Chapter 13

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"Look at the shark Kimani" Devin grabbed my hand lightly causing Butterflies to stir in my stomach.

I stared at him a small smile sitting on my face as his beautiful light eyes gazed at the sharks he very intrigued.

Even though I Loved seeing the fishes, I was more interested in him right now. His eyes had a sparkle to them and his plump two toned lips spread out into a contented smile. He was cuter than any fish here.

He looked to me catching my stare. I quickly looked away embarrassed. He chuckled as I stared at the fishes.

"Like the view?" He asked me.

"Of course I love the-" He placed his fingers under my chin turnin my face towards him..

"No this view"

My heart sped up as my stomach filled with butterflies. I had to refrain from going into a panic attack.

He chuckled sensing my tension. "Why you so shy?" He asked tilting his head.

"I.. I don't know" I shrugged.

"Its okay.. You can just relax around me and be yourself." He assured me with a smile.

I returned the warm smile. He was so sweet. "Thanks"

"No Problem"

I turned around and my eyes lit up as I gasped. "TURTLES" I squealed.

He laughed at my excitement.


"So My Lovely Friends came aaaalllll the way here to kick it with me BUT they get here and My Brothers steal them from me.. And they allowed it.. FUCK. ALL YALL!!" I was layin down on my bed on my Stomach my cheek smushed against the back of my hand as I made a Snapchat video.

I was once again left at home alone bored while the girls was out with the boys.

I captioned the video with:

Y'all some fuckers😒😭

It has been awhole 24 hours since Bibby pulled that whole lil scene yesterday and I hadn't talked to him since.

I wanted to go Over there and hang since I was bored but I was too stubborn and wanted to stay mad.

He had no reason to did what he did.

I turned to Austin who laid next to me halfway asleep.

"You wanna go Visit Brandon, Austin?" I said rubbing My Thumb on his head.

I sighed giving in. "Let's go Austy" I picked him up and carried him out the house and next door to Bibbys.

I knocked on the door hoping he was home.

Moments later he came to the door in a white tee and Some Red and Black plaited Pajama pants.

He looked at me, one side of his mouth pullin up into a small smirk. He Scoffed. I rolled my eyes and he turned around and walked away leavin me at the door.

I walked in and closed the door locking it and put Austin on the floor so he could run around.

I went to the back and found Bibby layin in his bed on his phone.

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