Chapter 11

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I watched Ari As she sat next to me Bobbin ha head to the music.

Her eyes were startin to get a lil low and she took her bomber jacket off, she was probably startin to feel the liquor.

She leaned over to me giggling. "Think I'm startin to feel the Moscato now"

"Weak Ass" I laughed at her. "It was only a little bit"

"Shut up" She said pushing me.

I took a sip of my Hennessy, since it was a special occasion, I decided to drink a lil. I only took a few sips and sat my cup back down.

I brung my phone out scrolling through Twitter and rested my arm on the back of the couch.

While Ari was on her phone, she laid back on my chest.

"Aww look at the couple" Squeak cooed.

Ari and I both smacked our lips.

"Shut up Short ass" Ari retorted.

"Don't pay him no mind, he just mad 'cause he a short lonely bastard" I said makin Ari laugh.

"Bitch shut yo Old ass up" Squeak Spat.

"I know I sound old and bitch? The hoes love it"

"Soundin like you need a damn treatment and some Jenny Craig."

Ari and the girls were Cryin laughin at this point.

"Hell yeah Ku, and a Waist Trainer!" Mally Chimed in standing up and smacking hands with Squeak.

"I'm not Fat You short fuck"

"Yo ass got a stomach tho" Mally eyes Glanced down at my stomach as he continued to laugh.

"Y'all leave him alone, I like his lil Gut" Ari said rubbin my Stomach.

Squeak rolled his eyes. "Of course you would"

I looked over to Gmoney who was noddin off on the couch.

"Look at this goofy ass nigga.." I shook my head.

"Lean got that nigga Gone!" Ari chuckled.

His head went back and he started snoring. I started recording him on my instasnap.

Goofy Ass Niggas😂😂

Ari Took my Hennessy off the table and finished it chasin it with some juice.

When she was done, she had the most sourest look on her face.

"Wooah slow down Ari" I told her placing my Hand on her shoulder.

"I'm good" She assured me. "I heard the dark liquor will fuck you up.. I just wanna test it out and see, if it does then I will never drink it again" She said shaking her head.

I chuckled shaking my head at her. This girl was just havin too much fun tonight.


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