Chapter 21

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"I never thought that loving you would cause me pain
I'll never put a man before myself again
You shoulda told me that you was uncertain
"This ain't what I wanted, this ain't working."
You was dead ass my baby, loved the shit out of you crazy
Shit is crazy how you could just turn around and try to play me
Boy, I know that we been going through some things
But just keep it real is all I'm saying" I sung along to Sydney Renae How you gonna remix.

"I was the one loving you, I was the one cuffing you, Call me when you need me, I was the one coming through. Why didn't you believe in us? How come you just couldn't love?
It wasn't that you didn't care
You just wasn't good enough, How you gonna up and leave like that? When I gave you all I had I gave you the real me Told you all my feelings And you gonna turn around and front like you don't feel me I put that on my life that I ain't see this coming Opened up my heart I should've never let you come in
But I wish you well though
That's all I could tell you Maybe in your next life you'll find everything you wanted" I had my "In My Feelings" Playlist on.

Ann Marie "On My Mind" was up next Then after that "Deep" by Auburn. I was officially in my feelings about Bibby.

What the girls said yesterday really was fuckin with me, had all kinda questions going through my head.

Am I even that into Mario? Am I just using Him?

Do Bibby really miss me like everybody sayin?

Do I want him?


I huffed loudly turning over from my stomach to my Back and stared up at the ceiling.

These constant thoughts were killing me, I just wanted to forget about everything . I never thought that Me and Bibby's relationship would be this fuckin complicated or it would even come to this point.

If I had never slept with him that night everything would've been fine.. Everything... We'd still be talkin and I'd probably wouldn't of been with Mario but Life would've been a little easier.

I needed to get out and get some fresh air. I slipped on my fuzzy house slippers and went outside.


I slid my Hand down my face sighing. I couldn't stop thinking about Ar'mariah and being In this damn house all alone didn't make it no better.

I got up and slipped on my Nike Slides and stepped outside. I inhaled the fresh summers air. Summer has always been my favorite time of the year especially when I was a kid. You could play out all day and when the ice cream truck came down the street man all the kids would be chasing it.

The memory lingered in my mind a little longer as I smiled. Even though I was goin through some shit in my house, when I went outside and played, I forgot about em for a Lil while.

I heard a door opening and closing crashing my thoughts quickly. I looked up to see Ar'mariah sitting on the steps, she sighed loudly. Stress was written all over her face.

It was killing me silently just seeing her. I really fucked up.

It was only us two out hea'.. This was the perfect time to talk to her. She looked up at me noticing me.

Without thinking, I walked over there. She tensed up the closer I got.

"Hey" I spoke. She looked ahead. "Hey" She responded.

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