Chapter 26

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I pulled up to Jamiyahs house cutting my car off. The girls decided that they wanted to stay at Jamiyahs house while I go talk to Mario.

"Alright y'all, I'll be back in ten" I told them walking in the other direction.

"Okay" they said in unison.

I let out a shaky breath as I headed down to Marios house different scenarios playing in my head of how this could turn out. I knew for a fact that he wasn't goin to let this go easily.. D

Damn.. Maybe I should've listened to Bibby then I wouldn't of had to do this...

My stomach fluttered and my palms got sweaty as I stepped onto his porch. I knocked on his door, the rhythm of My heart beat going the same pace as my knock.

His friend Jock came to the door. I heard sniffling noises behind him. It threw me off.

Jock cleared his throat breaking my thoughts.

"Oh um hey Jock.. Is Mario here?"

"Yeah this nigga in he here." He glanced back and shook his head in disappointment and I didn't understand why. He looked at me and his eyes were speaking to me but I couldn't understand it. He stepped aside so I could step in. I walked in seeing Mario putting cocaine into baggies and setting them to the side.

I froze in place.

I know he wasn't doing what I think he was.

He looked up snubbing his nose at me. "Mmm" is all he said.

I walked over taking a seat on the couch next to him my heart racing again as I stared at him. Something was off about him but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Mario.. I.. I wanna talk." I spoke softly.

"Okay??" He raised his eyebrows.

"Look.. I'm sorry if you feel like I disrespected our relationship a few weeks ago but it wasn't what it looked like.." I paused shifting on the couch. His constant sniffling kept throwing me off.

"We were chasing each other shooting each other with fire works and I stopped in my tracks and turned around and told him I quit but he accidentally bumped into me and we fell." I explained.

"I thought y'all wasn't even coo' no more?" He said with An Attitude. I was so sick of him acting like this.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah we weren't but we put it to the side cause we too close for that"

He frowned at me. "Mario we grew up together geesh you know that" I rolled my eyes again.

"So what yall was into it fo'?" He asked.

He spoke again before I could even answer him. "He turned you down?" He tilted his head.

I furrowed my brows. "What?! No-"

"Got jealous cause he got a girl?" He continued with ridiculous questions cutting me off.

"No he doesn't have one-"

"He fucked you and stopped talkin to you?"

My eyes widen. I quickly looked down. "Mario it don't even matter now" I said shaking my head. I wasn't about to tell Me and Bibby's business, that between us.

"That's what it was Ari. I'm not stupid"

All of a sudden He leaned in kissing my neck. I Wasn't turned on not one bit.

I placed my hands on his chest stopping him. "Look Mario.. I came over here to talk"

He looked at me up and down like I was crazy. "I ain't had none every since I got witchu you think imma continue to wait on you?" I still hadn't had sex  with him yet, I just didn't feel comfortable with it for some reason. Good thing I didnt.

I frowned pushing him away. "What the hell Mario!?"

His facial expression hardened as he spoke sharply.

"So you can give yo pussy up to Bibby but not me?" I Stood up quickly.

"OKAY MARIO.  You are taking this shit a Little TOO Far now" I said shaking my head.

I was fed up with his shit and I think it was just best to gone head and tell him what I was here for.

"I wanted to tell you I think its best if we just go our separate ways" He stood up quickly intimidating me a bit. The look In his eyes were cold and scary.

"That nigga in ya ear ain't he?"

He walked up to me towering over me. My hands started to shake and I started stumbling over my words in fear. I knew At this moment he had sniffed that coke on the table, ain't no telling what he'd do to me.

"N-no, its just-" the back of his Hand connected with my cheek making me stumble back. I held on to my jaw, the sting still there.

I was fuming in anger now. Wasn't NO Nigga gone hit me and I do nothing about it.

I gained my balance and slapped him with all my might.

He stumbled and looked at me and laughed. "You bitch" Before I knew it, he had punched me right in the face.

The hit dazed me a little giving him the advantage to keep going. He took my Puff and yanked it pulling me down. I fell on all fours as he kicked me in my stomach.

I screamed out falling over holding stomach as pain shot through my whole body. While I was down, he hit me in my face twice. The metallic taste of blood filled my mouth and I just knew he busted my lip.

I looked up at him as he stood over me, I could see the black In his eyes, at that moment I didn't know who I was looking at. It wasn't Mario anymore but some kind of Monster.

While I had the chance I kicked him right in the balls. He doubled over groaning loudly. "FUCK!!"

I stood up wincing in pain. I looked around the room to hit him with something hard. I spotted a vase on the table. I grabbed it hitting him right across the head.

"BITCH!" I yelled kicking him on the ground. "HOW DARE YOU PUT YOUR HANDS ON ME?" My voice cracked as a tear rolled down my face. I was hurt, angry and disgusted all at the same time.

I hurried out the door as fast as I could.


It had been well over ten minutes and Ari wasn't back yet. Something in me didnt feel right. The air felt thick and my heart started beating fast. My conscious spoke to me.

Go outside.

I got up quickly. "Whats wrong Tan?" Kimani asked me.

I shook my head. "Sumn ain't right y'all..."

There was knock on the door causing us all to snap our heads towards the door. I ran to the door answering it Praying to see Ari. It was Maneski, Gmoney and Squeak. I let out a huff slipping past them and Gmoney grabbed my Wrist stopping me.

"What's wrong Baby?" He could tell by the look on my face I wasn't okay.

"Ion know G... I just feel... Funny" My eyes trailed off as my voice did. I looked down the sidewalk, the sight of Ari limping made my stomach turn.

I ran out to the sidewalk meeting her. "Ari!" I grabbed her face forcing her to look up at me. She had blood drippin from her Lip and nose. I gasped and almost cried.

"Ari what happened??"

Gmoney realized something was wrong and ran down the steps to my side.

"He beat me Tanny" Tears streamed down her face as her voice cracked. "But I didn't let him do it without putting up a fight"

I pulled her into me comforting her. I was emitting with anger.. Mario was a Bitch for even laying a hand on a woman.

I jumped to the tone of Gmoneys voice. "FUCKIN BITCH ASS NIGGA" like me, He was beyond upset. He rushed into the house to tell the boys.

Mario had really put his hands on the wrong female. She had a bunch of Males behind her back from her Uncles to NL.

Mario was in for a rude fuckin awakening.

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