Chapter 3

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I turned my Music up trynna push my thoughts to the back of my head and forget about the Moment that just happened.

Ar'Mariah always tried to get in my head and make a nigga get in touch with his sensitive side, she was good as hell at it too.

But the shit wasn't happening. I wasn't the type of nigga to get in mah feelings, that was sum fa soft ass niggas.

Getting in ya feelings gets in the way. Why you sitting up there sulkin and shit, that time could've been spent makin money.

Ar'mariah thought she can crack me but nah. She might as well give up na. She had been that way since we was youngins.

She was more like the annoyin lil sista that wanted to follow her big brotha around.

But her being a few years younga than me, she couldn't always do that.

Me and Herb nem use to be at her Uncle Shaun's Trap, he always been like a big brotha to us. He actually use to be with ma sista when I was younga, They use to do business Togetha and what not.

I rememba he use to have stacks of money and fresh shoes and I always said I wanted to grow up and be like that. Years later once I was old enough, I ended up doin business and shit with him myself.

He one coo' dude and always keep it a buck fifty witcha that's why I fucks with him.

But he's not how I met Ar'mariah.

Mariahs family had moved next door to us before she was even born, I was at least two when they did.

Her Grandma even use to babysit me sometimes.

Then two months before I turned five, Ar'mariah was born, we even got a picture of me tryin to hold ha when she came home from the hospital.

Every since then we been tight.

Ion really trust people, especially females, not even my own Mama so it's kinda surprisin that I still kept Mariah in my life.

I guess you can say.... It's trust somewea'.

I pulled up to the place I was suppose to meet my manager and parked and got out.


"Killa.. Will you get off my head, PLEASE?" I asked Killa who was sitting on my Head.

My voice came out muffled buried in the Covers.

Teshera turned around yelling at Him.

"Lil G, getcho ass up NOW!"

He hopped right up and I sat up throwing my curls out of my face and fixing my hair laughing.

"Bad ass" she mumbled turning back around doing her hair.

I chuckled and he climbed into my lap and sat down like he was innocent.

After I got home from schoo' Teshera came and picked me up.

"Soo.. Shera..." I trailed off.

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