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"Are angels supposed to feel desire?" Dan asked.

"No," Phil replied.

"Then why did you have-"

"I don't know."

Dan took a deep breath, "Am I causing you to fail your mission?"

"What do you mean?"

"Am I turning you human?"

"It seems like it. But...I don't mind."

"Phil, I'm not worth your life as an angel. You've already lived, and died, and if you become human you'll go through the whole thing again."

"You may not think you're worth it, but I think you're worth everything. I would gladly give up my job as an angel to stay with you."

"Are you even allowed to think like that?"

"No, but it's true."

"Why am I worth it?"

"Because I love you."

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I do."

"You couldn't even love until now!" Dan exclaimed, but not too loudly, "And I have a feeling you just think you do, because that's exactly what it's like the first time you 'fall in love.'"

"Don't speak to me about love, Dan," Phil said firmly, "I am a Cupid, I know better than anyone what it looks like and God, I can't even think of anything but you."

"I'm all you see!" Dan defended.

"And all I want," Phil said.

"I...please don't say that you love me. How could you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know that you're going to have to leave me, Phil, so why would you tell me you love me? Is it to hurt me? Do you want me in tears when you go? Even when I forget you, you made me promise to remember your face, and what will you do then? Are you just going to watch me in love with somebody else while also in love with me?"

"I can't help it," Phil said, "I can't help that you're just...amazing."

Dan shook his head, "Don't make me love you, Phil."

"I'm sorry, I'm aware that it's wrong," Phil said quietly, "But you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, and I've been to heaven."


The morning was not a normal morning in the summer. It was raining, pouring actually, turning the sky a dark cloudy grey. Dan stared at the window, Phil next to him but staring at the ceiling. Phil hadn't fallen asleep last night after what happened, but Dan had. Right on his chest, which made Phil cry for a reason he couldn't place. It just made him think that finally, finally, he had something he loved.

But today was not happy, it was just grey. It stormed, when their argument ended, and Dan had just gone silent at the sound of rain, crawling onto Phil's chest and falling asleep. It still rained.

"I feel brand new," Dan said quietly, breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?" Phil asked.

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