Part 5 - actual sleepover

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Your name - y/n
Fav color - f/c
Second fav color - s/f/c
Fav food - f/f
Eye color - e/c
Hair length - h/l
Hair color - h/c

You p.o.v.

Cruz looked so cute laying on my- WAIT Y/N...he's been your best friend since forever, he probably doesn't even like me. My ears drooped and my tail curled up. Ugh, emotions. I saw Cruz squirming in his sleep...must be having a nightmare... "Cruz, wake up." No answer "Cruz...wake up!" I shove, but no answer...oh he dead! "CRUZ! WAKE UP!" "AHHHHH! I KNOW KARATE!" He shouted. "hahahahahha!!!! Oh my goodness. You know how to make me laugh." "Y/N! You almost gave me a heart attack!" "Well I'm sorry mister grumpy pants, but we need to go to the sleepover at the guys house!" I run to my car leaving Cruz behind.

Cruz p.o.v.

Wait, a sleepover at the guys' and they invited y/n. HA I know they aren't trying to take my neko princess away from me! "Y/N! Are you the only girl that's gonna be there?" "No, don't worry Cruz, there will be other girls to flirt with!" She shouted. "The only girl I want to be flirting with is you..." "I heard that Cruz!" She yelled. "No you didn't!" "Whatever!"

~time skip to sleepover~

Katelyn p.o.v.

Today me and the girls made a plan to get Cruz and y/n together, but I think everyone is still going on with their ships....y/n and Travis are perfect together, not only that but he will stop bugging other girls.


"Hey ladies" Travis said. "Move aside dorkathin" I snarled. "Where is y/n?" "Kawii-chan thinks sister-sama is with Cruz-kun..."

You p.o.v.


"Hey.....y/n!, I thought you weren't coming for a second!" Garroth said. "I'm not gonna miss an awesome sleep over!" I ran into the house and jumped onto the couch. "Oh, hey Cruz..." Garroth growled. Then Cruz mumbled something to Garroth I couldn't hear but Garroth's face went super pale and he walked over and sat by Zane....wait, "ZANE YOU MADE IT!" I ran over and gave him a hug. "Of course, you told me if I didn't come then you would-" "Shhhhhhhhh....." "u-um okay" Zane stuttered.

Cruz walked in and sat next to me. "Ahem" Aphmau 'coughed'. I looked over and Aphmau was raising her eyebrows like:

I gave her the 'shut up' face and then Laurence said, "WHO WANTS POPCORN?!?" Everyone - "ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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I gave her the 'shut up' face and then Laurence said, "WHO WANTS POPCORN?!?"
Everyone - "ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

~time skip after movie and popcorn~

Lucinda p.o.v.

"Truth or dare!" I shouted. Everyone gathered in a circle and I went first....."Travis, truth or dare..." "DARE MEH!" "I dare you to run outside and scream, 'Im a poopy head and no one likes me!'" "Okay"

"Y/n truth or dare" Travis asked. "My momma didn't raise no wimp....dare!" "I dare you to kiss me!" "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" mostly every guy growled."U-Um, o-okay....." Travis puckered his lips....y/n moved in closer....and kissed his cheek. "Wait, what?!?" Travis said. "HAHAHAHAA OMI, she got you Travis!" Zenix said. "You never said where to kiss you..." y/n said. "Whatever." Travis pouted like a sad puppy.

~Time skip after truth or dare~

Dante p.o.v.

"Movies!!!!" Aaron said. Yeah we need to watch a movie, a scary one, that is....

After we put the movie in, everyone sat down. I sat in between y/n and Cruz. Everyone else was afraid to mess with Cruz, but I'm awesome so I volunteered...

Flash back

"Someone has to sit in between Cruz and y/ one....fine let's take a vote, who votes on Laurence going up?" No hands "Garroth"  No hands "Travis" one hand "Aaron" no hands "Me?" 3 hands. "GUYS, WHY ME!" "Your the one who made up this plan.." Aaron said. "I'm not going near him!" I shouted. "I'll tell y/n that you still sleep with the lights on!" Travis said. "You wouldn't dare..." "I would..." "FINE.....*silent crys*"

Flash back end

You p.o.v.

Before the movie started everyone got in their seats I sat next to Cruz and Garroth. Then Dante came and sat in between me and Cruz...oh no. "Um, little man, you should move." Cruz said. "W-Why don't y-you m-move....." Dante said. STUPID DANTE! I got up and sat in between Cruz and Dante so Cruz couldn't hit him. My tail waves back and forth, then I felt someone pet my tail. I blushed and moved my tail. I turned around to see Laurence petting my tail. "Laurence-Kun don't do that to a neko, it's their sensitive spot..." KC whispered. After she told him that he blushed and mouthed 'sorry'.

A little while into the movie I felt someone's arm wrap around my waist. I looked at Cruz and he was asleep. Dante? No asleep to.... I looked down and saw Travis hugging my waist. How didn't I see him?!?! Is he a ninja?!?! And he is asleep! I pet his head and I hear him say,"Is your dad a baker, because you have some hot buns...." hehehe, that's a good one.

After the movie I was the only one still awake....or so I thought. I felt someone pet my ears, and I purred. I turned around to see Zane looking at me. He blushed and turned around. I slowly and slyly got out of the boys grasp and made them hug each other..."Heehehe...." I walked over to Zane and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and said, "Yeah?" "Cuddles...." I poured like a 4 year old. "Ugh....fine you big baby." Then we wine back to sleep like:

" Then we wine back to sleep like:

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~time skip~

Aaron p.o.v.

I woke up to a sounded like Cadenza... "w-what's a matter?" I asked. I saw KC and Aphmau taking pictures, Katelyn laughing, Cadenza having a heart attack, and Lucinda smirking. It seems that all the other guys aren't awake. I look over and see Zane and y/n cuddling..........WHAT! "Aaron-kun.....pls don't wake them up...." KC said. "Ugh, fine"

We woke up he other guys except Cruz, and told them not to wake any of those three. All the guys were growling at Zane. Then something terrible happened. Cruz woke up. He looked at all of us then scanned the room, but he stoped at Zane and y/n.

"ZANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shouted.......Uh-oh.  

Zane p.o.v.

I woke up hearing "ZANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I looked up and I saw a very very very angry Cruz and all the other angry guys and I saw the girls who were in total shock. I looked over at y/n and she said one word that I'll never forget. "Run."

I ran out the door, into the backyard, over the fence, on the road, through the street, all the way to the playground around 4 miles away. I think I used all my adrenaline trying to run away from him....."All this for y/n......still worth it"

Hope you guys enjoyed! I made Zane a sweetheart in the end 🤗 . This was a long chapter. 1204 words. Ikr. BAI!!!!!!!

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