chapter 5

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your pov:

"why does my head hurt?" I ask as I rub my eyes but there is no answer .  "wait where am I?" I ask again there is no answer. panicking a little I turn my head to see if I can get a better view of where I am, nothing all I can see is blackness I continue trying to look around until I hear footsteps I'm frozen I have no clue why I've never frozen in situations like this before so why now. " ahh I see that my little princess has awoken yes?" I hear a voice that could be mistaken for someone who is innocent. "where am I?" I ask again but my voice comes out with a harsh tone. "ah, ah, ah we don't want to be using that tone now  do we." he says as his face nears mine as I can feel his breath blowing against my lips. " It's a shame that you have to be  sold  pure but I don't think anyone will notice if the package is damaged a little, now will they?" he asks to himself as his breath tickles my neck. "who are you?" I ask in my usual tone. "well my name is Yutaka Fukuzawa but I am sure that you know what name I go by." wait so he's the deathly dancer. "so Yutaka what are you getting from this?" I ask. " that is none of your business. now you must be hungry." he say. " as a matter of fact I am not hungry thank you." I say as I shift my position to where I am sat with my legs crossed. "well then every time you say no or disobey me I will undo you pretty little dress so ill ask are you sure your not hungry?" he asks as his voice rises a little " I am sorry but no I'm not." I say smugly testing his patients "very well then you have left me with no choice." he says as he reaches behind my back and unzips my dress a little. "I'm going to ask again are you sure your not hungry?" he says with anger in his voice. "as I said before I am not hungry." again my dress is unzipped so it is now half way down. " fine then lets see if this punishment will change your mind." he says into my ear as a hand slips up  my dress. "nooo please wait I change my mind I think I would like some food now" I say as he pulls his hand away "very well but before I go lets get rid of that dress." he says as he slips my dress all the way off leaving my in my undergarments. once he has left I push my knees up so they are in my chest.

 once he has left I push my knees up so they are in my chest

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"Yvonne come and get me now please." I say in a hushed whisper. not a moment later  I hear a scream in  pain. This makes me smile, once the screaming dies down Yvonne starts to walk over to me. "Took you long enough" I said as she slips my dess over my head and ties it. "Sorry mistress but there were complications to getting to you." She said "but it wasn't to hard for you now was it?" I ask as she picks me up. "No mistress it wasn't. And do you wish to do the honers on closing this case." She says "yep. This case is offisually closed." I say and giggle at the end. "Well mistress let us get you home." Yvonne says as she jumps from rooftop to rooftop.
~back at the maner~
Your POV:
As we arrive all the servants run out. "Mistress are you alright we we're all so worried!"   Yumi says as she runs towards me, but stopes all of a sudden looking awestruck along with the other sevants. " um is everything OK there and what are you looking at?" I ask a little freaked out with all of the attention. "Umm well we were think that you look so cute with Yvonne carrying you like a baby." Shin says. "Yvonne can you put me down please?" I ask but Yvonne doesn't put me down. "Sorry mistress but you are too adorable to put down right now." She says ohh right Yvonne loves cute things. Great "fine then just take me to my room and be done with it." I say getting pissed off. "Of course mistress." Yvonne says and start walking please say that the phantomhive kid has gone. "Sorry to say this but lord phabtomhive insisted on staying till you get back." Yvonne says. "God dammit." I say hoping that ciel doesn't see me like this but it looks like nothing is going my way. " Y/n your safe thank goodness,  think of what the queen would say if you were killed." Ciel says as he walks down the sators. "Yes indeed that would be dreadful." I say as Yvonne continues to walk. "I am going to freshen up then I'll be in my study if there is anything you need." I say as Yvonne wlaks up the stairs. "mistress the bath tub is ready for you." Yvonne says snapping me out of my daze. " thank you Yvonne you are free to do what ever you wish to do until I am out of the bath I do not wish for any help." I say as I  let my bathrobe slip of my shoulders onto the floor. "very well mistress." she says as she leave. "finally..." I sigh as I sink into the pleasant water. "at least I get some time to my self I say as I start rubbing soap into my hair. As I wash the soap out of my hair there is a nock at the door. " who is it?" I ask. " Its Ciel." he says what on earth is he doing in my room and what does he want. " what do you want Ciel?" I ask peace and quite doesn't come often and when I have it, it never really lasts so I try and enjoy it as much as I can. " I just wanted to check that you are ok." Ciel says innocently. "ok well you know that I'm ok now so can you please leave?" I asked getting a bit pissed off. "yes of course I 'll leave now."  he says and walks away. once I finish up getting  washed I dry my self and slip on a simple dress

 once I finish up getting  washed I dry my self and slip on a simple dress

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and walk out of the bathroom and head to my study when I get there I see Ciel sipping his tea looking out of the window deep in thought

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and walk out of the bathroom and head to my study when I get there I see Ciel sipping his tea looking out of the window deep in thought. "hello  Ciel you ok?" I ask as I walk over to my desk chair and sit down waiting for Ciel to answer. " yes I am, the more important question is are you alright, you know you being your sex you are more vulnerable to the opposite sex." Ciel says still looking out of the window. "excuse me but I am letting you stay here on behalf of the queen. so who do you think you are to think that it is alright for you to come in here and say that I am more vulnerable because I am female!" I shout slamming my hands on the desk.  "Well I have every right to say what I think and I don't think that you should be doing what you are doing. You should be sipping tea with you friends not going around solving crimes for the queen that can get you injured yet alone dead." Ciel says standing up as well. "Don't you dare tell me what to do get out of my home now." Im shouting at the top of my voice now. "Y/n calm down please be reasonable." Ciel says trying to calm me down wrong choice. "Never tell me or any woman to calm down." I say raising my voice again. At this point Yvonne walks in hearing the commotion."lord phantomhive I suggest that you leave now before my mistress gets too angry and does something  that everyone will regret." Yvonne says in a calm matter "very well but only because your butler said it would be best, although I am still saying that you should defiantly rethink about what you have gotten yourself into." That was the final straw I grabbed the nearest thing to me which was a book and launched it at ciel which hit him in the back of the head which nocled him down yes shot. " well the miss y/l/n you have chosen your side and so have i. Good day to you" ciel said as he shouted for Sebastian and a few seconds later they we're in their carriage and were off. Thank goodness for that I think as I let out a few shakey breaths.

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