chapter 8

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hey guys sorry that my last chapter was really short but I plan on making this one longer

your pov:

As I get out of the carriage I hear gasps around me, along with whispers. "who is that?" one asks to witch someone answers. "Isn't that the sugar cookie sweet shop owner?" one answers whilst questioning themselves at the same time. "Yvonne why don't I tell the people who I am?" I ask. "why yes I think that it would be the best thing to do." she said as she started quieting the crowed. "Everyone as you are wandering who I am well let me tell you. I am the owner and creator of sugar cookies sweet shop and from now on this company will not just be selling sweets anymore we will be selling toys at reasonable prices so normal people not just no nobles can afford  them. I will also be thinking of hiring more people for the making and selling of my products. therefore if you are in need of a job then please wait for further information which will be posted outside this very door in a few days time." I say to the crowed with confidence, after that I spun around on my heal and headed into my shop. "why hello welcome to sugar cookie sweet shop what can I get you today." a kind voice asks as I look up I see a two boys with smiles on their faces as they look at me. 

"why yes I am the owner of this company I wish to speak to the person in charge

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"why yes I am the owner of this company I wish to speak to the person in charge." I say as they look at me with shock written on their faces. this time Yvonne talks. "excuse me gentlemen but as my mistress said she would like to speak to the ones in charge of her shop." Yvonne says which snaps the boys out of their daze. "well miss you are look at them." the one with the black waist coat says. "very well I would like to talk to you  so please can you shut the shop for a while?" I ask "of course" they say. as they start to lock the doors a little girl comes running in.

"Matthew, Charley  why are you closing up early?" the little girl asks

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"Matthew, Charley  why are you closing up early?" the little girl asks. "Umm, Lilly what are you doing here?" the boy in the brown waist coat said. "Well I heard the doors lock so I was wandering why so I came to check it out." the little girl called Lilly said oblivious of my presents in the room until she turned around. "Oh gosh I am so sorry ma'am I didn't see you there." she said bowing her head in shame. "that's ok don't worry about it?" I say giving her a fake yet warm looking smile. "Wow miss you look really pretty." Lilly says as she skips around the room which has become a bit too crowded for my liking. "um is it alright if we go into the back room where there is more room?" I ask. "of course also we never got your name?" the boy in the black waist coat said. "why yes how silly of me, I am y/f/n (your full name) also you didn't introduce yourselves either all I know that there is a boy called Charley and a boy called Matthew and a adorable girl called Lilly." I say, to this the ne in the brown waist coat steps forward. "Will Miss y/l/n I am Charley and this is my younger twin Mathew." he says with a charming smile whilst pointing to his younger twin, with this I let a small giggle pass my lips. "well  then shall we go to the back room?" I ask. "yay we have guests." Lilly  says as she grabs my hand in hers and drags me to the back room, with the twins chasing after us. once we get to the back room I see a few chairs and  a lot of boxes. after taking a glance around the room I turn to the boys. "If you don't mind but can I please know your ages?" I ask wanting to know them more. "well me and charley are both 14 and Lilly is.." Matthew says but is interrupted by Lilly who shouts "IM SEVEN." This makes us all laugh at her cuteness as she jumps into my arms for some reason making me lose my balance and fall backward thankfully I land on a soft sack. "oh my gosh are you ok?" Matthew asks as he picks Lilly up off of me. "I'm fine nothing to worry about" I say "Lilly you know better than to jump into a noble god knows what would happen If you hurt her." Charley says as Lilly looks down  in shame. "Don't worry about it I wouldn't charge you at all I can see that Lilly meant no harm towards me so no big deal." I say. "so what was it you wanted to talk to us about?" Charley ask as he pick up Lilly and holds  her in his arms. "well I came here to check up on you and I see that you are doing a fantastic job, however I also came here to ask you how would you feel about selling toys as well as sweets?" I  ask. "well that's fine but if you don't mind me questioning why do you want to sell toys as well as sweets?" Matthew asks. "well I am trying to outrun someone in a similar business I think you would have hear of the company its called funtom." I say, this of course makes the boys gasp in shock. " But miss no one has ever succeeded beating the funtom company." Charley exclaims. " Well I'll be the first then" I say. "Well if you think that you can do it then we are right behind you all the way." Matthew says to which I just 'smile' and nod my head. "Thank you, you are too kind." I say. "charley I hungry." Lilly says. "sorry Lilly but we don't have enough food right now." this makes me gasp. "why on earth don't you have enough food?" I ask. "well you see we both want Lilly to have a good life ahead of her so we sometimes use our work money to send her to school." Matthew says. "if you don't mind me asking but where do you live?" I ask. "well we live here at the moment." again I gasp. " that will simply not do why don't you come and live with me you can still work here if you want but if you chose not to work here that's fine you can stay at my mansion as long as you wish." I say. "you are too kind we cannot accept that offer anyways what will happen about Lilly's schooling?" Charley asks. "well Yvonne or one of my servants can teach her." I say. "let me talk to my brother for a second." Matthew says as he drags charley who is still holding Lilly out of the room, leaving me and Yvonne in awkward silence.

Matthew's Pov:

"what do you think do you think? Do you think we can trust her?" I ask. "for what it is worth brother we cant let this opportunity slip out of our grasp." Charley says as he bounces Lilly in his arms. "I guess that you are right, she is simply too nice to be like the others." I say as a light blush  creeps onto my cheeks. "aww does my brother have a little crush." Charley teases as he pinches my cheeks. "will you quit that it is really annoying." I say as I swat hid hands out of the way. "Fine lets go back and tell her the news then, wait up are we going to continue working or are we going to become completely dependant on her?" Charley asks. "sugar I forgot about that why don't we work for a little while longer and once y/n has found someone to take over from us then we will stop working hopefully by then we will be able to know weather we can or can  not trust he." I say which earns a nod from charley. " then its settled lets go and tell her then." I say as we walk out. As the door opens I see y/n look up. "so have you two come to a conclusion then?" she asks "yes we have Charley says. "and that would be?" she asks. "we shall come and live with you." I say "however we shall work till you have found a suitable replacement for us." Charley says. "then it is settled welcome to the y/l/n family." y/n says as she looks at Yvonne whos expression hasn't changed since they walked through the door. "well me and Yvonne shall pick you up in a hours time I hope that gives you time to pack." she says as she start to head out.  "that should be fine umm" I pause thinking of what to call her. " Call me y/n no need for formalities." she says and exits the shop. "well that was interesting." Charley says as we stand there and chuckle.

what do you guys think happened  Charley and Matthew. will you find out or will they keep it from you.

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