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   I knew I couldn't go back. I wanted to go back more than I ever wanted anything. "Mom?" I asked her "if you say you'd accept me than why were you never there for me. Why did you not provide for me? Why did you let me almost starve?" "I...I...I don't really know. Ever since your father died-" I cut her off "mom, I've got to go." I was starting to fade. "I love you" I flew up. I couldn't control it, almost like I was being picked up. When I was up high enough I saw a bulge on my mothers stomach. She was pregnant. I'm honestly not surprised but why didn't she tell me? I bet that's what they were coming home to tell me.

    That was it. The last thing I saw before I couldn't see anything but light. Only light for a few minutes, but suddenly I saw a figure. The devil? No, it couldn't be. It was a figure of a man. Jesus? The image got more clear. My jaw dropped. I knew that face, so familiar but so distant. "Dad?" I said questionably "Dad!" My dad was here! I rushed to him and embraced him in a hug. He gently hugged me back. "You're here early" he muttered with a sad look in his eyes. "Yeah...I...I Jump-" he cut me off "I saw it happen. I have watched over you." "Stalker much?" I said with a laugh trying to cheer us both up. We both chuckled. "So what happens now?" I asked him "we wait to leave" I looked at him confused. "Finn do you believe in reincarnation?" I never really thought about it. "I guess. Is that what we're waiting for?"

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