chapter 1

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Hey guys hope you enjoy i dont own black butler or you so please do not criticize now on with the story

heres some key things to remember:

Y/n - your name

y/l/n - your last name

y/f/c - your fav colour

e/c - your eye colour

y/m/n - your mothers name

y/f/n - yuor fathers name

btw this is your butler/ maid also she is a demon not a reaper

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btw this is your butler/ maid also she is a demon not a reaper


your pov:

"mistress y/n its time to get up" Yvonne says as bright light floods my room. "what time is it Yvonne?" I ask as I sit up. "well it is 7am young mistress." she says as she gets my red and black dress out. "what is on the agenda today." I ask Yvonne as she slips my dress over my head. "well you have a letter from the queen which probably indicates another mission." she says whilst brushing my hair. "ok when i am eating i wold like the letter. anyway what is for breakfast." i say after getting up and walking over to the door where Yvonne opens it. "well young mistress you have poached eggs with baccon, sausage and fried bread." she says following me down the stairs.

~meanwhile in the phantomhive manor ~

"young master it is time for you to wake up." sebastian says whilst opening the curtains. "what time is it." ceil asks harshly whilst rubbing his eyes. "well master it is exactly 7 am." sebastian says "what is my time table today sebastian." he says whilst sebastian dresses him. "well today sir you have nothing planned although the letter from the queen may change it." sebastian says as ceil starts to walk to the dinning room. "well then hand me the letter and tell me what is for breakfast." ceil says in a demanding tone. "as you wish master. today you have deep fried dough sticks with a side of soya bean milk." sebastian says as he hands ceil the letter and places his food out on the table infront of him.

~back at your manor~

still your pov:

"would you like me to read the letter out for you mistress." yvonne asks me as i start to eat my breakfast ."why yes please " i say with a mouthful. "young mistress i must advise you not to speak with you mouth full." she says "DID YOU JUST TELL ME HOW I SHOULD EAT AND TALK? LET ME JUST REMIND YOU WHO IS IN CHARGE HERE!" I shout as I haven't been told how to talk and act ever since my parents died. If it wasnt for yvonne i would be dead as well.


"y/n run, run forever and dont look back!" my father says as he tries to stop my mothers wound from bleeding. but i dont listen i just run up to mother "mummy whats wrong? why is daddy telling me to run?" i ask with fear coating my words. "y/n darling do as your father says, the bad people are coming i dont have long now go" her voice barely a whisper "no y/m/n dont leave us stay with me, try to keep your eyes open" my father says just as a sound of a gun is heard from behind my dad. "daddy are you ok" i shout as i run towards him, just as i run towards him he colapses on his face and doesnt get up. this makes me panic and run toward the door and run out in the snow only in the dress i had gotten a few hours ago from mommy and daddy for Christmas. "Get the girl remember no witnesses!" a strange man says as four men start chasing me.

when i think that i am far enough from the house i look back to see rubble instead of what was once my home dissapeard along with my happiness, childhood memories and my smile

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when i think that i am far enough from the house i look back to see rubble instead of what was once my home dissapeard along with my happiness, childhood memories and my smile. as i walk futher my lungs are screaming at me to stop. "there she is." one of the men says as he points to my hiding place. before I can run or scream a cold object presumably a gun is pressed into my neck. "And what do we have here tw grown adults holding a gun up to a helpless seven year old shame on you. why don't I help even out the fight" a voice says from above us. "wait where are you and who are you!?" one of the men says trembling whilst trying to act tough. "me why I am no one special but I can sense that you are scared." the woman says whilst jumping down from the rooftop in front of us. this scares the killers and they make a sharp exit. "where are your parents little one." the woman says as she bends down to my level. "my p. p. p.parents are dead." I said dropping on the ground exhausted from running. "well child would you like to form a contract with me. I indeed say you wont regret it." she says as she picks me up bridle style. "what kind of contract." I ask wanting to know more. "I'll tell you more when you have recovered from todays exhilaration." she whispers as my eye sight starts to go black.

~end of flashback~

still your pov:

"y/n.... y/n are you ok mistress you blanked out for a while then. are you not feeling well?" Yvonne says as she presses her hand on my forehead. "on I am in good health just another flashback." I say as I start eating. "well mistress I was asking are you well enough to still hold the ball?" she asks. "why yes of course I am. I want to get this murder case over as soon as possible and the under taker said that the murders happened to females who throw the balls so this is the easiest way to catch him or her." I say as I finish eating. "well miss would you like me to read the letter now?" Yvonne asks me in reply I nod "Dear y/n my guardian angel, I am writing to you to say that I am troubled by your work as I have not received any progress letters from you so I am sending my loyal guard dog to check on you he should be at your manor tomorrow at twelve thirty. yours sincerely HRH." As Yvonne finishes reading I am left with rage. "WHY DOESNT HER HIGHNESS TRUST ME!" I shout as I send my chair flying behind me. " I guess that the letter has left you angered mistress yes?" Yvonne says in her usual calm tone.

~at the Phantomhive manor~

Ceil's pov:

"sir do you whish for me to read the letter for you?" my butler asks me. "no I would not Sebastian now pass me my letter will you." I ask harshly making sure that he still know his place. "as you whish master." he says handing me the letter. "dear Ceil my loyal guard dog, I am writing to you as I am troubled by one of my other workers she has not reported back to me on her progress she has made. this troubles me as her code name is my guardian angle she got this code name as she has never failed me until now so I want you to help her on this case. you are to go to the y/l/n manor tomorrow and be there by twelve thirty. she will be expecting you unless she is dead or missing. good luck Ceil your sincerely HRH" I read. "WHAT THE HELL, SHE FUCKING EXPECTS ME TO RUN ABOUT AFTER SOME ONE ELSE. AND THAT SOMEONE ELSE IS A GIRL THIS IS PORPOSTRIOUS." I shout sending yet another tea set on the floor. "my, my is my master having a temper tantrum. such a shame means I need to get another tea set. nether mind." Sebastian says as he cleans up the now smashed tea set. "I WAS NOT HAVING A TANTRUM I AM SIMPLY ANNOYED." I shout whilst slapping Sebastian around the face which earned me a growl. "very well sir what ever you say." he reply's stupid demon.

~ back at your manor~

your pov:

"this wont do and anyway who in the devils name is her royal highnesses loyal guard dog. Never mind Yvonne find out who the queens gaurd dog is and give him this letter I want it done by dinner time. that is an order " I say whilst scribbling on a piece of paper informing him that I will be having a ball that night and he is to attend.

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