
Eye color - e/c
Hair length - h/l
Hair color - h/c

You p.o.v.

It's been a few days since Cruz came to visit. He told me that he wants to move in. There is a house a couple houses down that he can live in. On the right side of my house is where, Travis,Dante,Laurence, and Garroth's house is and on my left is where Aaron lives. Right in front of me is where Kawii-chan, Katelyn, and Aphmau live.


"Im coming!" I went to the door and opened it. I saw Travis standing at the door. "Hey, y/n" "Hi, Travis! What can I do for you?" "Go on a date with me?" ..........................."R-Really?" "Yeah! I think it will be fun." "U-Um o-okay....what t-time?" "How about 8:00?" Travis asked. I looked at the clock and it said 6:30. "Okay!" "See you there, neko princess~" he kissed my hand and left.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Omg omg omg! I have a date....with Travis! I never thought he would properly ask me....anyways I have 1 hour to get ready. Since it was already 7:00 because I was slightly panicking.

I got changed into this:

(Except instead of black it's f/c)

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(Except instead of black it's f/c)

And put on some boots. (Any boots you want)

I curled/straitened my hair and waited. It was 7:50 right now and I'm kinda freaking out. What if he kisses me?!? That would be my first kiss! Then all of a sudden I get a text, from Katelyn...

Y - you heard right my dear Katelyn.
Kate - yes! My ship is being sailed!
Y - wait, Katelyn, you ship people too?!?
Kate - I only ship you and Travis.
Y - why?
Kate - bc you and Travis will look great together.
Y - well, anyways, I gtg, Travis will be here any minute.
Kate - okay! Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then I remembered what my mom gave me. A f/c ribbon. I put that around my h/c ears and I brushed my tail. Right after I was done. The door bell rang.

I ran over, well I speed-walked, because, heels. The. I opened the door.

Travis p.o.v.

Yes I have a date with y/n! SUCK IT CRUZ! Well, anyways, I get changed into this:

Yes I have a date with y/n! SUCK IT CRUZ! Well, anyways, I get changed into this:

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(I tried not to make his outfit to fancy)

And went out to y/n's house. I ring the doorbell and y/n opens the door. Woah, she looks amazing. I felt something hot rise to my cheeks, I'm blushing...and apparently I had my mouth open because she said, "Shut your mouth, your gonna catch flies." Then she giggled. Her giggling HAS to be my new ringtone, and alarm. "U-Um h-hey y/n, you look v-very           b-beautiful...." Oh thanks a lot Travis now I look like a stuttering snowball. AND IM TALKING TO MYSELF.... "u-Uh Travis? Are you okay, you've been staring at me for like 5 minutes." "Uh yeah, lets go!" I held out my arm and said, "M'lady". She laughed and said, "Why thank you kind sir." and grabbed my arm. I opened the car door for her and we went to....

You p.o.v.

"THE BEACH!!!!!" I screamed. "Yep! But you need to close your eyes real quick..." "....why?" "Why not?" Travis answered with a smirk. "Well, played." I closed my eyes and let him guide me to the surprise.

"You can open your eyes." Once he said that I opened my eyes, and saw a beautiful picnic set up. With candles, sandwiches, and CAKE! "Awe....thanks Travis!" "Anything for you babe~"

We sat down and ate together. Then a kitten ran over to us and started to meow. "Mew Meow" the kitten said. "Awe, Travis, its hungry!" I fed him some of the sand which and tried to look for a coller. He didn't have a color so I guess I'm taking him in. "What are you gonna name him?" Travis asked. "How about you decide..." "okay......what about Mr. Fluffalaffagus?" "Mr. Fluffalaffagus.....funny but cute. Just like you." I mumble the last part so he couldn't hear. "What did you say?" "Nothin..." "No, you said somethin!" "Nuh-Uh.." "Yeah-huh!" Prove it!" "Okay!" He then tickles me and I start laughing uncontrollably, then once he stoped. We looked into each other's eyes and I noticed that Travis was leaning in. I lost complete control of my body, then we kissed.

After a couple of minutes we pulled apart. "T-That was m-my first k-kiss.." "U-Um, I'm sorry y-y/n..." I said, "there is nothing to be sorry about." Then we watched the sun set.

"I think we should go home. It's 10:00." "Really?!?" I said. "Yep." Travis said showing me the time.

After we got home Travis walked me to my door. I kissed him on his cheek and walked into the house with Mr. Fluffalaffagus. Oh what a day....

Travis p.o.v.

She kissed me on the cheek and went into her house. She kissed me on the cheek! Omg! Omg! Omg! Wait I sound like a fan girl right now.

I walk into the house and Garroth asked, "Where were you?!?!" "Yeah, we thought you were dead!" Dante said. "Well, I was on a date..." "Really! With who!" Laurence said happily. "Y/n" I smirked. "And I got a kiss, on the lips, and on the cheek!" All their faces turned into angry faces. Garroth turned into his Jurry of Nine form, while Laurence turned into a shadow night. "TRAVIS!!!!!" "AHHHHHH!!!!!" I run around the house and hid ontop of the roof. "Oh,    Y/n, what are you doing to me?"

I hoped you guys enjoyed. Next date chapter I'll make it with who ever you guys want next. I put Travis first because of that last part about them chasing Travis. But anyways.... 1049 words! See ya and BAI!!!!!!!!

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