Chapter Ten

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                Leah's POV
                     I sat, numb, beside Devan's bed. He had been comatose for about two weeks now....And the doctor had admitted that my boyfriend was deteriorating. In my hand, I held the two necklaces that Anne had ordered for me. I had recently signed up for my America's Got Talent audition, and had put myself down as a vocalist. I also knew how to play an acoustic guitar and a piano, so I would probably use one or both of those. I gently squeezed his hand, and stood, putting the lock necklace on. 

      "I miss you, Devan. And....I did it. I'm going to be on America's Got Talent, and I'm doing it for you. My audition is tomorrow.....And I wish you could be there. But this.....this is for you. I've given you something I've never given anyone before. You've got the key to my heart. And I think....I think I love you." I wished it could be like the movies, where the girl confesses her love, and the guy she loves wakes up, and admits he loves her too. But....this wasn't a movie. This was real life. And he didn't wake up. Everything stayed exactly the same. I sighed, blinking back tears, and walked out. I met Collins outside, and his cheeks were also tearstained.

       "Something else happen?" I asked, and he nodded.
      "I just ran into Andi....And I got a lecture about how I haven't been paying enough attention to her, and if I don't, we're going to be done. I tried to explain what happened with the accident, but she wouldn't listen. So...." I sighed, nodding sadly.
       "So you let her go?" He nodded slowly, looking at me. I gently took his hand, and sighed.
      "Collins, I know it probably doesn't help much, but if she's this possessive and clingy, probably none of her relationships are going to work out." He smiled sadly, and opened the driver's door for me. I climbed in, and he went to the passenger side, getting in. The next day, I got up slowly, looking in the mirror. Anne was letting me wear some of Devan's t-shirts, and I had on his favorite, a plain black t-shirt. I quickly changed into jeans, my black converse, one of my plain black shirts, and a black, grey, and blue plaid shirt over it. As I got ready to leave my room, I stopped. Then, I picked up the ring Devan had given me, as well as our necklaces. I put all three on, sliding the key necklace under my t-shirt. Then, I went downstairs, and found Collins, Anne, and their dad, Steven, at the table. Collins looked up, swallowing his cereal.

       "There she is! You ready? We leave in about a half-hour." I nodded, sitting across from him. Anna placed a bowl of cheerios in front of me, and I peeked over at my guitar, which was sitting on its stand in front of the bookshelves.

      "Collins?" He looked up, his spoon halfway to his mouth.
      "Will I have the same judges you had?" He smiled slightly, taking the bite, then spoke.
      "Probably. They were pretty cool, though." I smirked.
      "Coming from the one that almost got Heidi and Mel to kiss." I said, raising an eyebrow. Anne and Steven laughed, and he raised his hands.
      "Hey, that was Devan's idea!! He said I should try that trick out on them." I smiled slightly, looking down. Then, I remembered something he'd told me at one point, and decided what song I was going to do for my audition. I quickly finished, and we left. Then, I had to film my video for before I went out.

      "My name is Leah Jones, and I am eighteen years old. I'm actually here today because of my boyfriend, Devan, and his brother. They're the ones that convinced me to do this. I used to be a really shy, quiet person, and I....I was bullied a whole lot, and I....I was also abused by family members. day at school, I met someone. And he....he helped me realize that I didn't have to keep letting people run over me, that I had a voice and could be heard. Meeting Devan and Collins has completely changed me as a person, and how I look at things. And now, thanks to their I am. Winning this would be huge, because I could help people see that no matter what you're dealing with, there will eventually be some kind of silver lining, that no matter what, you don't have to give up." I finished, and headed out. Collins helped me pin my number on my shirt, and I heard the crowd as I stood  there, nervous.

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