Chapter 25

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"Uh, fuck! Can you start that again please?" I asked removing the headphone from one of my ears.

Last night had fucked up my whole mood and it was startin to interfere with my work. I couldnt focus for shit, I was still livid about Ari dating Mario.

What the fuck was she thinkin?

She didnt know what she was getting herself into, I knew Mario way before she did.

Mario was about twelve when I met him. He was having problems in his household and he turned into a lil troubled kid. He use to Always get teased because of his ripped clothes and dirty shoes. He had no friends but that didn't even matter to him. He was just lookin for some older niggas to take him in under their wing since his daddy wasn't in his life. Kobe felt bad for the little nigga and allowed him into the brotha pack but I always felt a lil funny about him. Some about him just didn't sit right with me.

When it was time to pop at niggas and shit, he was no where to be found until after the shit had went down. EVERY. TIME. And it was always some niggas after him, way older than his lil ass. But we always took care of it for him and every time we did, we turn around and he back into it with Some mo' niggas.

Kobe dope was starting to come up short and he was clueless to where it was goin. He always made sure he double checked by puttin the The bags on the scale, TWICE before he put it up, So he wasn't just trippin. Then all of a sudden Mario started coming up with new J's and pants and shit outta nowhere. Kobe finally figured out it was Mario that was stealin his dope and beat his ass and we kicked him out of NLMB.

Mario started rockin with some niggas that we didn't even like and had the niggas confront us about beatin his ass. Lets just say a few of them niggas that came to approach us didn't leave walkin but instead In body bags.

Then We decided to let the shit go. Mario was just a lil scary ass lil boy, he wasn't even worth it. Everything had died down until about two years later.

It was Gmoney's birthday and we was on the block at about four in the morning just kickin it. Kobe decided to gone head and go home. Not even a whole five minutes had passed before we heard shots. We ran around the corner to see Kobe Lifeless body layin on the sidewalk blood leaking from His head and body. That shit fucked me up bad man. We was Just on the corner tweakin and shit and now he was gone.

Turns out the leader of the lil "gang" Mario was hanging with got out of jail and still wanted revenge and shot at Kobe killn him. Before we could even get back at that nigga, Mario went to the Police station running his mouth.

We caught him a few days later. He begged for his life as we pulled our guns out. "I swear I ain't have him do that, I told him not to but he wanted to do the stupid shit anyway! So that's why I went to the police station, no matter what I still had love for my nigga Kobe-"

I hit him right in the mouth with my Piece bussin his shit wide open. Kobe was Neva His Nigga and it pissed Me off to hear that lie past his lips.

We decided to spare His life cause at the end of the day he was a pussy. He didnt have it in him to have Kobe killed.

Mario was a damn snitch and a was a snake ass bitch and he couldn't ever be trusted.

I just wish Ari Hard headed ass would open her eyes and REALIZE That.

I shook the thought away as the beat Came back on. All I need to be worried bout right now is Free Crack 4.


Two weeks later......

I sat on my bed slumped over as I let my thoughts take over me. It seemed like I could never catch a break. I hadn't heard from or seen Bibby Or Mario since the fourth.

But In these last two weeks, I had a lot of time to think to myself and figure things out. Mario was a sweet guy and very cute but... I realized Mario ain't where my Heart is... It was with Bibby.. HE was my Everything.

I was gonna make things right between Bibby and I again. With Mario being my Boyfriend, I'd have to sit down and talk to him About it. I didn't even care if he calls me a traitor or anything, I know the truth.

I slipped on my shoes walkin into the kitchen where the girls were. I wanted them to ride with me to go see Mario. I had a funny feeling about goin by myself.

"Girls... I'm goin to see Mario and I want y'all to go with me." I said grabbing my keys off the kitchen counter.

"Aight let's roll." Tanya said.


"So you trynna fix things between y'all?" Kimani asked as my eyes were focused on the dark roads my headlights lit up.

I shrugged. "Mmm. I'm... Ending the relationship" I replied. All three of them started clapping as Mylin Screeched.

As I stopped at a red light, I looked around at them while frowning. "Well damn, I see how much y'all supported my Relationship" I said sarcastically Rollin my eyes.

"I mean y'all was cute but. You know Bibby is where you belong" Tanya spoke. I nodded at her words cause they were honestly true. Bibby is the only person who made me feel a way that I couldn't even explain. The love I had for him was out of this world.

"I knew this relationship wouldn't last long" Kimani admitted shakin her head.

"Hell yeah!" Tanya took a small pause. "She know who daddy is"

We all started laughing as I pulled off from the green light.

"You play too much Tanny" I said shaking my head.

"Shit.. Obviously I was right 'cause you ain't trynna correct me." She said cockily.

I shrugged. "Maybe." We all started laughing again.

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