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"Ah, yes, this is the place," Phil says as he gestures towards Ted's Whatever.

Dan raises his eyebrows, "Why did we need to take a walk to Ricky's dad's department store?"

Phil smiles, "Well, I have to meet Ricky. He's a very important person in your life."

Dan sighs, and tries not to frown. For some reason he feels very against Phil meeting Ricky. Every bone in his body thinks it's a bad idea, and he doesn't want to let it happen.

"Phil, you already know who Ricky is, so you really don't have to meet him. Can't we just head down to Henderson's, and try to find me love there?" Dan suggests.

Phil shakes his head, "No, we can't. I'm required to meet Ricky whether it's with you, or not. And I know you don't want me meeting him because you like him and you're attracted to me, but honestly it's not a good enough reason to completely destroy your love life."

"That's not the reason I don't want you to meet him," Dan says defensively.

Yes, it is.

Phil stares at Dan like he's trying to feel something he can't, "I am not an idiot, Dan. You don't have to worry about this meeting though. He won't remember it when I leave, and neither will you."

Dan let's out a long sigh, "Okay, fine. But please, don't mention anything about how we met. Let me do all of the talking if he asks about us."

Phil nods, "Yes, I would've guessed you would prefer to be the center of attention anyway."

Dan gapes at him as Phil walks into the store, not even knowing how sassy he sounded, and Dan follows after with his mouth still hung open.

Ricky comes out from the back of the store with a smile on his face. He sees Dan and Phil and furrows his eyebrows, "Um, hi, Dan...who's this?"

Dan smiles, "Oh, this is my friend, Phil. We met a couple weeks ago at my job. He was a customer. Tipped very well."

Ricky grins at Phil, "Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Ricky Davis," he says holding out his hand.

Phil stares at the hand and looks up Ricky confusedly, "Uh, what is that for?"

Dan mentally face palms himself as Ricky tilted his head in confusion, "Have you never shook someone's hand in greeting before?"

Phil raises his eyebrows, "Why would I shake the body part of a human as a way of formally greeting them?"

Dan is sure that his plan of convincing anyone Phil is human is destroyed until he hears Ricky laugh and recoil his hand, "Wow, you're funny, man. I like you," Ricky says.

Dan let's out a breath of relief, "Well, I'm glad that you do. Phil will be staying with me for a while. His house is being...renovated."

Ricky nods, "Oh, that's cool. What do you do for a living to afford an entire renovation?"

Phil smiled, "I am a healer and a guardian."

Ricky looked confused so Dan immediately stepped in, "What he means is that he's a...Doctor. Yeah, he heals people and protects them from getting worse."

Ricky smiled, "Wow, so you must be rich. That's cool, that's cool. What type of doctor are you?"

Phil frowned, "Well, I help all of Gods children..."

Dan started to fake a laugh and shake his head, "He's just exaggerating. He does work with children though. He's a pediatrician."

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